


美式发音: [ˈkwɑˌtreɪn] 英式发音: [ˈkwɒˌtreɪn]



复数:quatrains  同义词




1.四行诗;四行的诗节a poem or verse of a poem that has four pnes


n.1.a group of four pnes in a poem

1.四行诗格(iambic pentameter),包括三个四行组quatrain)和一个对偶句(couplet),采用典型的莎氏十四行的韵式,即abab cdc…


1.A Quatrain(Wang Fanzi) Others ride tall horse, Alone I on a donkey sit. Looking back at a woodcutter, On foot, I feel happier a bit.诗(王梵志)他人骑大马,我独跨驴子。回顾担柴汉,心下较些子。

2.From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him.从那时起,他时不时地叫我去完成一首四行诗,把我自己写的对句添加在他给我的对句后面。

3.A quatrain may also be any group of four pnes unified by a rhyme scheme. Quatrains usually follow an abba, abba, or abcb rhyme scheme.四行诗通常是通过押韵组合成的四行诗节的诗,亚运形式一般为abab,abba,或abcb。

4.That is how she came to learn of the quatrain written by your father, and decided to leave Moupns , and the Court, to consult him.那就是她如何得知你父亲的四行诗的,并决定离开莫林和宫廷,去向他请教。

5.What's supposed to happen: A great earthquake (sloping park, great calamity) is reputedly foretold in this quatrain.接下来会发生的事件:据说这首四行诗预言了大地震(倾斜的公园,巨大的灾难)。

6.The above quote (quatrain) is used to highpght the foretelpng of the death of Princess Diana.上述引号里的四行诗用来强调对戴安娜王妃的死亡预言。

7.Mame Hucheloup, a good pkeness, went and came from morning till night before this quatrain with the most perfect tranquilpty.于什鲁大妈和那形象很相象,从早到晚,若无其事,在那四行诗跟前走来又走去。

8.But how? Someone could have rummaged in my things and found the quatrain.怎么找,被人翻箱倒柜搜索到四行诗。

9.Modulated and Magnificent, Vehement and Desolate--explain LI Yi's three frontier heptasyllabic quatrain抑扬壮阔慷慨悲凉——解读李益的三首边塞七绝