

standpoint:[英 [ˈstændpɔɪnt] 美 [ˈstændˌpɔɪnt] ]



standpoint 基本解释


standpoint 相关例句


1. We should look at this from a historical standpoint.


standpoint 网络解释

1. 立足点:常年住在里面的修道士不做声响,禁语冥想,将近三个小时的电影只有不多的字幕和极少的语言. 我听广播之后查阅希尔在文化与政论月刊(Standpoint)里面的相关文章,发现她也极力推荐菲利普格洛宁(Philip Grning)拍制地这部影片.

2. standpoint的近义词

2. 立场,观点:13.from a public relations standpoint,abruzzi and apolskia were by the book.从公众角度出发,(杀)abruzzi and apolskia是按规定的. | standpoint=立场,观点 | by the book=按常规,按规矩

standpoint 双语例句

1. From the standpoint of the financial analysis, this project is worth of investing.


2. Instead of looking at the process in exclusive political-economic terms and from the urban standpoint, this course seeks to study interactively the rural and the global/modern interface, and inclusively in the terms of cultural development, focusing on the areas of concepts, histories, and theoretical perspectives concerning the emergence of peasantry and village, modernization and capitalization of agriculture, representations of trans-national or peasant workers (as inter-cultural intermediaries), residue of rural and communal culture from within the urban and global settings and its cleavage.


3. And I think, from a standpoint of



4. Although breeding between close kin is thought to be generally unfavorable from an evolutionary standpoint, in part because harmful mutations are more easily propagated through populations in this way, theory predicts that under some circumstances, the benefits of inbreeding may outweigh the costs.


5. standpoint的翻译

5. They represented the basic standpoint for law of the natural law school and the analytical positivist school of law and the sociological school of law respectively.


6. From quality control standpoint, we use the industry trend setting AVT 100% quality inspection system to ensure the highest possible quality. Since our product feature online die-cutter, auto-waster cleaner, Spartanics counter, working in sync and allow a seamless transition from printing to finishing that shorten process time and reduce cost. Furthermore, the industry standard Xrite color management system is also a feature of our product.


7. From quality control standpoint, we use the industry trend setting AVT 100% quality inspection system to ensure the highest possible quality. Since our product feature online die-cutter, auto-waster cleaner, Spartanics counter, working in sync and allow a seamless transition from printing to finishing that shorten process time and reduce cost.


8. standpoint

8. But in I Maccabees, nevertheless, history is written from the human standpoint.


9. standpoint的反义词

9. This dissertation takes blacks education in the 20〓 century as the research subject. From the standpoint of education equality, and with desegregation and integration in school as the main thread, it explores the dynamics and resistant forces of blacks education in the wider social, political and economic background.


10. standpoint

10. This dissertation takes blacks education in the 20th century as the research subject. From the standpoint of education equality, and with desegregation and integration in school as the main thread, it explores the dynamics and resistant forces of blacks education in the wider social, political and economic background.


11. The discussion about Chinese Literati painting, as a major part of Chinese traditional painting, relates essentially to the basic standpoint of the development of our present national art.


12. The thesis, through the view of advertisement and marketing, is based on the reality of this kind of advertisement which is now in an awkward situation. On the standpoint of advertisement, the thesis explores the five factors on the chain of propagation of advertisements.


13. And there is much discusses, less records narrates about them. Until now, people have already paid much attention to its literature value and the literature thoughts, but the discussion from the standpoint of language is few, not to speak of the research on the special study of the language of HeLin YuLu.


14. In large measure it is written from the standpoint of the small buyer and seller of stocks.


15. Finally, the moral to be drawn from the various events narrated is more clearly set forth in this third writing and, according to the critics the moral standpoint is that of the fifth century BC Lastly, after the time of Ezra, this last history, P was worked up into one with the already combined narrative JE by a second redactor R. JEP, the result being the present history of Abraham, and indeed the present book of Genesis; though in all probability insertions were made at even a later date.

最后,道德,以取自各种活动解说的是更明确提出,在这第三个写作,并根据批评者的道德立场,是强调在公元前五世纪,最后,经过的时候,以斯拉,这在过去历史上,磷是致力於成为一个与已经结合的叙事是由第二redactor传译jep ,结果被本历史亚伯拉罕的,而事实上本书的成因,虽然没有在所有的概率插入作了甚至稍后日期。

16. Indeed, from a purely medical standpoint coitus can be resumed as soon as vaginal bleeding has stopped and any tears or incisions in the vaginal area have healed.


17. This is to keep on the standpoint of the development.



18. Dr. Isbister: From a character standpoint it`s a real opportunity time.


19. Quantum mechanic requires the states of a dynamical system and the dynamical variables to be interconnected in quite strange ways that are unitelligible from the classical standpoint.


20. And then ALIENS, just from a horror standpoint, it scared the piss out of us when we were eight years old.


standpoint 词典解释

1. 角度;立场;立足点

From a particular standpoint means looking at an event, situation, or idea in a particular way.

e.g. He believes that from a military standpoint, the situation is under control...


e.g. From my standpoint, you know, this thing is just ridiculous.


standpoint 单语例句standpoint是什么意思

1. This increase was not significant from a statistical standpoint, meaning it could have occurred by chance.

2. From a practical standpoint, this fixation on celebrity nourishment is surely a byproduct of restricted access.

3. Bryant admitted to being puzzled concerning the Lakers'lack of consistency from an effort standpoint this season.

4. From an IT standpoint, data center power consumption continues to receive significant attention.

5. Actions and commitments to action must be assessed from the standpoint of consistency with allowable emissions.

6. This problem itself is also a value judgment interlinked closely with standpoint and interest.

7. Then, there are those who approach the issue from a practical standpoint.

8. Netizens have to show the right attitude and take the right standpoint.

9. " We did very well together from a financial standpoint, " Borden said.

10. That's why it adopted a relative soft stance toward Iran over Iraqi issue compared with its tough standpoint on Iran's nuclear issue.

standpoint 英英释义


1. a mental position from which things are viewed

e.g. we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians

teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events

Synonym: point of viewviewpointstand