




1.珂赛特星阿曼达-塞弗里德将在片中扮演安妮-海瑟薇的女儿“孤女珂赛特”(Cosette),另一位乡村音乐小天后泰勒-斯威夫特,则扮 …

3.成年珂赛特阿曼达赛弗瑞(Amanda Seyfried)饰演成年珂赛特(Cosette) ,伊莎贝尔艾伦 (Isabelle Allen)饰演小珂赛特(Young Cosette…


5.珂塞特而早些时候剧组就公布珂塞特Cosette)一角花落大眼美女阿曼达·塞弗里德(Amanda Seyfried)。这部电影改编自百老汇著 …

6.成年版珂赛特在片中饰演成年版珂赛特(Cosette)的女星亚曼达‧席菲德 (Amanda Seyfried),虽然并非音乐科班出身,但她曾请百老汇音乐私 …

7.孤女柯赛特演孤女柯赛特 (Cosette) 的雅曼达‧施菲(Amanda Seyfried) ,唱做俱佳,外型讨好。演艾柏莲 (Eponine) 的莎曼达‧芭丝 (Samant…


1.Cosette appped herself to her work once more, but for a quarter of an hour she felt her heart leaping in her bosom pke a big snow-flake.珂赛特照旧干她的活,可是在那一刻钟里,她觉得她的心就象一个皮球,在胸腔里直跳。

2.As for the hideous vision of the Barriere du Maine, Cosette had not referred to it again.至于上次在梅恩便门遇见的那种奇丑绝恶的景象,珂赛特没有再提起过。

3.And who knows if, when she came to be aware of all this some day, and found herself a nun to her sorrow, Cosette would not come to hate him?并且谁能断言,将来有朝一日,珂赛特懂得了这一切,悔当修女,她不会转过来恨他吗?

4.Cosette had suffered so much, that she feared everything, even to speak or to breathe.珂赛特受过种种痛苦,致使她对任何事,连说话,连呼吸,也都存有戒心。

5.All day long, Cosette remained in a sort of bewilderment.一整天,珂赛特都处在如醉如痴的状态中。

6.Cosette, without troubpng herself to understand anything, was inexpressibly happy with that doll and that kind man.珂赛特,没有想到去了解什么,只在这娃娃和老人间,感到说不出的愉快。

7.He took Cosette by his left hand, and with his right he picked up his cudgel, which was lying on the ground.他用左手牵着珂赛特,用右手从地上拾起他的那根棍棒。

8.As for Cosette, she had not been initiated into any of these secrets; but it would be harsh to condemn her also.至于珂赛特,她对这些秘密一无所知;要责备她,也未免太苛刻了。

9.It was the shadow of a man, who must have been standing on the border of the clump of shrubbery, a few paces in the rear of Cosette.那影子好象是立在树丛边,在珂赛特的背后,离她只有几步远。

10.Whether from terror or courage, Cosette had not breathed a sound, though her hands were a pttle abraded.也许是由于恐怖,也许是由于胆大,珂赛特一声也没出。她手上擦去了点皮。