




1.玉柴 电厂产品 FOR GAS TURBINE 玉柴 YUCAI 解放车8吨拖头 CA154 ...

2.西北菜 ... /html/jiachangcaipu/pangbancai/ 豫菜 /html/zhongguocaipu/yucai/ 西北菜 /html/zhongguocaipu/xibeicai/ 东北菜 ...

3.刘浩洋交点》)、陈思锦、李文心(《育才人物》)、李嘉欣、刘浩洋(《YUCAI》)、卢雨轩(《与世界共同呼吸》)等几名同学 …


1.It is just these philosophic thoughts that direct the great practice of Duan Yucai's Annotation on Shuowen Jiezi potentially.正是这些哲学思想潜在地指导着段玉裁《说文解字注》的伟大实践。

2.Feng Yucai, male, born in 1946, professor and Ph. D. supervisor. His research interests include database technologies.冯玉才,男,1946年生,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为数据库技术。

3.Everyone all say i'm a lovely girl. Now, i'm studying in YUCAI middle school Class two grade one.所以大家都说我是一个可爱的女孩,现在我在育才中学初一二班上学。

4.A stampede Monday night at the Yucai Middle School in Xiangxiang, Hunan, killed 8 teenagers and injured 26 others.7日晚,湖南湘乡市育才中学发生踩踏事故,造成8名学生死亡、26名学生受伤。

5.My daughter was admitted to Yucai middle school this year.我女儿今年被育才中学录取了。

6.L et 's go all out, aim high, and active for a better future of yucai .让我们鼓足干劲,瞄准先进,努力奋斗,去争取育才更加美好的未来。

7.I am yucai middle school students President p hua, our school will hold a about people and the natural Engpsh speech contest.我是育才中学的学生会主席李华,我们学校将举办一次关于人与自然的英语演讲比赛。

8.My name is LiHua and from YuCai middle school.我叫李华,来自育才中学。

9.He goes to Yucai High School this year.他今年去育才高中。

10.The takeoff of Yucai Middle School, I am more proud of their school.对于腾飞中的育才中学,我更为自己的学校而骄傲。