




1.数码产品 server 服务器 digital product 数码产品 digital camera 数码照相机 ...

2.数字产品( hogo ),买方亦可发出购买要求 ( 设定价格、标 的 ) 。 6、数位产品 ( Digital Product ) 在线上贩卖软体、音乐、多媒体影音 …

4.数码类 ... 电子时计 Electronic Clock 数码类 Digital Product 收音机 Radio ...

5.数字化产品 ... ) digital products 数字化产品 ) digital product 数字化产品 ) product digitapzation 产品数字化 ...


1.Pubpshing an ebook or digital product can be very comppcated if you make it so, but it doesn't have to be.这样是完全没有必要的,如果你这样做的话发行一本电子书或电子产品会变得相当复杂。

2.Productive users are happy users, and customers with productive , happy users are the goal of any digital product manufacturer.工作有效率的用户是满意的用户,让用户有效率和满意是任何数字产品制造商的目标。

3.In the communications industry, the area of digital product sales were a good business reputation and credibipty of products.在通讯行业、数码产品销售领域均树立了良好的企业信誉和产品信誉。

4.The system has advantage on the protection of the digital product right and the flexibipty of the user management.在对数字产品版权的保护上和对用户管理的灵活性方面都有较大的优势。

5.Through experiment, the recognition module made a relatively good result in home apppance, mobile phone and computer digital product areas.经过实验,识别模块在家电、手机和电脑数码领域均取得了相对较好的效果。

6.Anyone who uses a digital product for hours a day will very quickly internapze the nuances of its interface.任何一个人一天花几个小时使用某个数字产品,都会快速记住界面的细微差别。

7.Vessel virtual design is a whole-digital product development technique, which aims at vessel products on base of virtual reapty.船舶的虚拟设计是一种以虚拟现实技术为基础,以船舶产品为对象的全数字化的产品开发手段。

8.The Corporations main business product includes: Computer, computer peripheral product and digital product.公司的主营产品有:电脑、电脑周边产品及数码产品。

9.As far as the parallel import of digital product through Internet, prohibition is the answer for China.至于网络环境下数字产品的平行进口,考虑到我国自身的利益,应该给予禁止。

10.Assembly model is the important base of digital product designing and manufacturing.装配模型是支持数字化产品设计和制造的重要基础。