



美式发音: [bɜː(r)st] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)stɪŋ]




第三人称单数:bursts  现在分词:bursting  同义词反义词






1.[i][t](使)爆裂,胀开to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make sth break in this way

That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.你再给气球充气,它就要爆了。

The dam burst under the weight of water.大坝在水的巨大压力下溃决了。

Shells were bursting(= exploding) all around us.炮弹在我们四周爆炸。

He felt he would burst with anger and shame.他恼羞成怒,都要气炸了。

a burst pipe爆裂的管子

Don't burst that balloon!别把那气球弄爆了!

The river burst its banks and flooded nearby towns.那条河决堤淹没了附近的城镇。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.猛冲;突然出现to go or move somewhere suddenly with great force; to come from somewhere suddenly

He burst into the room without knocking.他没敲门就闯进了屋子。

The sun burst through the clouds.太阳破云而出。

The words burst from her in an angry rush.她破口说出了那一大堆气话。

3.[i]be bursting (with sth)爆满;涨满to be very full of sth; to be very full and almost breaking open

The roads are bursting with cars.车辆把那些道路挤满了。

to be bursting with ideas/enthusiasm/pride满怀想法╱热情╱骄傲

The hall was filled to bursting point .大厅里挤满了人。

The hall was full to bursting .大厅里挤满了人。

I'm bursting (for a pee)!(= I need to use the toilet right now.)我(被尿)憋坏了!


She was bursting to tell him the good news.她急不可待要把好消息告诉他。

be bursting to do sth急于(或迫切想)做某事to want to do sth so much that you can hardly stop yourself

She was bursting to tell him the good news.她急不可待要把好消息告诉他。

burst sbs bubble使某人希望破灭;毁掉某人的幸福to bring an end to sb's hopes, happiness, etc.

The door burst open.门突然开了。

Firefighters burst the door open and rescued them.消防队员撞开门,把他们救了出来。

burst openburst (sth) open(使)猛然打开to open suddenly or violently; to make sth open in this way

The door burst open.门突然开了。

Firefighters burst the door open and rescued them.消防队员撞开门,把他们救了出来。


1.突发;猝发;迸发;爆破a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly

a sudden burst of activity/energy/anger/enthusiasm活动╱能量╱怒火╱热情的迸发

Her breath was coming in short bursts .她的呼吸急迫短促。

I tend to work in bursts .我的工作劲头往往是一阵一阵的。

spontaneous bursts of applause自发的阵阵掌声

2.爆裂;裂口an occasion when sth bursts; the hole left where sth has burst

a burst in a water pipe水管上的裂缝

3.一阵短促的射击a short series of shots from a gun

frequent bursts of machine-gun fire机枪的频频扫射



v.1.if sth. filled with air or water bursts, or if you burst it, it breaks suddenly because there is too much pressure inside it or against it2.to go somewhere quickly and suddenly3.to become noticeable or successful quickly and suddenly

n.1.a sudden strong emotion that you feel for a short time2.an act of bursting3.a short, sudden, and intense period of an activity or phenomenon4.a sudden short period of noise5.a short, sudden, and noisy volley of gunfire or others1.a sudden strong emotion that you feel for a short time2.an act of bursting3.a short, sudden, and intense period of an activity or phenomenon4.a sudden short period of noise5.a short, sudden, and noisy volley of gunfire or others

1.爆裂 Burning behaviour 燃烧性能 Bursting 爆裂 butterfly valve 蝴蝶阀 ...

2.突发 bursting speed 爆破速度 bursting 破裂 burstof monsoon 季风爆发 ...

4.爆炸 ... Burst 爆破,损坏,碰撞 Bursting 爆炸,炸裂 Bursting of the grinding wheel 砂轮爆裂 ...

5.猝发 ... burster 放炮工 bursting 爆破;灾出 bursting charge 爆炸药 ...

7.爆发 争抢球;门前混战 Bully 冲击 Bursting 轮空 Bye ...


1.A property bubble in Bulgaria seems to be on the verge of bursting, though this has still to filter through to the rest of the economy.虽然保加利亚的资产泡沫仍将渗入该国经济的其他领域,但是它看似正处在破灭的边缘。

2.Her hands were restless and she was trying to prevent herself from bursting into speech and perhaps tears.她的双手无所适从,她努力控制着自己的话语或许还有眼泪不喷涌出来。

3.Intermittent rain paved the small streams, bursting out with a beautiful blossoming flowers, appears to be so in tenderness beauart.淅淅沥沥的雨水铺就的小溪流绽放出一朵朵美丽的花朵,看上去是那么地柔情瑜美。

4.But, in combination with the bursting of the Shanghai bubble, they have been enough to turn perception around.但如果与上海股市泡沫的破裂结合来看,它们足以扭转人们的看法。

5."Even trash has become worthless, " Mr. Tian said recently as he made his way to a collection center, his sacks nearly bursting.“连废品都卖不出个价了”老田最近在去收购站的路上这样说,他的麻袋都快撑破了。

6.Scorpio is all about intensity. The Scorpion wants food bursting with powerful flavors pke basil, cinnamon, curry, garpc and ginger.天蝎座喜欢那些能给他们的味蕾带来强烈冲击的菜肴,喜欢加入足量的罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉、大蒜、姜等调味品。

7.Every time I'm not myself, he always out there with roses in hands. There is nothing but bursting into tears.他在我措手不及的时候捧着玫瑰花出现,给我热泪盈眶的惊喜。

8.Instead of restructuring, popcymakers have been trying to wash away the consequences of the bursting bubble with pquidity.政策制定者们没有采取改革措施重建经济,取而代之的是试图利用扩张流动性来修复泡沫破灭后的世界经济。

9."No. YOU don't understand! " cried Ahsoka, tears bursting out of her eyes.“不。不明白的是你!”阿索卡哭喊着,眼泪从她的双眼中溢出。

10.The manner in which he sings it is amazing and you can feel the emotions almost as though bursting out of it.以何种方式,他唱这是惊人的,你可以感受到的情绪几乎就像爆破出来。