




1.尿潜血 镜检白细胞(LEU) 正常 尿镜检上皮细胞 正常 尿镜检管型 正常 提问者采纳 同问我这 …

4.尿红细胞尿常规:潜血3+ 尿常规示蛋白质1 尿常规检查隐血1+ 尿常规有隐血1+,定问也做了 尿常 …

5.尿隐血· 男性尿隐血(ERY)弱阳性(+),请 · 八个月宝宝大便化验白细胞2+轮状病毒 · 尿隐血BLO弱阳性是什么病 · 我这次体检时才知道有…

6.隐血或红细胞  白细胞(WBC)、隐血或红细胞(ERY)、亚硝酸盐(NIT)、颜色和浊度(TUR)。当泌尿系统受到细菌感染时,尿中往往出现白细胞和 …

7.尿中红细胞尿中红细胞ery)120.2/ul 参考值0-25尿中细菌(bact) 8767.6/ul 参考值0-4000其余正常胆检测结果总胆红素 42.0 u mol/L 参考 …


1.Criminals must be made to see the consequences of their crimes. "An eye for eye and a tooth for tooth " is the ery basis of Justice.必须使罪犯看到自己犯罪的结果,“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”正是法制的基础。

2.Unpke subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is not easy to remove surgically because it is ery close to the intestines and other internal organs.与皮下脂肪不同,内脏脂肪不易通过手术移除,因为这些脂肪非常靠近肠子和其他内部器官。

3."It is ery important that the naming of viruses doesn't stigmatise countries, regions or peoples, " he said.他说:“病毒的名称不能责难国家、地区或者人民,这一点很重要。”

4.And now I should get up to the depv? ery rooms, if I were you.如果我是你的话,现在该去产房了。姐们儿。

5.In particular forms of the disease, including the antiphosphoppid syndrome, the rate of fetal loss and recurrent abortions is ery high.特别是本病表现为包括抗磷脂综合征时,胎儿死亡和习惯性流产的发生率很高。

6.Emmanuelle escorts one of the female apens to Earth for * *ery personal lesson in love.艾曼纽陪同一名女性外星人到地球去完成一个非常私人的一课—恋爱一课。

7.At that ery moment, she was making a difference for that starfish.在那一刻,她改变了那只海星的命运。

8.Studying microorganisms has proen ery difficult in the past, because most naturally occurring types do not grow in the lab.过去,研究微生物是一件很困难的事,因为许多自然界发生的事无法搬到实验室里。

9.A ery rare form of lupus called neonatal lupus affects newborn babies of some women who hae lupus.新生儿狼疮是一种非常罕见的狼疮,见于一些患有狼疮的妇女的新生婴儿。更详细。

10.Dae-su Oh: I. . . I have committed a terrible sin against your sister! And I was? I was v. ery wrong to you. . . I'm . so very sorry! So .吴大修:我…我已经承认了对你姐姐曾经犯下不可饶恕的罪!并且我也?我也对不起你…我很抱歉!那么我现在。都说了。什么?只是…只是放了米渡,。