

contiguous:[英 [kənˈtɪgjuəs] 美 [kənˈtɪɡjuəs] ]


contiguous 基本解释


contiguous 相关例句


1. contiguous在线翻译

1. This district is contiguous to the border.


2. England is contiguous with Wales.


contiguous 网络解释

1. 临近:另外,魔术棒工具(Magicwandtool)和油漆桶工具(Paintbuckettool)的工具设置面板中新增了临近(Contiguous)选项这个选项将魔术棒工具和油漆桶工具的作用范围限制在鼠标点击的周围部分,如果取消选择此选项,魔术棒工具和油漆桶工具将作用于整幅图像.

2. contiguous的意思

2. 連續的:由一个以上的Windows 2000域组成层次式排列,但这些域需分享一个连续的(Contiguous)名称空间. 由一个以上互不相连的(Disjointed)名称空间的域树组成层次式排列. 当建立域林时,每一个域树内的根域之间会自动建立双向可传递的信任关系,

contiguous 双语例句

1. As we saw in the previous section, allocating memory to hold elements in contiguous storage has impacts on the memory allocation strategies and overhead of a container.


2. Stack is a contiguous area of memory which is used for storing local objects of a function.


3. The patient also has a biopsy-proen thyroid nodule containing Hodgkin's disease that is not directly contiguous with any of the nodal disease.


4. A cell pair in memory consists of a sequence of two contiguous cells.



5. In this paper, a deleted mutation in RNA2 of WYMV was detected after the 27 passage of mechanical innoculation in wheat by RT-PCR and Northern blot. Sequence analysis showed that a contiguous sequence of 2595 nucleotides (from nt 214 to nt 2808) was internally deleted from WYMV RNA2 and flanked by seven reverse repeated compatible nucleotides which can form a loop-stem structure.

利用在小麦上连续机械接种WYMV的方法,自第27代起,利用RT-PCR和Northern blot方法在感病小麦中检测到一个WYMV RNA2的缺失突变株,序列分析发现缺失区域位于RNA2的214~2808nt,共计2595nt,并在缺失区域的两端存在7个碱基的反向互补序列。

6. In this paper, a deleted mutation in RNA2 of WYMV was detected after the twenty-seventh passage of mechanical inoculation in wheat by RT-PCR and Northern blot. Sequence analysis showed that a contiguous sequence of 2595 nucleotides (from nt 214 to nt 2808) was internally deleted from WYMV RNA2 and flanked by seven reverse repeated compatible nucleotides which can form a loop-stem structure.

利用在小麦上连续机械接种WYMV的方法,自第27代起,利用RT-PCR和Northern blot方法在感病小麦中检测到一个WYMV RNA2的缺失突变株,序列分析发现缺失区域位于RNA2 的214-2808nt,共计2595 nt,并在缺失区域的两端存在7个碱基的反向互补序列。

7. Successive operations from the same client often read through a contiguous region of a file.


8. And its unsuitabilities of each subsystem for real-time systems, the author has designed and implemented fixed-priority scheduling for real-time processes, separation of the scheduling policy from its mechanism to supply optional schedulers, preload of executable file of a real-time process and locking its pages in memory, kernel preempty on the foundation of switch points in the kernel, a real-time file system of contiguous data blocks, priority scheduling of I/O request blocks and bypassing buffers, etc.

作者的主要研究成果是:1在深入系统研究Unix System V 3.2(SVR3.2)核心结构及原理对实时应用不适应性的基础上,实现了实时进程固定优先级调度,调度策略/机制的分离、提供对可选调度策略的支持;实时进程可执行文件预读、页面锁入内存;基于剥夺点的核心剥夺;数据块连续的文件系统;I/O请求块的优先级调度,以及绕过高速缓冲等。

9. A slice is a reference to a contiguous segment of an array and contains a numbered sequence of elements from that array.



10. A contiguous address space in dynamic storage that is held in reserve and not normally used to satisfy a request for storage until such requests cannot besatisfied from other areas of dynamic storage.


11. This means that the linear and contiguous memory buffer of source XML is copied into many fragmented pieces of memory across the heap - each element and in many cases each token gets it's own heap space.


12. The contents of the region addressed by PAD are intended to be under the complete control of the user: no words defined in this Standard place anything in the region, although changing data-space allocations as described in Contiguous regions may change the address returned by PAD.

