

solace:[英 [ˈsɒləs] 美 [ˈsɑ:ləs] ]


过去式:solaced;   过去分词:solaced;   现在分词:solacing;   复数形式:solaces;

solace 基本解释



及物动词安慰,慰藉; 减轻; 使快乐

solace 相关例句


1. The unhappy man solaced himself with whisky.



1. Her daughter was a great solace to her in her bereavement.


2. I'm afraid he took his solace in drink.


3. The invalid found solace in music.


solace 网络解释

1. 索拉斯:卡拉曼(Kalaman)、索拉斯(Solace)等主要城镇都被攻陷了,野蛮人也被打败,南部的冰墙(IceWall)地区亦落入敌手. 到这一年的年底,大部分安塞隆大陆都被龙人大军攻占了. 这一年里唯一值得一提的好消息是河风找到了米沙凯之杖(theStaffofMishakal).

2. 微热:本站提供相爱时说的话/微热(Solace)在线观看服务,但暂不相爱时说的话/微热(Solace)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关相爱时说的话/微热(Solace)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

solace 双语例句

1. solace在线翻译

1. It will come as little solace to the ageing Lothario that the discount looked about right: house prices have fallen by one-third from their peak nationwide, and by much more than that in the worst-hit states, such as California, Florida and Nevada.


2. The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visting and news.


3. The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.


4. Its solace was visiting and news....


5. solace的近义词

5. And if we ever thought Venice was a mere folderol, a solace to ease the film junkie's long withdrawal pains after Cannes, director Marco Müller, who has signed a new four-year contract, means business.

而倘若我们有一丝念头,认为威尼斯影展仅仅是个花哨的家伙,是平息电影迷在戛纳电影节后长期难耐的痛苦的一支安慰剂,已续签了4年合同的电影节总导演马尔科穆勒(Marco Müller)可是当真的。

6. solace的翻译

6. Zarathustra's third doctrine the eternal recurrence of things shows a more human side to his character, since it offers a metaphysical solace to our feelings of abandonment at the loss of our gods.



7. The monks were his only solace and playing the temple drums his only joy.


8. Tolstoy spirit of repentance and humanitarian thinking of the ring for Lu Xun's important to Lu Xun's remorse unlike Christians face pastor speak their sin, is to seek spiritual solace and tranquility of conscience, and also different from Goethe Works The Sorrows of Young Werther, since Rousseau's post-mortem, in the secular penitence contains beyond the personal heroism of pride.


9. Neither would I be only like spring, Bringing you cooling solace all year long; Nor would I be just like perilous peak, Increasing your majesty, And offsetting your dignity.


10. Chinese modernist school poets avoid contradictions and struggle of the real life in their works. On the one hand, they intimate with the nature; on the other hand, they hide in their emotional world, in individual love world for self-anaesthesia and solace.


11. After the war, painting would offer deep solace when, in 1921, the death of the mother was followed two months later by the loss of his and Clementine`s beloved three-year-old daughter, Marigold.


12. When I awoke, the solace I had felt was replace by loss... by my failure.


13. User think that many of these sites are representative in a foreign country can be received from the hometown of the mother river of water, might well be a very unique solace, no one on the network can not only limited to selling in-kind sale of creativity.


14. However, your pact with aloneness will be your support and solace even in the midst of unfamiliar situationss.


15. Also smells—warm, rich, and varied smells—that twined and twisted and wreathed themselves at last into one complete, voluptuous, perfect smell that seemed like the very soul of Nature taking form and appearing to her children, a true Goddess, a mother of solace and comfort.


16. Take solace in the fact that the national average score is around 676 according to the Gallup Organization.


17. If I love you--- I will never be a trumpet creeper Clinging to your body to highlight my height; If I love you--- I will never be a spoony bird Repeating the monotonous song for a green shade; Nor a spring That brings perennial cool solace; Nor steep peak That increases your highness, reflect your eminence.


18. Ode to the Oak If I love you --- I will never be a trumpet creeper Clinging to your body to highlight my height; If I love you --- I will never be a spoony bird Repeating the monotonous song for a green shade; Nor a spring That brings perennial cool solace; Nor steep peak That increases your highness, reflect your eminence. Even the sunlight.


19. solace的意思

19. For some of us it might be by way of counseling with a grief therapist, creating a scrapbook of memories or other highly personalized project in memory of our loved one, or finding our solace and healing in writing our feelings and experience down on paper.



20. Singing solace to the silent moon?


solace 词典解释

1. 安慰;慰藉

Solace is a feeling of comfort that makes you feel less sad.


e.g. I found solace in writing when my father died three years ago...

我父亲 3 年前去世的时候,我从写作中找到了安慰。

e.g. Henry was inclined to seek solace in drink.


2. 给人慰藉的事物

If something is a solace to you, it makes you feel less sad.

e.g. She found the companionship of Marcia a solace.


solace 单语例句solace

1. And although going to school was a chance to flee his unhappy home, the classroom offered little solace for a young Cruise either.

2. The only solace for Houston was being competitive after getting routed by 21 at home to Detroit the previous game.

3. Yet those disruptive early years left him a sensitive soul, one who often sought solace in music as a teenager.

4. They are reluctant to consult a psychologist and would rather seek solace from nameless, faceless identities on the Internet.

5. An idea David Cameron may find solace in as he tries to find a way out of the recession.

6. But she seems to find solace in the cinema and is already planning her next production.

7. " Quantum of Solace " has been taken from a collection of short stories that were published by Fleming in 1960.

8. His flirtations with young girls are solace against his cold marriage to Aline.

9. They sought solace in the comfortable summer of Hungary, looking for ways to escape the devastation of the Sichuan quake in May.

10. The company said on Thursday its redesigned Ka city car would debut in the upcoming Bond film'Quantum of Solace'.

solace 英英释义


1. the act of consoling

giving relief in affliction

e.g. his presence was a consolation to her

Synonym: consolationcomfort

2. the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment

e.g. second place was no consolation to him

Synonym: consolationsolacement

3. comfort in disappointment or misery

Synonym: solacement


1. give moral or emotional strength to

Synonym: comfortsootheconsole