

repay:[英 [rɪˈpeɪ] 美 [rɪˈpe] ]


过去式:repaid;   过去分词:repaid;   现在分词:repaying;

repay 基本解释


及物动词偿还; 报答; 付还; 酬报


repay 相关例句



1. I will repay you tomorrow.


2. repay的近义词

2. I'll repay you all the money you lent me next week.


3. He repaid her kindness with blows.


repay 网络解释

1. 偿还:嘉泥是国内第一家不动产证券化的发行机构,但此案也将成为第一件提前偿还(repay)不动产证券化的个案. 台湾工银表示,依照不动产资产信托(CMBS)架构的证券化,该起不动产证券化的受益证券,发行总金额为44.1亿元、发行期间七年,

2. 报答:期间玩家有可能(May)会碰到无法登上或无法正常游戏的情况,待维护时间过后(After)玩家即可正常登上及游戏. 在此,向所有一直以来支持我们的玩家表现(Show)(Show)衷心的感激,我们将推出更多好玩的游戏与运动来报答(Repay)玩家们的厚爱!

3. repay的意思

3. 还:嘉泥是国内第一家不动产证券化的发行机构,但此案也将成为第一件提前偿还(repay)不动产证券化的个案. 台湾工银表示,依照不动产资产信托(CMBS)架构的证券化,该起不动产证券化的受益证券,发行总金额为44.1亿元、发行期间七年,

repay 双语例句

1. repay的解释

1. Article 42 Borrowers of loans shall repay the principal and interest of the loans on time.


2. Article 42 Borrowers of loans should repay the principal and interest of the loans on time.


3. If a borrower fails to repay a secured loan upon maturity, the commercial bank shall lawfully have the right to require the surety to repay the loan principal and the interest thereon or the right to preferential compensation in respect of the collateral.


4. And this is how you repay me?



5. If you let me, and I will repay you.


6. And we also repay them with love.


7. I gave you a job and this is how you repay me? ?


8. You were a big help to me and i hope i can repay you some day.



9. I will try even harder to repay the company and your support.


10. Article 87 The creditor and the debtor shall agree in the contract that after the creditor takes lien of the property, the debtor shall repay the debts in no less than two months.


11. When someone went to borrow money to build a house or a shop, they had no way to repay it because there were no banks to get loans. This type of situation shows how the Yami are treated unfairly.


12. If the ship's owner fails to repay the loans the bank can exercise bottomry and dispose of the ship.


13. Therefore when Mui passed away, the will would be effective, as the trust fund was the only beneficiary, so that it didn't have to repay Mui the share it bought from the Liberian company.


14. Park road, waterworks, sewage treatment plant construction full cost of capital for park, investors, after completion of construction and investment management limited company representative on the road downtown land or land resources in the value of the replacement of a way to repay the investor construction cost.


15. I mean it, I will repay you.


16. repay

16. I will repay it, I answered, and I did.


17. If it's me i will repay the parents.


18. It was an investment and I wanted to show I could repay it.


19. I knew I had gained too much, so I should repay it by words.


20. I wish I could repay it some day.


repay 词典解释

1. 偿还,偿付(贷款或债务)

If you repay a loan or a debt, you pay back the money that you owe to the person who you borrowed or took it from.

e.g. It will take 30 years to repay the loan...


e.g. He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.


2. 报答,回报(恩惠等)

If you repay a favour that someone did for you, you do something for them in return.

e.g. It was very kind. I don't know how I can ever repay you...


e.g. I owe them a debt that cannot easily be repaid.


repay 单语例句

1. They could also be ordered to repay up to five times the profits generated by their illegal business operations.

2. Cab drivers regard the first eight hours of the shift as working to repay the company and to cover the cost of fuel.

3. The only thing that I can repay them with is training hard on the ice.

4. The company said in a statement it will use the proceeds to repay bank loans and supplement working capital.

5. A few states have programs that require dealers to post substantial insurance bonds to repay victimized car buyers.

6. One insider said the distribution of cash dividends should be used as an important way to repay investors.

7. Julio Baptista - underused and cast away by Fabio Capello last season - continued to repay Madrid coach Bernd Schuster's confidence on Sunday.

8. The discipline inspection commission under the CPC of Hainan's provincial committee has called upon the officials to repay the money.

9. It could adopt structural adjustments to improve national economic competitiveness and make its economic growth rate higher than interest on debt to repay existing debts.

10. Zhang then asked the court to annul the adoption and order his ungrateful kids to repay the money he had spent bringing them up.

repay 英英释义


1. answer back

Synonym: retortcome backreturnriposterejoin

2. pay back

e.g. Please refund me my money

Synonym: refundreturngive back

3. make repayment for or return something

Synonym: requite

4. act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions

Synonym: rewardpay back