

deflate:[英 [dɪˈfleɪt] 美 [dɪˈflet] ]


过去式:deflated;   过去分词:deflated;   现在分词:deflating;

deflate 基本解释


动词放气; 紧缩; 瘪下来; 使泄气

deflate 同义词


deflate 反义词



deflate 相关例句


1. Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.


deflate 网络解释


1. 放出空气,使坍陷,减消:defer 顺从 | deflate 放出空气,使坍陷,减消 | deject 使沮丧

2. 放气:deflagrator 爆燃器 | deflate 放气 | deflation 放气

3. 抽:deflagration 爆燃 | deflate 抽 | deflatingvalve 放气阀


deflate 双语例句

1. There is no rule as to how long a tourniquet may be safely inflated. The time may vary with the age of the patient and the vascular supply of the extremity. In an average healthy adult under 50 years of age, we prefer to leave the tourniquet inflated for no more than 2 hours. If an operation on the lower extremity takes longer than 2 hours, it is better to finish it as rapidly as possible than to deflate the tourniquet for 10 minutes and then reinflate it.


2. Probably the main reason why PT hasn't been adopted more widely is that a central bank that is targeting a path for the price level would spend approximately half of its time trying to deflate or disinflate the economy.


3. After more than a half-century observing numerous price bubbles evolve and deflate, I have reluctantly concluded that bubbles cannot be safely defused by monetary policy or other policy initiatives before the speculative fever breaks on its own.


4. deflate什么意思

4. For only thus can we deflate the enemy's arrogance and raise the people's morale.


5. deflate的解释

5. He refuses to accept any theory that attempts to either deflate it or reduce it.


6. deflate

6. I`ll go deflate him.


7. And there are people who advocate these options in the hope that it will deflate pressure to reduce emissions.


8. Think about what conditions or situations about your life you find troubling and that seem to deflate your self-esteem.


9. deflate

9. When the measurement is complete, the cuff will deflate, and your blood pressure and pulse rate will display on the screen.


10. deflate什么意思

10. Reporting the study results at the meeting, Arthur Feldman, MD, chairman of the department of medicine at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, explained that EECP is a technique that consists of placing a series of inflatable cuffs over the calves and lower and upper thighs. The cuffs rapidly inflate and deflate under high pressure at the onset of diastole and systole, respectively. According to Dr. Feldman, the approach is meant to mimic the hemodynamic properties of the heart's intra-aortic counterpulsation. He said that studies have shown that EECP improves cardiac output and endothelial function in patients with stable angina and in those with heart failure.

于会议中报告这项试验结果的Arthur Feldman医师,同时也是宾州费城Thomas Jefferson大学Jefferson医学院内科部主任,他表示,EECP是一种包含放置一系列可以充气的束带,充气后可以使大腿上方与下方分离;在心脏舒张与收缩时,束带在高压下快速地充气及泄气;根据Feldman医师表示,这个方法是为了要模拟心脏主动脉内反博的血行动力学特性;他指出,试验结果已经证实EECP可以改善稳定性心绞痛与心脏衰竭病患的心脏输出量及内皮功能。

11. At the end it has the actual deflate compressed payload and 8 byte check sum to ensure data is not lost in transmission.


12. Deflate and clean pores—like the ones on your nose—once a week with pore strips.



13. There is no rule as to how long a tourniquet may be safely inflated. The time may ary with the age of the patient and the ascular supply of the extremity. In an aerage healthy adult under 50 years of age, we prefer to leae the tourniquet inflated for no more than 2 hours. If an operation on the lower extremity takes longer than 2 hours, it is better to finish it as rapidly as possible than to deflate the tourniquet for 10 minutes and then reinflate it.


14. The egg whites release water content and start to deflate slowly within 5 - 6 minutes.


15. You have to understand how these two algorithms work in order to understand deflate compression.


16. There are two types of compression algorithms `deflate` and `gzip`.


17. deflate

17. Your current web browser does not support deflate compression, ….

您当前的浏览器不支持 deflate 压缩,请使用更新版本的浏览器

18. The lossless deflate compression algorithm is based on two other compression algorithms: huffman encoding and LZ77 compression.


19. Deflate is a compression algorithm which combines LZ77 and Huffman coding.


20. Fans that kept the dome's fabric roof up were shut down, allowing the roof to deflate.


deflate 词典解释

1. 使泄气;挫…的锐气;贬低…的重要性

If you deflate someone or something, you take away their confidence or make them seem less important.

e.g. Like any actor he can be self-centred but I think I've worked out how to deflate him...


e.g. Britain's other hopes of medals were deflated earlier in the day.



When she refused I felt deflated.


2. 放(轮胎、气球等)的气;(使)瘪掉

When something such as a tyre or balloon deflates, or when you deflate it, all the air comes out of it.


e.g. When it returns to shore, the life-jacket will deflate and revert to a harness...


e.g. ...a deflated dinghy.


deflate 单语例句

1. If a tightening of margin and minimum capital requirements does not deflate a bubble, regulators can tighten some more.

2. But to further deflate the bubble in the property market and check inflation, the authorities could raise the interest rate again.

3. As long as the " risk on " trade prevails, government bonds are likely to deflate.

4. The problem is that often the fun would last only a day - the footballs would quickly rip or deflate on rough terrain.

5. The circular reflects the central government's determination to deflate urban home prices that jumped almost a fifth in the past year in Shanghai alone.

6. SHANGHAI - Shanghai and several other Chinese cities have moved to restrict home purchases in a bid to deflate bubbles in the real estate market.

7. The government was trying to fight corruption, curb skyrocketed housing prices and deflate bubbles in a number of overheated sectors.

8. The property tax is the strongest measure yet taken to deflate the property market bubble and should be welcomed for three reasons.

9. Chen felt Friday's interest rate hike will have very limited impact to deflate growing bubbles in the property and equity markets.

10. These economies need to take delicate decisions to avoid inflation and gradually deflate the bubbles, if there are any.

deflate的意思deflate 英英释义


1. become deflated or flaccid, as by losing air

e.g. The balloons deflated

2. reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices

e.g. deflate the currency

3. produce deflation in

e.g. The new measures deflated the economy

4. reduce or lessen the size or importance of

e.g. The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence

Synonym: puncture

5. release contained air or gas from

e.g. deflate the air mattress

6. collapse by releasing contained air or gas

e.g. deflate a balloon