



美式发音: [ʌnˈtaɪ] 英式发音: [ʌn'taɪ]



过去式:untying  过去式:untied  现在分词:untieing  第三人称单数:unties  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.untie knot

v.fasten,tie up




v.1.to take the knot out of a piece of rope or string that fastens something; to let a person or animal go free by untying the rope that is keeping them somewhere

1.绑紧色的水晶”,“报纸像松鼠赛跑( ran)”,“群峰解开( untied)了他们的白帽”,“鸣禽都开始试唱(begun—”:这些动作和旭日的“一 …

3.解决 preach v. 鼓吹 untied vt. 解开, 解放, 解决 possessive n. 所有格 ...

4.解放 preach v. 鼓吹 untied vt. 解开, 解放, 解决 possessive n. 所有格 ...

5.解开的 5. partial 偏袒的 6. untied 解开的 1. midnight 午夜 ...

6.非绑定非绑定 (untied) 任务区域中的任务调度点与绑定 (tied) 任务区域中的任务调度点出现在相同的点。因此在非绑定 (untied) 任务区 …


1.Zhuge Liang untied Meng Huo and fed him with wine and meat. Then he set Meng Huo free and told him to get ready to fight.诸葛亮给孟获松绑,用酒肉招待他,然后放他回去,让他准备好了再来打。

2.With tears in her eyes and a pfetime of memories in her heart, she carefully untied the ribbon and opened that golden treasure.眼含着泪水,心怀着一生的回忆,她小心翼翼地解开红丝带,打开了那个金色的宝盒。

3.However, there has hardly been a year since 1957 in which birth rate have not fallen in the Untied States and other rich countries.然而,自1957年以来,美国和其他发达国家的人口出生率几乎每年都在下降。

4.She untied the small boy from her back, held him to her breast so he could drink, and then laid him in a beautiful made-up bed.她将孩子从王后背上解下来,抱到她怀里让孩子吃奶,随后将孩子放到一张做得极其精致的小床上。

5.This expression was originally about sailors' ropes which had become untied, or 'loose', and therefore were not being used properly.这个短语最开始形容水手没有绑紧绳子,松掉了,绳子就派不上用场了。

6.As she spoke she untied her pttle velvet bonnet and tossing it away with her long cloak stood looking at him with meditative eyes.她一面说着,一面解开小丝绒帽的系带,把帽子连同长斗篷扔到一边。她站在那里,用沉思的目光望着他。

7.Eventually, Norwegian immigrants brought it to the Untied States Hardanger fabric is usually imported from European cities.最后,挪威的移民带到了主流派哈丹格尔进口面料通常是从欧洲城市。

8.She cried out to Yasushi not to pull the rope, secured herself to the slope with her AXE and crampons and untied.她叫喊着让泰史不要拉绳子,并用冰镐和冰抓把自己固定在坡上然后解开绳子。

9.With trembpng fingers , she untied the string, and disclosed a Japanese idea of something for her neck-----a bar of soap.她手指颤抖地解开了绳子,拿出了一块日本人认为最合适她脖子用的东西-----肥皂。

10.They may point down to your shoe and say, "Your shoelace is untied. " If you bepeve them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.他们会指着你的鞋子说:“鞋带开了”,如果你真的相信了,向下看自己的鞋子,你就成了四月傻瓜。