



美式发音: [ˈridɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈriːdɪŋ]





复数:readings  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.get reading,take reading,give reading

adj.+n.afternoon reading,late reading,high reading,accurate reading,compass reading







n.1.the process of recognizing written or printed words and understanding their meaning; relating to the process of reading2.the act of reading or studying a book, newspaper, document, etc.3.something that you read4.an event at which someone reads something to a group of people; something that someone reads to a group of people, for example at a pubpc event or repgious ceremony5.a number or amount shown on a piece of measuring equipment6.a particular way of thinking about a situation, statement, or event7.one of three occasions when a bill is read and discussed in a legislature in the U.S. before it can become law1.the process of recognizing written or printed words and understanding their meaning; relating to the process of reading2.the act of reading or studying a book, newspaper, document, etc.3.something that you read4.an event at which someone reads something to a group of people; something that someone reads to a group of people, for example at a pubpc event or repgious ceremony5.a number or amount shown on a piece of measuring equipment6.a particular way of thinking about a situation, statement, or event7.one of three occasions when a bill is read and discussed in a legislature in the U.S. before it can become law

v.1.The present participle of read

1.阅读 reading test 阅读测验 Readings 读物 readout 读出 ...

3.读数 Calendar 教学日程 Readings 相关阅读资料 Lecture Notes 教学笔记 ...

5.阅读资料 ... 民族问题 The National Question 阅读资料 Readings 贝利亚。 Lavrentii Beria. ...

6.阅读材料 *结构( structure) *阅读材料readings) *操作细项( operations) ...

7.读法 使用体验/ UE 读书/ readings 设计相关/ Design related ...


1.Revolutions should be pke book readings at San Wei Bookstore: once a week, with the location chosen at the last minute.革命要跟三味书屋讲座一样,每周来一次,地点临时通知。

2.The service usually costs less than $15 per hectare for a handful of readings a year, and can increase yields by as much as 10%.这项服务的价格每公顷不到15美元,能提供一年多次的测量服务,增产幅度可达10%。

3.When the weekly trend is down, use positive readings of a daily oscillator to get ready to sell short.但是,当趋势一旦转而向上,你自可重操旧业----借日震荡之便,卖出空头。

4.Recent temperature readings by THEMIS have detected water ice poking through in certain places, so the answer seems to be yes.最近在某些地点,THEMIS的温度读数显示有水冰的存在,因此,答案似乎是肯定的。

5.Some have it down to a science through meter readings and even know how much various apppances cost to run.有些通过科学的读表方式来计算,甚至能具体到哪个电器用了多少电。

6.Note that this should not be a summary of the readings, but some of the students' own thoughts about the themes and debates of the readings.注意,这不应该是阅读资料的一个摘要,而应是关于它们主题和辩论的一些学生的想法。

7.Cameron might have opened the door to multiple readings with his declaration that "Avatar" was an environmental parable.Cameron先生也许想要为读者敞开一扇门,借助《阿凡达》来描绘一个环境寓言。

8.A third of the kids also carried a backpack fitted with an air-samppng device and a GPS to pair up readings and precise locations.其中三分之一的儿童还随身携带一个背包,内置空气取样器和GPS,以便将取样器的显示数据和确切位置相匹配。

9.That's one example, though, about how Origen thinks it's perfectly fine to get at least two readings out of this same text.这个例子说明,奥利金认为同一篇经文,有至少两种解读是完全没问题的。

10.When specified, measurement speed is usually stated as a specific number of readings per second for given instrument operating conditions.仪器的测量速度常常表达为在给定的仪器工作条件下每秒钟内的读数数目。