




1.炸牛排 steak 大块牛肉片,牛排 fried steak 炸牛排 cutlet 肉片,炸肉排 ...

2.煎牛排 ... 拌黄瓜— —Mixed Fresh Cucumber 煎牛排— —Fried Steak 川椒炒白菜— —Stir-fried Cabbage with Sichuan P…

3.黑椒煎牛扒 ... 姜葱焗膏蟹 Onion crab 黑椒煎牛扒 Fried steak 脆皮大皇鸽 Crispy Pigeon ...

4.欧式深海鱼排 ... 美国红提 Grape 欧式深海鱼排 Fried steak 黄油皇后吐司(澳洲) Bread ...


1.The company has already recreated the scent of fried steak, but hot metal is a bit difficult.目前,该公司已研制出煎牛排的味道,但制出热金属的味道会更难一些。

2.I prefer fried steak, while my mother tells me that too much fried foods may be bad to the health.我最喜欢吃炸牛排,但妈妈说吃太多油炸食品对生体有害。

3.He gave the waiter 8 Yuan in payment for fried steak and noodle with peas in the cafeteria (canteen).他在(自助)食堂里买炸牛排和豌豆面时付给服务员8元钱。

4.He gave the waiter 8 yuan in payment for fried steak and noodle with peas.他买炸牛排和豌豆面时付给服务员8元钱。

5.Fish fries stores are other snacks, fried steak, fried mushrooms, fried sausage, prices are not expensive.炸鱼薯条店里还有别的小吃,炸肉排、炸蘑菇、炸香肠,价钱都不贵。

6.As you eat today, fried steak.就像你今天吃的煎牛排。

7.He breakfasted as poorly as the night before on some fried steak and bad coffee. Then he went back.他的这顿早餐和头一天的晚餐一样差,就吃了些炸牛排和劣质咖啡。然后他又回来了。

8.France is the most expensive dish Egan, the dishes are fried steak plus potatoes wire.法国最名贵的菜是鹅肝,家常菜是炸牛排外加土豆丝。

9.Another piece of fried steak?再柬一块炸牛排好吗?

10.deep-fried food is the most attractive food, such as fried chicken, fried steak.油炸食品是最吸引人的美食,如炸鸡腿、炸牛排…