



美式发音: [ˈeldər] 英式发音: [ˈeldə(r)]




复数:elders  搭配同义词

adj.+n.elder brother,elder sister,elder son,elder daughter,elder kim





adj.1.older than someone, especially someone in your family; the person who is older, especially of two people in the same family

n.1.someone in your family or community who is older than you; an older and more experienced member of a group or organization who gives advice and makes decisions; a member of a Christian church or other repgious organization who is not a priest but who is in a position of authority2.a small tree with black berriessmall round fruit

1.长老 ... 父子〖 fatherandson〗 父老elders(ofacountryordistrict)〗 父辈〖 malerelativeofaseniorgeneration〗 ...

3.长辈 relative 亲戚 elders 长辈 亲戚朋友 one's relatives and friends; ...

4.年长者 duties dutiesn. 关税 elders n. 年长者, 老人, 父辈 sluts n. 荡妇, 懒妇, 母狗 ...

5.老人 duties dutiesn. 关税 elders n. 年长者, 老人, 父辈 sluts n. 荡妇, 懒妇, 母狗 ...

6.尊长 Being good at fighting( 善格) Elders( 尊长) Root( 根元) ...

7.长老们洗礼前几天需要长老们(elders)对你进行一些问题的提问还有个人信息的登记,再次确认你是否真正愿意接受上帝的福音。受洗 …


1.When he took his leave, late in the evening, from the mujps of our elders, I would buttonhole and drag him to our school room.当他在傍晚从长者那里离开时,我会把他强拉入学校。

2.but I do not turn for protection to dreary cpches about respect for elders-as if mere age were a reason for respect.但我不会而求助于尊重长辈之类的陈词滥调-似乎只要年老受到尊重的理由。

3.Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.你们中间有病了的呢,他就该请教会的长老来;他们可以奉主的名用油抹他,为他祷告。

4.The elders all agree that marriage, as God designed it, is vastly more serious and sacred than our culture makes it out to be.长老们都一致同意,神所设计的婚姻比我们的文化所体现出来的样式严肃和神圣得多。

5.Don't you think it a matter of course to respect our elders?难道你不认为尊敬长辈是天经地义的事吗?

6.The elders quietly reminded me that the men could shoot me at a moment's notice, but I refused to back down.年长者们轻声提醒我说,这些人可能会当场枪毙我,但我拒不让步。

7.When he flees to one of these cities, he is to stand in the entrance of the city gate and state his case before the elders of that city.那杀人的要逃到这些城中的一座城,站在城门口,将他的事情说给城内的长老们听。

8.The office room of our elders was a sort of club where laughter and conversation were freely mixed with matters of business.我们的长辈们的办公室有点像俱乐部,欢声笑语和交谈正经事完全混在一起。

9.and unreasonable, it was also unconstitutional. It also exhibits the elders gross abuse of authority and attempt to lord it over the saints.这个要求要求不但不符合圣经,也没有道理,也是违(宪)法的。它也显明,长老的滥用权柄,及对圣徒们的辖制。

10.Like the elders or nobles, we are afraid to stand up for fear of men, and just follow what people do.像那些长老贵胄那样,我们不敢站稳立场,因为害怕他人,并只是盲目地跟随别人。