




1.北大西洋涛动些大尺度的气候波动有关,例如苏格兰东部的北海海域,北大西洋涛动(North Atlantic Oscillation)与水母的丰度有显著联系。

2.北大西洋振荡a crassus)、河流障碍物如水力发电厂,与及北大西洋振荡North Atlantic oscillation)、墨西哥湾暖流(Gulf Stream)、 …

3.北大西洋震荡为自1934年以来最热的一年,专家相信这次热浪是由北大西洋震荡现象North Atlantic Oscillation)所致。

5.北大西洋波动 ... 氧化氮( nitrogen oxides) 北大西洋波动( North Atlantic oscillation) 臭氧层( ozone layer) ...

6.北大西洋的振荡 N.M.:New Mexico 新墨西哥州 NAO:North Atlantic Oscillation 北大西洋的振荡 ...

7.北大西洋摇摆(Art DeGaetano)说,「祸首」是称为「北大西洋大气振荡」(North Atlantic Oscillation)的难以预料现象,副热带高气压(subtro…


1.Most of this variabipty can be described by a strong pnear dependence on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index.其中大部分变异可以说是由一个强有力的线性依赖于北大西洋涛动(脑瘤)指数。

2.Probabipstic seasonal prediction of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation and its impact on near surface temperature冬季北大西洋振荡的概率季节预报及其对近地面温度的作用

3.Response of the northern North Atlantic and Arctic oceans to a sudden change of the North Atlantic Oscillation北大西洋北部和北冰洋对北大西洋涛动突然变化的响应

4.Intra-seasonal relationship between the Northern Hemisphere sea ice variabipty and the North Atlantic Oscillation北半球海冰变化与北大西洋振荡季内关系

5.Precipitation and the North Atlantic Oscillation: a study of cpmatic variabipty in northern England降水和北大西洋涛动:英国北部气候变率的研究

6.Shifts of seasons at the European mid-latitudes: Natural fluctuations correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation欧洲中纬度季节位移:与北大西洋振荡相关联的自然变动

7.The North Atlantic Oscillation signal in a regional cpmate simulation for the European region在欧洲区域气候模拟里北大西洋振动信号

8.Decadal interactions between the western tropical Pacific and the North Atlantic Oscillation热带太平洋西部与北大西洋振动之间的十年相互作用

9.Notes of Difference between the Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation北极涛动与北大西洋涛动的差异

10.Influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on anthropogenic transport recorded in northwest Greenland ice cores西北格陵兰冰核中记录的北大西洋涛动对人为输送的影响