




1.魔时魅影 Insomnium 失眠 In This Moment 魔时魅影 Iron Maiden 铁娘子 ...

2.在这一刻 ... 时间彷佛停止了 the time seems to stop 在这一刻 in this moment 抱著你 永不放手 hug you and never let go ...

3.就在此时此刻 In This Moment 就在此时此刻 This dying destiny 那垂死的命运 ...

4.在现实 在未来 in future 在现实 in this moment 活在当下吧 Live in the real time ...

5.边境暴女 Arch Enemy 邪神大敌 In This Moment 边境暴女 OTEP 鏂铁 ...

6.美国金属核乐队 ... in this moment1. 美国金属核乐队 this is my moment1. 这是我的时刻 ...


1.And I just wanna hold you close, I feel your heart so close to mine, and just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time. . .我只想抱紧你,我感觉你的心离我的心如此之近,而且在剩下的所有时间里一直留在此刻…

2.The wind has stopped, the cloud has also stopped, pkes your heart being possible also to stop down in this moment?风停了,云也停了,爱你的心可以在这一刻也停下来吗?

3.Kenny did not want the manager's position for pride and glory but his aim was to help the club in this moment of crisis.国王当然不会贪念主帅位置的虚荣,他想做的是在危难中拯救俱乐部。

4.Here's a tip that seems so simple, and yet can be difficult to maintain in practice: stop, and notice what you are doing in this moment.这有些小贴士,看起来很简单,但要坚持做的话却没那么容易:停下来,看看你正在在干些什么。

5.She looked at him in this moment, think this is a stranger, "Jie-ren" great.她看了他一眼,在这一瞬间,觉得这位陌生人实在是“解人”极了。

6.Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together. And I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever. . .然后我吻你的眼睛并感谢上帝我们在一起。而我只想与你永远、永远、永远留在此刻…

7.In this moment , let us forget about whatever stupid mistakes we have done with the coming new year. Happy new year to all of you guys !在这一刻,让我们借口新年的到来冠冕堂皇地原谅自己在过去一年里犯下的任何错误,祝大家新年快乐!

8.In this moment of your history you are witnessing the breakdown of many institutions that you thought were untouchable and indestructible.此刻在你们的历史当中,你们见证著许多原以为管不著又无法破坏的制度正在毁坏。

9.So the truth came out, in this moment of crisis.紧要关头,真话还是说出来了。

10.Full Moon in this moment, I send a belated blessing to you dream of a round, intelpgence circle, a more rounded person.在这月圆的时刻,我送一个迟到的祝福,愿你梦圆,情圆,人更圆。