

steadily:[英 ['stedɪlɪ] 美 [ˈstɛdəlɪ] ]


steadily 基本解释


副词稳定地; 持续地; 稳固地


steadily 相关例句


1. Unemployment has risen steadily.


steadily 网络解释

1. steadily的反义词

1. 稳定地:startling 令人吃惊的 | steadily 稳定地 | step-by-step 逐步


2. 稳步地:orthdox 正统 | steadily 稳步地 | consultaion 咨询


3. 稳定地;稳固地:stay 停留;住 n.逗留 | steadily 稳定地;稳固地 | steady 稳固地;平稳地

4. 稳步推进:law of gravity万有引力定律 | steadily稳步推进 | decrease减少

steadily 双语例句

1. During the studying of thermal-decay of LPGs, we proposed firstly that the anneal parameter is larger than 14900, LPGs can operate steadily for 25 years under 27℃ after LPGs were annealed. Moreover, we observed for the first time that the resonance peaks in the lower-order mode of LPGs shift to red wavelength after LPGs experienced annealing or natural-decay. We believed that the phenomenon is because that the formations of LPGs don't cease when UV-exposure ceases.


2. Before the king`s desk, he just bid a simple salute of warrior to him and then stood steadily there, feet posing as T-shape.


3. Reflector with the curvature changed automaticly make the focus`s place fixed permanently and make it possible to cut the sheet, thin or thick, quickly and steadily.


4. steadily的意思

4. In these industries, the average cost curve declines steadily with higher volume, and the profits made on sales beyond the break-even point are substantial.


5. First half of 2004, housing prices began to steadily rise, the average price of 6698 yuan/sq m, an increase of 10.94%.

2004年上半年,房地产价格开始稳步上升,平均价格六千六百九十八元/平方米,同比增长10.94 %。

6. I thought, at first, it was the crowing of cocks or the barking of dogs at some very distant farm; but steadily and gradually it took articulate shape in my ears, until I became aware that a passenger was going by upon the high-road in the valley, and singing loudly as he went.


7. Below current macroscopical economy environment, want to achieve the goal that our country economy grows steadily continuously, can base oneself upon expands actively at holding to inside needed policy, and must put demand of consumption of the farther dweller that start in more prominent place.


8. steadily在线翻译

8. Results show that the switch can work steadily at 1~500 Hz repetition rate, and can output a pulse with 400 ps rise time, 320 ps fall time, 460 ps width and 129.2 kV peak voltage, as the switch adopts the ring-ring electrodeⅡ.

结果表明:亚纳秒气体开关采用环形组合电极Ⅱ时,可以在1~500 Hz稳定工作,输出前沿400 ps、后沿320 ps、脉冲宽度460 ps和电压129.2 kV的脉冲。


9. For the phenomenon of BMR increasing steadily, we think it is the result of the inner parasitic capacitance effect.


10. Based on experiences from design, spot construction, test run, and acceptance examination, a cost-effective, practical project which run steadily and possess dependable technology was proposed to help the technicians and managers in the field of ramie industry and related fields.


11. In fact, the study to the hyperpycnal flow is very useful to the steadily of the down-stream and the full use of it.


12. steadily的翻译

12. At the camp in southern Darfur that Gadgil and Galitsky visited, women walk three hours to the edge of the forest, which is steadily receding as refugees strip the landscape clean.


13. The dual-purpose burner for oil and coal water slurry had perfect performances: it can meet the operating requirement of various loads; it can catch fire steadily despite of coal or coal-water slurry; and the flame fullness in the chamber was fine.


14. As more and more people choose to lease Class A residential rental market prices will steadily.


15. It is unsensible to buy ESCs from other labrotaries, because of the pluripotency of ESCs would be affected by passage number and freeze thawing. So we need to built steadily mouse embryonic stem cells-derived and tested system.



16. There are good remove effect on the kjeldahl nitrogen and COD of leachate in aerobic reciculation, the rate of exorcize of kjeldahl nitrogen in aerobic columns rise steadily to about 90% in the start, steady about 90% finally.


17. Steadily, with practice, I improved my ability to ignore the other two balls and keep at least one ball on the playing field.


18. steadily的翻译

18. They will hardly know which facts to select from the great mass of evidence that steadily accumulates.


19. Add composite silicon and scale resistor containing adipic Acid/ amine terminated polyether/ diethylenetriamine copolymer and poly into the industrial water treatment system, the weight ratio of the adipic Acid/ amine terminated polyether/ diethylenetriamine copolymer to poly being 10:1 to 2:1, so that the two polymers cooperatively prevent scaling in the industrial water treatment system steadily.


20. Sticking to use EGF to treat your skin, it will help skin cells to absorb and use EGF steadily for long, and for each generation of new cells it also keep the substainability of genetic information completely and the vitality of the cells stably, in this way, the aging of the skin will be postponed and the skin will be young relatively long.


steadily 单语例句

1. Ports'business operations on the mainland have been growing steadily, thanks to the blistering economic development there.

2. And the void left by the absence of good schools is steadily being filled by suspect ones.

3. In 2012, the tourism market in Lijiang grew and cableway businesses expanded steadily.

4. The top statistics official's pledge to steadily reform the method of calculating the country's house sale prices in 2011 is welcome.

5. Yet, the Chinese top men's singles player retained his calmness to claw back slowly but steadily.

6. Cancer diagnoses around the world have steadily been rising and are expected to hit 12 million this year.

7. " China's domestic supply capacity in iron ore is growing steadily as new mines start operation, " the statement said.

8. Some outmoded production capacity was eliminated, production of unmarketable goods decreased and the sales rate of products rose steadily.

9. Radiocarbon dating depends on measuring the radioactive isotope of carbon known as carbon 14, which is ingested during a lifetime and steadily decays after death.

10. Pilot projects for a new system of rural cooperative medical and health care services progressed steadily.

steadily 英英释义



1. at a steady rate or pace

e.g. his interest eroded steadily

2. in a steady manner

e.g. he could still walk steadily

Synonym: steady