

attorney:[英 [əˈtɜ:ni] 美 [əˈtɜ:rni] ]



attorney 基本解释


名词律师; 代理人

attorney 相关例句


1. He became a prominent attorney.


attorney 网络解释

1. 律师:联邦司法部是联邦、也就是负责涉及国家整体利益的法律事务的检察机构,其下设有刑事司、民事司、民权司等十几个负责各类诉讼的工作部门,其工作人员都称为律师(ATTORNEY还有联邦调查局、禁毒局等负责某类案件调查的部门,

2. 检察官:MBCA第14章规定的司法解散可以分为三种,由检察官(attorney)提起、由股东提起以及由债权人提起. 其中,第14.30(2)条规定了股东提起司法解散的具体内容,包括:股东僵局和董事僵局,董事或控制人的非法(illegal)行为、压榨(oppressive)行为、欺诈(fraudulent)行为,

attorney 双语例句

1. ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?


2. In such event, Client shall make up the difference in attorney agency fees due to the preferential treatments offered in Section 4 of Article 1 and Section 5 of Article 2 herein.


3. A judge should resist the influence from the parties, attorney, defendants and other people or through their social contacts and should handle the situation according to relevant regulations

第四条 法官应当抵制当事人及其代理人、辩护人或者案外人利用各种社会关系的说情,并按照有关规定处理。

4. Thirty-third article of criminal suspects by the investigating authorities first questioned the adoption of coercive measures or the date the lawyer entrusted with lawyer practicing certificate and proof of power of attorney law firm or legal aid letters, the right to meet criminal suspects and defendants people and learn more about the circumstances of the case.


5. Reports say the initial video posting made no direct reference to Andrews being that woman, but her attorney later confirmed it.


6. The bank was broken, so, in October and November 2008, Antonucci methodically went about pretending to fix it, 'said Preet Bharara, the U. S. attorney in Manhattan, at a press conference.


7. Client agrees to pay Attorney for his services under this Agreement a sun equal to ——(12)——percent of any monies or property obtained or received by Client as the result of voluntary compromise or other out-of-court settlement; ——(13)—— percent if received after judgment; and ——(14)—— percent if received by Client after a eal.


8. attorney

8. These rights include the right not to incriminate oneself, the right to be represented by an attorney, and the right to confront and cross-examine his or her accusers.


9. attorney的翻译

9. The system of defense by attorney is of great importance in criminal procedure.



10. Her father and her defense attorney say they will keep working for her freedom.


11. After three decades, it doesn`t require a defense attorney.


12. I feel like the defense attorney for the Neanderthals sometimes.


13. attorney的解释

13. Yeah, your defense attorney's|gonna love that one, Bridget.



14. Simpson answered questions from his defense attorney for nearly three hours.


15. For more information, contact an attorney qualified in the area of immigration.


16. attorney的解释

16. The opinion of Liu Chunquan of solicitor of Ancheng's attorney office is more direct, he says, in this case, agriculture Bank always the mistake that fine subbranch of a bank commits is very elementary.


17. attorney是什么意思

17. Put to compensate to pure economic loss, analyze the protection of pure economic loss in tort law of our country and elaborated the common type of processing pattern in attorney and accountants responsibility.


18. We'll do what our attorney Cantamessa says.


19. attorney

19. In practice, it is a good idea for the attorney to keep accurate records and receipts for all transactions made on behalf of the grantor.


20. attorney的意思

20. Fu's father almost 70 years old, he had decided starts a journey to Finland which files to 10, 000 kilometer outside on Monday for rescuing his daughter, and anticipated the consulate office in the Beijing suburbs in former times for bartering with the mongols can replace invite local specialized attorney, besides settles the entire case, also can make to the local media wrong news clarifies.


attorney 词典解释

1. (美国的)律师

In the United States, an attorney or attorney at law is a lawyer.

e.g. ...a prosecuting attorney.


attorney 单语例句attorney

1. US Attorney General Eric Holder said a Pentagon investigation will determine whether criminal charges will be filed in the leaking of Afghanistan war secrets.

2. He also agreed to pay attorney and related legal costs by himself.

3. A call to the Los Angeles attorney who signed the letter to Clear Channel wasn't immediately returned Tuesday.

4. During a short status hearing in federal court in Denver Bryant's attorney Pamela Mackey said the defense planned to call up to 125 witnesses.

5. They were facing charges with capital murder and other counts, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office has announced.

6. Moutai's attorney acknowledged the truthfulness of that history, but said it " has no connection with the case ".

7. Sanders was hired late Thursday after Katherine Jackson's former attorney publicly cast doubts about the authenticity of her filing.

8. The attorney said it is improper for the Center to investigate its own staff.

9. Child services workers are investigating the incident, but attorney Adam Streisand said the stun gun was confiscated before any harm was done.

10. Attorney Shawn Chapman Holley says Lohan's passport was stolen while she was at the Cannes Film Festival.

attorney 英英释义


1. a professional person authorized to practice law

conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice

Synonym: lawyer