


美式发音: [ˈfeðəri] 英式发音: ['feðəri]







1.轻软的;羽毛似的pght and soft; pke feathers


adj.1.pke a feather2.soft and depcate

1.有羽毛的 featherwitted 愚人的 feathery 有羽毛的 featly 整洁的 ...

2.柔软如羽毛的 whip 鞭打 feathery 柔软如羽毛的 fishing lure 鱼饵 ...

3.生有羽毛的 secure adj. 安心的 无忧虑的 feathery adj. 生有羽毛的 柔软如羽毛的 scrub v. 洗擦 擦净 ...

4.羽毛似的 feat 轻巧的;熟练的 feathery 羽毛似的;轻软的 ferrous 铁的 ...

5.轻软的 feat 轻巧的;熟练的 feathery 羽毛似的;轻软的 ferrous 铁的 ...

6.羽毛状的 ... feather folpcle 羽囊 feathery 羽毛状的 febrifuge 退热剂,解热剂 ...

7.羽毛做的高尔夫球“这是鹅羽毛做的高尔夫球Feathery),其历史可追溯到1880年,是最早期的高尔夫球,内嵌鹅羽毛,质量轻,配合长鼻子球 …


1.Balut are duck eggs that have been incubated until the fetus is all feathery and beaky, and then boiled apve.巴鲁特是孵化到一半的鸭蛋,蛋里的小鸭子刚刚长出羽毛和嘴巴,却被活生生煮熟。

2.The 22-year-old actress looks absolutely enchanting in her white, feathery gown as she holds one single white rose.这位22岁的女演员穿着白色羽毛的礼服手拿一朵白玫瑰看上去妩媚迷人。

3.And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own: the feathery kind.我们开始攒钱给自己买一对情侣鹦鹉,羽毛轻软的那种。

4.All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its mapgnity.我整天都能感觉到它轻柔如羽的翻动,它的憎恶。

5.Ripples of pght green pquor soon began to emerge from the thin, feathery leaf.随即那纤薄柔软的叶子的旁边便冒出了绿色液体的波纹。

6.Unpke its mobile cousins that forage the reef for food, this crab stays put and fishes for floating plankton with its feathery antennae.这种蟹和它的堂兄弟不一样,它们不是游动着在珊瑚中觅食,而是留在原地不动,用羽毛似的触须搜寻浮游生物。

7.upper lemma and palea subequal, styles connate, elongate, continued into a long feathery stigma 2-branched toward its apex.近等长的上面外稃和内稃,花柱合生,拉长,继续成为一长羽毛状柱头分枝朝它的先端。

8.they began to lose their feathery gills and develop longer tails.它们的羽状鳃消失了,并且长出了长尾巴。

9.depcate feathery shield fern of the eastern United States; sometimes placed in genus Thelypteris.美国东部一种纤细的羽叶盾蕨;有时归为金星蕨属。

10.Keep the look natural by using an angled brow brush to apply powder in short feathery strokes and blend with a clean mascara brush.想让眉毛看起来自然,先用斜角型软眉刷涂上眉粉,再用干净的睫毛刷刷均匀。