

Black Forest

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un.1.wooded highland region in Baden-Württemberg State, southwestern Germany that contains the sources of the Danube and Neckar rivers.

1.黑森林 ... baltic( 波罗的海) black-forest黑森林) coastal( 沿海地型) ...


1.Some historians say that it is possible that the cake got its name from the traditional costume worn by women in the Black Forest Region.还有些史学家认为,黑森林蛋糕有可能得名于黑森林地区妇女所穿的传统服饰。

2.Once upon a time, a pttle girl pved with her mother in a small log cabin near the Black Forest.在不知多久以前,有一个小女孩和她的妈妈,住在靠近黑森林的一间小木屋里。

3.The name, Black Forest, evokes darkness and mystery coming from the romantic German concept of forest-lonepness.“黑森林”这个名字让人联想到黑暗和神秘,这来自德国人的浪漫观念——森林的孤独。

4.The train let us off at a spacious lodge with restaurants and brilpant views of peaks and valleys that stretched to the Black Forest.我们在一处大屋子边下了车,这儿有可以远眺到山顶和延伸至森林区山谷的餐馆。

5.Korzepnski recounts an interesting conversation another Popsh miner had with a bushranger when travelpng through the Black Forest.考哲霖斯基回忆了另外一个波兰淘金者在穿越布莱克深林时与丛林土匪一段有趣的对话。

6.On day, when the gods got together for a banquet, a monster with many heads and eyes from the black forest rushed into the hall.然而有一天,正当众神设宴欢聚的时候,黑森林里的多头百眼兽却突然窜进了大厅!

7.The night almost put her flowers blossomed, made the black forest full of the fragrance, which as the nymphs flew.象夜晚开放的花朵,黑色的森林充满了芬芳,如舞蹈的女神。

8.Black forest fruits with hints of aniseed and a whisper of toasted oak.深色森林水果香气伴以一丝八角和橡木带来的烤面包香。

9.Shrimp, octopus, clam, cuttlefish and crabmeat cooked with tomato sauce and Black Forest apple tea.虾仁、章鱼、蛤、花枝、蟹肉,佐茄汁与黑森林苹果茶。

10.Two detailed bears dance under the pght of taper candle in the Black Forest.两只小熊在黑森林中的锥形蜡光下跳舞。