




1.种庄稼 ... 35、 pay by credit card 用信用卡支付 36、 grow crops 种庄稼 37、 be cross with sb 生某人 …

2.种植庄稼 ... 法国中部 the centre of France 种植庄稼 grow crops 一个大的农业化的地区 a big agricultural region ...

3.种植农作物 ... 14. the agriculture region 农业地区 15. grow crops 种植农作物 16. drive past fields 驾车经过田野 ...

4.栽种玉米 ... early settler 早期殖民者 grow crops 栽种玉米 hunt 打猎 ...


1.She used to grow crops on seven hectares of common land; when the pond was built, she lost the land. There was no compensation.她过去在七公顷公用土地上种植庄稼;建池塘时,她失去了土地,而且没有得到任何补偿。

2.He thought he could use his kownledge to find out the best ways for farmers to grow crops and then write a book to help them.他认为他可以运用他的常识去找出最佳的体例为农人种植农作物,然后写一本书来辅佐他们。

3.So a plains farmer had to grow crops that were in big demand. He usually put all his efforts into producing just one or two crops.所以,大草原上的农民必须种植市场需求量大的农作物,他们通常尽一切所能只种一至二种农作物。

4.Some farmers use the term "flex acres" to describe land that can be used either to graze cattle or to grow crops pke corn and soybeans.一些农民用“可曲伸的土地”这个名词来形容那些既可用来当作牧场养牛,又可当做农田种玉米或大豆的土地。

5.They leveled the hillock to flat ground and began to grow crops.他们削平了乱土岗,开始种庄稼。

6.Then, people learned to plant seeds and grow crops. They learned to use animals to help them work, and for food.然后他们学习播种和耕作,学习利用动物来帮助他们工作,或者把它们当作食物。

7.Fourth, many inland wetlands have been drained or filled to grow crops or have been covered with concrete, asphalt, and buildings.第四,许多内地沼泽地已经枯竭或充满著农作物或被混凝土、沥青和建筑物所覆盖。

8.I began to help grow crops when I was nine.九岁开始就帮父母种田。

9.Farmers usually do not grow crops and flowers together.农民通常不把庄稼和花卉栽种在一起。

10.A farmer must be able to grow crops.当农民一定要会种地。