

necessarily:[英 [ˌnesəˈserəli] 美 [ˌnɛsɪˈsɛrəli, -ˈsɛr-] ]


necessarily 基本解释

副词必要地; 必需地; 必定地; 必然地

necessarily 相关例句



1. You don't necessarily have to go.



2. You should necessarily go to the party.



3. War necessarily causes misery and waste.



4. The study of a foreign language is necessarily difficult.


necessarily 情景对话

Apply for a school-(申请学校)

A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.


B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?


A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?


B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.


A:Which is better?


B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.


A:I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.


B:Yeah, sometimes.


necessarily 网络解释

1. necessarily是什么意思

1. 必要地:with unnecessary care 怀着不必要的顾虑 | necessarily 必要地 | You should necessarily go to the party. 你一定要参加这个舞会.

2. 必定,当然:neat 整洁的,精致的 | necessarily 必定,当然 | necessary 必须的,必需品

3. necessarily什么意思

3. 必然:nebula 星□ | necessarily 必然 | necessary 必要的

4. 必然,必定:nearly 差不多;密切地 | neat 整洁的;简洁的;整齐的 | necessarily 必然,必定

necessarily 双语例句

1. At present the market two big contrary are market nominal and each country government, government the economic stability for the country, inevitable meeting enacts corresponding measure, nominal for the biggest turn profit, it is to borrow all sorts of opportunities to hit necessarily control the market, the wave motion of the market can be increased quickly.


2. Having multiple bad debts does not necessarily mean it is the end of the world for you.


3. Not necessarily; they may be a safety valve.


4. And pre-sold to be returned is not necessarily bad.


5. The customers below represent a vast array of uses with a vast assortment of applications. It should be noted that the organizations appearing on this list do not necessarily endorse our products, but are only listed as a reference of current buyers and users.


6. Foshan Ceramic famous at home and abroad, but not necessarily to the production of ceramics in Foshan.


7. necessarily的反义词

7. Integrated analysis of 7 times heavy rain in Yunnan from July 19 to August 2 based on actual observation weather datum and satellite cloud atlas and Doppler radar image. The results show that: high-low southwest jet stream is important effect system. The maintenance of southwest jet stream provides water vapor, momentum, fast transfer of unstable energy for the lasting heavy rain. The further configuration of plateau shear line and southwest jet stream is necessarily condition about 7 times heavy rain. The lasting heavy rain appeared on big value region of 500hPa vapour flux and vapour flux divergence. The shear cloud band and subtropical high cloud band crossed and confluenced in Yunnan on the satellite cloud atlas. The maintenance and intensification of shear cloud hand and periphery cloud band of subtropical high correspond quite well to heavy rain falling region and cloud band distribution.


8. necessarily的翻译

8. In most cases, the line drawn between music and noise is necessarily subjective.


9. But for the stability of Hangzhou, property prices, not necessarily be of great role.


10. Now, some people make the point that measuring isn`t necessarily a good thing.


11. I didn`t necessarily like work, but I loved what working allowed me to have.


12. In this capacity surplus still contains a lot of opportunities, but they do not necessarily fall into your hands.


13. It`s not necessarily wise, but you`re the only one who has to pay the consequences.


14. Phil Gramm and Steve Forbes have both proved that truckloads of money do not necessarily translate into political momentum.


15. Hallie:Well, they are attracted to each other but that's not necessarily the most important thing.


16. necessarily

16. Input method and not necessarily with the mainland, you may not use.


17. necessarily

17. Regenerative braking is the best method, though not necessarily the most economic.


18. To derive the put-call parity relationship, the assumption is that the options are not exercised before expiration day, which necessarily applies to European options.


19. This situation is normal, your account in 2004 in Jiangsu Province after the removal of your account would be no, and identity card numbers in the declaration when some accounts, if someone using your identity card number, then only There is a note and your people who were born the same day, but also you in one place, as is, together with more than 20 years, I do not necessarily, it is possible he used the account and your date of birth are not the same, may be precisely in you move out when he changed his age, resulting in his new identity card number and your like, since you changed the numbers, the public security organs will give you a change to prove the identity card numbers, and prove that you received, and not will affect your previous whatever.



20. On the other hand, it might be postulated that the deviation is due to a genetically transmitted trait, so that deviant children could resonate to their deviant parents. In fact, language deficient families do exist, although it is not yet certain that the mechanism is necessarily the one postulated here. However, there is another reason why marked deviations of latent structure have a low chance for dissemination.


necessarily 词典解释

1. 一定地;必要地

If you say that something is not necessarily the case, you mean that it may not be the case or is not always the case.

e.g. Anger is not necessarily the most useful or acceptable reaction to such events...


e.g. Speed and safety are not necessarily incompatible...


2. 不可避免地;必然地

If you say that something necessarily happens or is the case, you mean that it has to happen or be the case and cannot be any different.

e.g. The most desirable properties necessarily command astonishingly high prices...


e.g. Tourism is an industry that has a necessarily close connection with governments.


necessarily 单语例句necessarily

1. The Chinese government has finally realized that simply owning a wealth of business assets does not necessarily mean they are productive.

2. Though the document itself would not necessarily represent the stance of the Obama administration, it will act as guidance for the president to formulate his intelligence strategy.

3. The return of profit momentum doesn't necessarily mean a revival in the label's cachet.

4. However, studying in the carpentry school doesn't necessarily mean a bleak future.

5. Some observers argue that an expected rise in the prices of agricultural products does not necessarily make the case for an interest rate hike.

6. The central bank said the adjustment does not necessarily mean " the yuan will fluctuate by a lot or appreciate by a large magnitude ".

7. While the man didn't necessarily commit any offense, police still want to question him about why he left the security check.

8. Moreover, getting a marriage licence does not necessarily lead to the birth of a child.

9. A beautiful China should first be a clean and healthy China, but not necessarily a modern or rich country.

10. The case with the Japanese yen has clearly demonstrated that international payment is not necessarily entirely linked to currency exchange rates.

necessarily 英英释义


1. in such a manner as could not be otherwise

e.g. it is necessarily so

we must needs by objective

Synonym: inevitablyof necessityneeds

2. in an essential manner

e.g. such expenses are necessarily incurred

Synonym: needfully

3. as a highly likely consequence

e.g. we are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe