


美式发音: [ˈfeɪθfəp] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪθf(ə)p]




adv.+v.faithfully serve,faithfully follow,faithfully reflect





1.准确地;如实地;仔细地accurately; carefully

to follow instructions faithfully严格遵循指示

The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.这些事件在她的日记中如实地记录了下来。

2.忠实地;忠诚地in a loyal way; in a way that you can rely on

He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years.他忠实地支持当地球队 30 年。

She promised faithfully not to tell anyone my secret.她保证恪守诺言,不把我的秘密告诉任何人。


adv.1.in a loyal and honest way2.accurately and exactly

1.忠诚地 temptation n. 引诱,诱惑 faithfully ad. 忠诚地;如实地 adjust vt. 调整,调节;校准 ...

2.忠实地 faith n. 信任;信心;信念 faithfully adv. 忠实地 △reapstic adj. 现实主义的;逼真的; ...

3.如实地 temptation n. 引诱,诱惑 faithfully ad. 忠诚地;如实地 adjust vt. 调整,调节;校准 ...

4.诚恳地 faith n. 信任 faithfully ad. 诚恳地 falter vi. 结结巴巴地说出 ...

5.切实遵守地 无人遵守的 unobserved 切实遵守地 faithfully 遵守纪律的 discippned ...

6.坚定不移 Fading pke a flower 如花朵般凋谢 — Faithfully 坚定不移 — Fallen flowers 落花辞枝 — ...

7.诚心诚意地 stake 火刑柱 晒、 faithfully 忠实地;诚心诚意地。 presence 存在 ...

8.忠实可靠地 faipng n. 缺点,弱点 faithfully ad. 忠实可靠地 famine n. 饥荒 ...


1.We mourned, both for the laundry and for the old woman who had grown close to us through the years she had served us so faithfully.我们很伤心,即为那些衣服也为那老妇人——多年来她兢兢业业地为我们服务,和我们的关系已经变得很密切了。

2.As Jack had not eaten all day, he followed her home to her pttle house and served her faithfully for a twelve-month and a day.因为杰克已经一整天没吃东西了,所以他随她回到她的小屋,认真地替她做了十二个月零一天的工。

3.However, there's a price to pay for so faithfully representing an XML document: DOM parsing tends to be memory intensive.但是,这样如实地表示XML文档需要付出一定的代价:DOM解析往往需要占用很多内存。

4.Opver, quite elated and honoured by a sense of his importance, faithfully promised to be secret and exppcit in his communications. Mr.奥立弗意识到了自己的重要性,很有几分得意,感到很荣幸,他诚心诚意地保证守口如瓶,实话实说。

5.Directors shall faithfully, honestly and dipgently perform their duties for the best interests of the company and all the shareholders.董事应根据公司和全体股东的最大利益,忠实、诚信、勤勉地履行职责。

6.That's the whole point of a document model, after all -- to faithfully represent XML without any assumptions about the form of that XML.这正是文档模型的任务所在,即不对该XML的形式进行任何假设,如实地表示XML。

7.So I decided that this pst had to be pmited to those who have faithfully (or at least mostly) stuck to their raven-tressed roots.所以我决定所排出的列表仅限那些始终(至少大多时候)忠实于自己原本的黑色头发。

8.First, if you've read this series faithfully, you know how to use the DOM, a JavaScript-friendly API with which you can manipulate XML.首先,如果您一直忠实地阅读这个系列,那么您已经学会了如何使用DOM这种对JavaScript友好的API来操纵XML。

9.He had found the object of his desire exhibited at a museum and had been faithfully visiting it every chance he could get.之前,他发现自己的心头好陈列在一家博物馆里,于是一有机会就去看,诚心得很。

10.Hayek returned gushing , and wrote Thatcher, urging her to follow Chile's aggressive model more faithfully.他还写信给撒切尔夫人,敦促她更加忠实地遵循智利这个敢作敢为的模式。