由 PAD 传回位址的区域的内容是设计完全给使用者控制使用的:没有定义於这个标准中的词在这个区域中放置任何事物,虽然改变描述於 资料空间配置的连续区域可能改变由 PAD 回传的位址。

13. The frame adopts the galvanization steel plate, the contiguous angles of the frame adopt the special components, the frame and angle is a inserted connection, the glass wool heat preservation materials are used inside the frame and sealed with galvanization steel plate to prevent the cooling bridge


14. The frame adopts the aluminum alloy, plastic steel or high quality galvanization steel plate, the contiguous angles of the frame adopt the special components, the frame and angle is a inserted connection, the polystyrene heat preservation materials are used inside the frame to prevent the cooling


15. In the case of bills under the leadership of the current number, the number is displayed after the 16011, 16033 or 16022, 5989, 1, 1, 159675978, and so on, if you find that the number is not contiguous business card printing and membership card production number you may receive an error.

如单据不幼远号码为16000,则此后表现号码为16011、16022、16033或1 5989、1 5978、1 5967等,如果发掘号码不不断,则制卡和会员卡制作号码不不退呈不隐了不差。

16. contiguous在线翻译

16. Remove the office area, shape modern apartment, contiguous residential is everywhere...


17. Any one who, like ourselves, has wandered about in these solitudes contiguous to our faubourgs, which may be designated as the limbos of Paris, has seen here and there, in the most desert spot, at the most unexpected moment, behind a meagre hedge, or in the corner of a lugubrious wall, children grouped tumultuously, fetid, muddy, dusty, ragged, dishevelled, playing hide-and-seek, and crowned with corn-flowers.


18. contiguous的翻译

18. LTC1485CS8 Pinout: USB C Revision 1.1 compliant C USB slave device controller C Supports a 6th USB endpoint C Full speed operation at 12 Mb/s C Supports control, interrupt, bulk and isochronous endpoints C Supports USB remote wakeup C Integrated USB transceiver TDM C Serial Time Division Multiplexed voice and data inter- face C Provides interface to telephone CODECs and DSPs C Interface to high quality audio A/Ds and D/As with external glue logic C Support 1 to 1288-bit time slots C Compatible with Lucent CHI, GCI, Mitel ST-bus, K2 and SLD busses C Supports data rates of up to 8.192 Mb/s C Supports internal or external frame generation C Supports multiple non-contiguous active input and output time slots EJTAG C Run-time Mode provides a standard JTAG interface C Real-Time Mode provides additional pins for real-time trace information Ethernet C Full duplex support for 10 and 100 Mb/s Ethernet C IEEE 802.3u compatible Media Independent Interface with serial management interface C IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation for automatic speed selection C Flexible address filtering modes C 64-entry hash table based multicast address filtering

LTC1485CS8引脚说明:版本1.1兼容的USB USB接口设备控制器C支持一个第六的USB端点全速运行在12 Mb/s的C支持控制,中断,批量和同步端点支持USB远程唤醒C组合的USB收发器C串行的TDM时分多路复用语音和数据间面对面C提供接口,电话编解码器和DSP的C接口,以高品质的音频A/Ds因子和D /与外部胶合逻辑C支持1到128的8位与朗讯气gcI的,敏迪ST段总线,K2和民主左翼联盟时段C兼容总线C支持的数据传输速率高达8.192 Mb/s的C支持内部或外部帧代C支持多个非连续的积极投入和产出时段EJTAG C运行时模式提供了一个标准的JTAG接口C实时模式提供实时跟踪信息以太网内满10个和100个全双工支持额外的引脚Mb/s以太网兼容IEEE 802.3u标准媒体独立接口与串行管理界面C电机及电子学工程师联合会802.3u标准自动协商自动速度选择灵活的过滤方式 64项哈希表的多播地址过滤地址

19. contiguous在线翻译

19. Yes, it results in a non-contiguous data block.


20. contiguous是什么意思

20. MR studies consisted of sagittal and axial T1-weighted spin-echo sequences and coronal and axial proton density–or T2-weighted fast SE sequences with 3- to 6-mm contiguous sections over the whole brain.

MR扫描序列包括矢位、轴位T1加权自旋回波序列(T1-weighted spin-echo sequences)和冠位、轴位质子密度或T2加权快速自旋回波序列(proton density- or T2-weighted fast SE sequences),均行全脑扫描,层厚3~6mm。

contiguous 词典解释

1. 相接的;相邻的

Things that are contiguous are next to each other or touch each other.

e.g. Its vineyards are virtually contiguous with those of Ausone.


e.g. ...two years of travel throughout the 48 contiguous states.


contiguous 单语例句contiguous

1. The project is targeting 13 counties, including six nature reserves within five contiguous watersheds.

2. The average temperature for March in the contiguous United States ranked near average for the past 113 years.

3. President Bush recently complained that the fence " meanders around the West Bank, which makes it awfully hard to develop a contiguous state " for the Palestinians.

4. MEG is estimated to have more than 4 billion barrels of geological bitumen in its 52 contiguous sections in Alberta.

5. That's a fraction of the oil that Price said should be there, but it's still the largest accumulation of crude in the 48 contiguous US states.