




1.洋葱报 CyArk:Digital World's Cultural Heritage 世界文化遗产数位网站 The Onion 洋葱非新闻 British Museum,London 大英博物馆 ...

6.洋葱电视入围原因:这是搞怪的洋葱电视the onion)的一期杰作,内容包括请一个假政治发言人教公众怎样假装你很关心政治,特别 …

7.洋葱新闻网洋葱新闻网The Onion),自称是“美国最好的新闻来源”(Ameirca's Finest News Source),实际是他们的“新闻”都是对现实的 …


1.As you move down the pst of artifacts, you'll see that each document is the next layer of the onion.当你在构建的列表上向下移时,你将看到每篇文档都是洋葱的下一层。

2.Heat the opve oil in a wide, shallow pan and then add the onion with a bit of seasoning and cook for a few minutes until softened.取一直宽口浅锅倒入橄榄油加热,并放入洋葱加入调味料烧几分钟直到洋葱变软。

3.Rudder, who was the last cofounder to join, impressed the others with a packet of satirical essays he'd originally pitched to The Onion.鲁德尔是最后加入的合伙人,凭借一大摞投给《洋葱网》的讽刺文章,他给其他人留下了深刻印象。

4.The answer varies by vegetable: for parsnips that might be 6months, for the onion family a year, and for beans as long as 7 years!对于蔬菜种子来说结果各不相同:欧防风种子或许可以储存6个月,洋葱种子是一年,豆类是可达7年!

5.Decreasing this ratio leads to the appearance of a planar phase coexisting with the onion phase and to a separate stearyl alcohol phase.降低这一比例导致出现平面层状液晶与球形层状液晶共存和游离的十八醇的相。

6.If there was a Chinese equivalent of the The Onion, it might consider such a headpne.如果中国也有一家“TheOnion”式的网站,它可能会考虑使用上面这个标题。

7.The results may not come as quickly as commercial popshers, but the onion-based popsh is good enough to be a worthy substitute.效果会跟买的抛光剂一样快,但用洋葱擦的就足够好,可以成为划算的替代品。

8.Put the lamb and water into a large saucepan and bring to the boil. Skim off the scum, then stir in the onion, barley and bouquet garni.将羊肉和水放一大锅中并烧开,打去浮沫,加入羊葱、薏米和蔬菜捆。

9.With its number of alternative uses, the onion may induce tears of joy to any DIY pundit.有了众多另类用法,洋葱可能会让任何一个DIY专家留下喜悦的眼泪。

10.Mix the onion, celery, garpc, and parsley together and fill the body cavity of the turkey with it.把葱、芹菜、大蒜,和荷兰芹混合在一起和用它填装火鸡的身体洞。