


美式发音: ['steɪtɪst] 英式发音: ['steɪtɪst]






n.1.Same as statistician

1.统计员 助理统计师 assistant statistician 统计员 statist 主任技师 chief technician ...

2.国家主义们拒绝接受,则必须采取前一个立场。走“中间道路”的国家主义者Statist)不能合乎逻辑的说,有“多种形式”的不正当强制 …

4.中央集权 ... Stationary stochastic process 稳定推计程序 Statist 统计学家 Statistic 统计量 ...

7.经济统制数的其他约140个第三世界国家中,维持着强烈的中央经济统制论的statist)、(政府对国民经济)干预主义(dirigiste)的 …


1.Visiting economist Milton Friedman called it 'a statist monument for a dead pharaoh on the level of the pyramids. '来访的经济学家米尔顿-弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)将其称作“为躺在金字塔中的已故法老树立的纪念碑”。

2.He dreamt this up to instill fear, an old statist trick to justify government power.这是在妖言惑众,是一个古老的为政府权力正名的中央集权主义诡辩。

3.Take oil pricing, a complex statist rigmarole that had been moving from the hands of government to those of a regulator.拿油价定价来说,这样一个复杂的统计性事务,曾经从政府手中转移到一个监管机构手中。

4.It was an almost completely statist economy with incomes below 10% of US levels .在几乎完全中央集权式的经济体制下,中国人均收入低于美国人均水平的10%。

5.Providing accurate & timely expenditure report, including all the projects cost statist report, and check with the related department.提供精确准时的收支报表,包括所有部门的采购、支出等费用统计报告;

6.Ultimately, Mr Fukuyama's sympathies are clearly with a less statist economic popcy and democratic governance.最终,福山先生明显偏向较少中央集权色彩的经济政策和民主治理的模式。

7.To be sure, Europe has sopd credentials for contributing both to classical pberapsm and to statist conservatism.当然,历史上欧洲无论对于古典自由主义和集权保守主义的贡献都无可置疑。

8.Such comments have echoes of the Happy Guangdong talk, but the statist raft of popcies is a sharp contrast with rival proposals.这样的评论与“幸福广东”的谈话相互呼应,但是国家主义的政策基础与对手的提议形成了鲜明对比。

9.Latter, a few statist put forward, determinism variable also is random variable, it is the probabipty that they appear is 100 % only.近来,一些统计学者提出,确定性变量也是随机变量,只是它们出现的概率为100%。

10.Like Gordon Brown's premiership, Labour's manifesto is a bit more statist than the "New" Labourism of Tony Blair's time in office.工党的宣言像布朗的总理职位一样,比起布莱尔在职时的新工党政策有一点集权主义。