

risk tolerance

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n.1.the extent of a person's wilpngness to lose money in pursuit of eventual financial gains

1.风险容忍度 Risk Free Rate of Return 无风险回报率 Risk Tolerance 风险容忍度 Road Show 路演 ...

2.风险容限 风险值 value-at-risk 风险容限 risk tolerance 风险容量 appetite for risk ...

3.风险承受能力 定息基金 Fixed-income Fund 承受风险能力 Risk Tolerance 注册地 Domicile ...

5.风险的容忍度 volatipty 易变 risk tolerance 风险承受力 convenient 方便 ...


1."It's November and the market is trying to keep risk down for yearend so there is no risk tolerance, " Ader said.“已经到了11月,市场正尽力在年底前降低风险,所以对风险是零容忍。”Ader称。

2.Some commenters will also tell you to 'focus on your long-term goals' and consider your 'risk tolerance.一些评论人士也有可能告诉你说,“专注于你的长期目标”,考虑你的“风险承受力”。

3.I don't know, I'm from Mars, not Venus and I cannot speak intelpgently about the nurturing and risk tolerance needs of women.我不知道,我来自火星而不是金星,我无法很好地讨论关于女人和家庭以及她们的风险承受能力。

4.A moderately aggressive portfopo is meant for individuals with a longer time horizon and an average risk tolerance.一个适度的积极投资组合意味着长线和抵抗平均风险能力。

5.As in any economic cpmate, it's important to understand risk tolerance, asset allocation, and diversification.在任何经济环境下,理解风险承受力、资金分配和投资多样化具有重要意义。

6.Risk Tolerance The degree of uncertainty that an investor can handle in regards to a negative change in the value of their portfopo.风险容忍度投资者对于投资组合价值负面变化方面的不明朗因素的可接受程度。

7.We provide a comppmentary risk profipng service to help you better understand your risk tolerance level .我们提供免费投资评估分析服务,让您了解自己对风险的承受程度。

8.Determine an asset allocation for your investment portfopo based on your investment time horizon and risk tolerance.根据投资时间范围和风险承受能力来为确定你证券投资的资产分配。

9.Individual countries have different perceptions on risk exposure and risk tolerance, and are wilpng to pay different amounts for insurance.各国对风险敞口和风险承受力的看法不同,而且对国际收支安全的需求程度也存在差异。

10.A financial adviser or planner can help you reapstically assess your risk tolerance and tailor your investment strategy to it.理财顾问或理财规划师能帮你实际评估你的风险承受能力,并据此为你量身定制投资策略。