



美式发音: [ɪkˈsploʊd] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspləʊd]



第三人称单数:explodes  现在分词:exploding  过去式:exploded  搭配同义词

v.+n.bomb explode,rocket explode,plane explode,missile explode,explode theory

v.blow up,detonate,go off,blast,burst



v.1.to burst with a lot of force and a loud noise; to make something burst with a lot of force and a loud noise; to make a sudden loud noise2.to express strong emotions in a sudden, noisy, and often violent way3.to increase a lot in size, amount, or importance over a very short period of time4.to prove that a story or theory that many people bepeve is in fact false5.to move very quickly; to change very quickly into a new state1.to burst with a lot of force and a loud noise; to make something burst with a lot of force and a loud noise; to make a sudden loud noise2.to express strong emotions in a sudden, noisy, and often violent way3.to increase a lot in size, amount, or importance over a very short period of time4.to prove that a story or theory that many people bepeve is in fact false5.to move very quickly; to change very quickly into a new state

1.爆炸 ... drifted 漂流 explodes 爆炸 illness 疾病,生病 ...

2.爆发 ... swing: 摇摆,摆动 explodes: 爆发 his: 他的 ...

3.能否爆炸 Crusher= 能否辗毙步兵 Explodes= 能否爆炸 Prerequisite= 必要条件 ...

4.使爆炸 glory n. 荣誉, 光荣 explodes vt. 使爆炸 destroys vt. 破坏, 毁坏, 消灭v.消灭, 摧毁 ...



1.a bomb that gives off thick smoke when it explodes; used to make a smoke screen or to mark a position.当爆炸时产生浓烟的炸弹;用来制造烟雾或标志位置。

2.North Caldwell, New Jersey, an advertising executive is killed when he opens a mysterious package, which explodes in his hands.新泽西,北科德威尔。某广告主管打开神秘包裹,炸弹就在手上爆炸,他当场被炸死。

3.If suddenly your computer explodes when you write answers till here? : I must be very amazed, but I will write again from the beginning.如果当你的答案写到这里的时候,你的电脑突然瘫痪了。你怎么办:我一定会非常吃惊,茫然,但是我会从头开始重新写。

4.Suddenly the crocodile explodes out of the water and closes its jaws upon the nearest part of the water buffalo, usually one of its legs.鳄鱼突然从水中冲出来,在水牛最接近水的部位收紧双颚,通常是某一条腿。

5.But then it explodes, as it did recently, with all the problems of ethnic strife that have never been resolved.但是然后正如肯尼亚近来遇到的,它的所有未曾解决的民族冲突问题爆发了。

6.THERE is the nail test, in which a team of engineers drives a large metal nail through a battery cell to see if it explodes.在针刺测试中,工程师们将一根大金属针穿过电池以观察其是否爆炸。

7.If the implementation is just a bit insecure, a hole is opened on the boundary: the balloon deflates or, worst case, explodes.如果实现不是很安全,那么这个边界上就会出现漏洞:导致气球消气了,或者最糟糕的情况是气球炸了。

8.The crowd explodes in cheers of joy when a tall, slender figure slowly makes his way to the podium.当一位修长清瘦的人缓缓走向指挥台时,人群中爆发出阵阵欢呼。

9.Tissues Out: When the paraffin oven in the kitchen explodes, Stig loses his wife and his daughter. His young son sees the whole thing. . .泪点:厨房里的石蜡烤箱发生了爆炸,斯迪格失去了妻子和女儿。他的小儿子亲眼目睹了这一切…

10.When Harry's aunt begins talking about his deadbeat dad, who has died, her wine glass explodes in her hand, due to Harry's powers.当哈利的姑妈开始说他落魄的已经去世的父亲时,因为哈利的魔法,震碎了她手中的酒杯。