

reptile:[英 [ˈreptaɪl] 美 [ˈrɛptɪl, -ˌtaɪl] ]



reptile 基本解释

名词爬行动物; 卑鄙的人

形容词爬虫类的; 卑鄙的

reptile 相关例句



1. The land is teeming with reptile life.




1. Snakes, lizards, and crocodiles are reptiles.


reptile 网络解释

1. 爬行动物:五节 软体动物(Monusca)资源第六节节 肢动物(Arthropoda)资源第七节 棘皮动物(Echinodermata)和毛额动物(Chaetoganatha)资源第八节 鱼类(Pisces)资源第九节 两栖动物(Amphibia)资源第十节 爬行动物(Reptile)资源第十一节 鸟类

2. 爬虫類:爬虫类(Reptile) 一群呼吸空气,身体有鳞片和背脊骨,从两栖类演化而来的动物. 它们的卵在体内受精,并且不依赖水来产卵. 现代的龟、鳄鱼、蜥蜴和蛇都是爬虫类. [编辑本段]特性 爬虫类动物让人听起来就觉得很害怕.

3. reptile什么意思

3. 爬行纲:苔藓植物(配子体)是一群小型的多细胞的绿色植物,呈叶状体或有假根和类似茎、叶的分化的枝状体,内部构造简单.雌、雄生殖器官由多细胞组成,分别为颈卵器(archegonium)和精子器(antheridium)第十八章 爬行纲(Reptile)

4. 爬行类动物:mammal 哺乳类动物 | reptile 爬行类动物 | predator 捕食者

reptile 双语例句

1. An organism, such as a fish or reptile, having a body temperature that varies with the temperature of its surroundings; an ectotherm.


2. Irido-, herpes- and polyomavirus infections may be involved in the reduction in the numbers of endangered amphibian and reptile species.


3. reptile

3. Irido-, herpes- and polyomairus infections may be inoled in the reduction in the numbers of endangered amphibian and reptile species.


4. Much like a reptile changes places on a rock throughout the day, you need to gauge the best position for your house to take advantage of the power of the sun.


5. The purpose of reptile depends on using the smallest use uping to get the most appropriate resource.



6. The 60-million-year-old reptile was also heavier than a car, scientists said in February, adding that the fossil could shedlight on climate change.


7. Achieve a reptile procedure is small, but small and lean.


8. reptile的意思

8. Tsinghua Tongfang inside data on the chemical theme Reptile Network Design and Implementation.


9. reptile的翻译

9. The same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals.


10. Shubin writes: The conclusion was inescapable: the same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals.


11. reptile在线翻译

11. That's why no reptile degenerates to a bluegreen alga.


12. A reptile family in the order Pterosauria.


13. Elasmosaurus was a reptile that lived in the oceans. It was 46 feet long.


14. They think the nine-foot reptile crawled out of a nearby canal, looking for a new place to swim.



15. So it is recommended to have people around while feeding the reptile.


16. My favorite animal was in Reptile World.


17. reptile

17. That's when I began to fear that the reptile might be in my nice new house!


18. When I went back to the Philippines, I thought my skin made me look like a reptile.


19. Their product includes: up-to-down granule popped feeds for shrimp, crab, shellfish, reptile and amphibian, feed for all light water fishes and also for poultry and livestock.


20. Firefighters eventually captured the reptile.


reptile 词典解释

1. 爬行动物

Reptiles are a group of cold-blooded animals which have skins covered with small hard plates called scales and lay eggs. Snakes, lizards, and crocodiles are reptiles.

reptile 单语例句

1. CANBERRA - The Australian government returned 750 kilograms of illegally imported dinosaur, mammal and reptile fossils to the Chinese government here on Tuesday.

2. He praised the bravery of sugar cane farmer Andrew Herrington in bringing the injured reptile in.

3. Crocodile catcher Tom Nichols said it was the biggest reptile rangers had caught in a trap this year.

4. The official called a team of animal control experts to take away the reptile, which the flat's occupant claimed he was looking after for a friend.

5. The reptile has been killed and is being stored in a cooler awaiting a coroner's examination for human hair or skin.

6. The elusive Yuen Long reptile became world famous while being pursued by veteran hunters - including a " Crocodile Dundee " veteran from Australia.

7. Even now he is still sweeping the world with his new album " Reptile ".

8. Florida's alligator population had once dwindled to the point that the reptile was placed on the federal list of endangered species.

9. A spokesman for the state's Environmental Protection Agency said that because of the reptile's size it was a protected animal that could not be killed.

10. Growing to as long as 2 m, this reptile is found only along the Yangtze River.

reptile 英英释义


1. any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia including tortoises, turtles, snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and extinct forms

Synonym: reptilian