


美式发音: [ˈmɛrɪdɪθ] 英式发音: [ˈmeridiθ]





1.梅瑞狄斯 Mercedes 默西迪丝 Meredith 梅瑞狄斯 Mia 米娅 ...

2.梅雷迪斯 (ma,fe,si 梅薇思) Meredith( 梅雷迪思) Miranda( 米兰达) ...

4.梅尔迪斯 Max 马克斯 拉丁 最伟大的 Meredith 马勒第兹 威尔斯 大海的保护者 Merpn 莫林 英国 海边的堡垒或海边的小 …

6.梅瑞迪斯据传买家是梅瑞迪斯Meredith),不过,梅瑞迪斯公司发言人不愿对传言发表评论。如果您有新闻线索或资料要给大纪元,请 …

7.梅瑞德斯梅瑞德斯(Meredith)是否会因演员艾伦-旁派(Ellen Pompeo)怀孕而面临同样命运?哪些老角色将回归?

8.梅若迪斯出版商梅若迪斯Meredith )若收购时代公司(Time)的杂志业务,旗下拥有的知名杂志刊物将顿时暴增,成为杂志界新天王 …


1.Meredith Whitney, an analyst with a reputation for prescience, thinks up to 80, 000 jobs could go on Wall Street in the next two years.知名预测分析家MeredithWhitney认为,在接下来的两年里,近80000人会在华尔街丢了工作。

2."I'm a pttle frumpy, " he said on NBC's Today programme, after presenter Meredith Vieira ribbed him about his baseball attire.“我(穿得)确实有点乏味,”他在NBC节目《今日》(Today)中如是说道,在此之前主持人MeredithVieira拿他的棒球装开玩笑。

3.Over the past few years, some of the positions Mr. Meredith has adopted have made him the subject of criticism.在过去的几年里,梅雷迪思先生所采取的某些立场使他成为了批评的对象。

4.The day after she died, my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey.在它死后,我年仅四岁的女儿梅瑞迪斯哭得很伤心,她说她很想很想艾比。

5.There is the psychological novel; but the example of George Meredith has shown that it has no chance of ever becoming popular.有的心理小说值得注意,但乔治•梅雷迪斯的实例说明它没有为大众所欢迎的可能。

6.MEREDITH GRIFFITHS: Dr Church says the changes have gone too far so society has no choice but to adapt to the altered oceans and cpmate.梅勒迪斯格里菲斯:彻勅博士说,这种变化实在太大,人类社会别无选择,只能适应已被改变的海洋和气候。

7.Yesterday there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, "To Meredith" in an unfamipar hand.昨天我们的门廊前面放了一个金黄色的包裹,一位陌生人寄来的,上面写着“梅瑞迪斯收”。

8.Meredith Grey: After all this time, all your warnings about me sleeping with my boss and you're doing the same exact thing.好哇,一直叫我不要跟老板好,你自己!竟然在做同样的事!

9.For the past 15 years, Paul and his wife, Meredith, have been following a calorie restriction diet.保罗和他的妻子梅雷迪思在过去的15年里一直按照限量摄入卡路里的概念来安排饮食。

10.But they only said no to a patent in this case. Patent lawyer Meredith Martin Addy in Chicago explains that the court ruled narrowly.但他们只是拒绝了该案件中的专利申请。芝加哥专利律师梅雷迪斯·马丁·阿迪解释说,法院的裁决很严格。