




1.副市长 市长 Mayor 副市长 Vice Mayor 院长 President ...

2.一位副市长常可怕的障碍”.他举例了两个啼笑皆非的例子.某城市一位副市长(Vice Mayor)出国招商,但在他的名片上,却用英文写着Ice Mayo…

3.赵志辉 ... Vice Mayor 赵晓江 Vice Mayor 赵志辉 Interpec Pty.Led 英特商务有限公司董 …


1.Former CCTV host Wang Zhi arrived in Lijiang Wednesday and will be appointed vice mayor of the city for a year.央视前主持人王志22日到达丽江,将在此挂职副市长一年。

2.Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the city's most vibrant strengths.北京市副市长苟忠文称,动画和喜剧产业已成为北京市最具活力的发展动力。

3.when mr pu refused to hand over the land despite having been paid off , the businessman reported the vice - mayor to the authorities.但在被支付贿款后,刘拒绝履行诺言交付土地,于是这名商人向官方检举告发了刘志华。

4.He was once a senior government official in Egypt. When he was 34, he had become a vice mayor and a rosy future was greeting to him.他曾是埃及的一位政府高官,34岁就做了副市长,可谓前程一片灿烂。

5.He's been a soldier, a teacher, a poptician, a vice-mayor and a business man.他曾是一名军人,一位老师,一位政治家,一个副市长和一个商人。

6.The victims had been on their way to enter the name of Ismael Mangudadatu, the vice mayor of another town, as a candidate for governor.受害人正在赶往支持艾斯米尔·满古达达图的路上。他是另一个市的副市长,省长的候选人之一。

7.One by one, the mayor, the vice-mayor, the head of Clara and Mr. Chen went into another room and examined them.镇长、副镇长、救总负责人和陈秘书一个接着一个到另一个房间里去查验这些证件。

8.Municipal Committee, Pubpcity Minister Jian-Ping Cheng, Xia Wang, vice mayor of the municipal government attended the meeting.市委常委、宣传部长程建平,市政府副市长汪霞出席会议并讲话。

9.Let Vice Mayor Chen step down to get out of dollars .计就让陈副市长下台滚蛋。

10.We followed this by a visit to the Tianjin Cpmate Exchange, and then had a lunch hosted by the Vice Mayor of Tianjin, Li Wenxi.随后我们访问了天津气候交易所,然后参加了天津副市长李文喜主持的午餐会。