

possible:[英 [ˈpɒsəbl] 美 [ˈpɑ:səbl] ]



possible 基本解释

形容词可能的; 可接受的; 合理的,可以允许的; 不坏的

名词可能性,潜在性; 可能的人物,可能有的事; 最高分


possible 同义词


possible 反义词


possible 相关词组

1. as...as possible : 尽可能..., 愈...愈好;

2. do ones possible : 尽力;

3. if possible : 如果可能的话;

possible 相关例句



1. I'll do everything possible to help you.


2. It's possible that he will not accept the invitation.


3. possible的意思

3. He is the only possible man for this position.


4. He is the only possible candidate.


possible 情景对话


A:Dr. Lees office.



B:Hello, I have a bad headache. Id like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time.May I make an appointment now?



A:Yes, but Dr. Lees schedule is full for today. How about 9:00 tonight?



B:Thats fine. I think I can wait till then.


A:May I have your name and number, please?


B:The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127.



A:Thank you, Mr. Wang. See you later.


possible 网络解释

1. 有可能的:2006年美国学术研究联合会(ARC,Academic Research Consortium)为规范冠脉支架血栓的定义标准,提出了支架血栓事件的新定义,该定义将支架血栓事件归为3类,即:明确的(Definite/Confirmed)支架血栓、可能性较大的(Probable)支架血栓以及有可能的(Possible)支架血栓.

2. 可能性:其陈述方式如下:3、可能性(Possible)指问题是否存在还不能肯定,须进一步收集资料予以证实或除外,提醒需要去搜集更多的资料. 其陈述方式如下:这种陈述表明须进一步了解其身高、体重,营养摄入情况等资料后在给予肯定或排除是否存在营养失调的问题.

possible 双语例句

1. The copolymer with increasing CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO link content showed increasing viscosity but different oil resistant properities When introducing trifluoro propyl methyl siloxane cyclotriphosphazene into the chain of ethenyl-ended polysiloxanes, with adjustment of CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO, it was possible to prepare silicone rubber with different oil resistant properties, thus reduced the cost of the fluorosilicone elastomer, and met the demands under the different environment.


2. A possible reasons may be insufficient cases, small andatypical family, too short gene screening field; becase heterogeneity exists in idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, there may be gene mutation in other regions except the 5~ exons of the CHRNA4 and CHRNB2 genes in nAChR. There may also be other unknown responsible genes except nAChR.


3. As the system is still in use stage, only a system, it is not possible to intercept all missiles.


4. Despite the current CCTV Thunder prosecution of cases still pending, but the Thunder has said in the official start of the Olympic Games, the Olympic copyright violations involved the content of the clean-up and real-time monitoring, the Olympic and set up a special monitoring team to download 24 Hour surveillance on possible violations of the Olympic Games copyrighted content for processing.


5. It is possible and safe to drain a lot of hydropericardium by pericardiocentesis and indwelling catheter.


6. possible是什么意思

6. For other people it is not possible to preserve their favorite alcoholic drink in the fridge because there is no room for it.


7. For example, a variety of postponent thyllanthus paper handling as much as possible, you can cross use Web and leaflets on the sheet of paper.


8. I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan


9. Reflector with the curvature changed automaticly make the focus`s place fixed permanently and make it possible to cut the sheet, thin or thick, quickly and steadily.


10. Such computers, in addition to their possible practical value, may reveal new insights into the quantum world itself.


11. Based on these results and inferred to related reports from other labratories, it was possible to make some analyses and conclusions or inferrences:(1) CD〓AK with tumoricidal activity were induced and expanded in number througth costimulation of PBMC with anti-CD〓 McAb. and r IL-2; (2) CD〓AK induced and expanded in such manner did exibit more potent proliferation·ability and cytotoxicity which maintained for lonser time than those of LAK cells, thus CD〓AK was a new variety of antitumor effector cells worth to be explored; (3) CD〓AK could mediate MHC nonrestricted cytotoxicity and kill tumor target cells through inducing necrosis and apoptosis; (4) Normal mature lymphocytes of PBMC could be induced to proliferate and /or to die from apoptosis when they were costimulated by anti-CD〓McAb and rIL-2. Both proliferation and apoptosis were existing in the same cultivation system sugsesting that the presence of rIL- 2 might provide some accessary signals for apoptosis.


12. I need to have them shipped flat as possible in boxes to be shipped to job site.


13. Scope of the note Possible action by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice B.

本说明的范围 C。附属科学技术咨询机构可采取的行动

14. Possible action by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation Organization of the work of the Consultative C.


15. Scope of the note Possible action by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation Background B.

本说明的范围 C。附属履行机构可采取的行动二、背景

16. And they want to see, in this weekend of organic foods, if that could be possible..


17. When it`s not logistically possible to take a personal break, a shift in perspective can be valuable.



18. As much as possible run a script so as to maintain correct timing in opening them.


19. It is quite possible that Paul worked here with Priscilla and Aquila in their tent-making business.


20. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to bring lasting peace to Somalia.


possible 词典解释

1. 做得到的;能实现的

If it is possible to do something, it can be done.

e.g. If it is possible to find out where your brother is, we shall...


e.g. Everything is possible if we want it enough...


2. 可能(发生)的

A possible event is one that might happen.


e.g. He referred the matter to the Attorney General for possible action against several newspapers...


e.g. Her family is discussing a possible move to America...


3. 可能的;也许的

If you say that it is possible that something is true or correct, you mean that although you do not know whether it is true or correct, you accept that it might be.

e.g. It is possible that there's an explanation for all this...


e.g. It was possible that Harry himself did not know what he had intended to do.


4. 尽可能的

If you do something as soon as possible, you do it as soon as you can. If you get as much as possible of something, you get as much of it as you can.

e.g. Please make your decision as soon as possible...


e.g. I want to learn as much as possible about the industry so that I'm better prepared...


5. (与形容词最高级连用,表示强调)最…的

You use possible with superlative adjectives to emphasize that something has more or less of a quality than anything else of its kind.

e.g. They have joined the job market at the worst possible time...


e.g. We expressed in the clearest possible way our disappointment, hurt and anger...


6. 如果可能的话;要是有可能的话

You use possible in expressions such as 'if possible' and 'if at all possible' when stating a wish or intention, to show that although this is what you really want, you may have to accept something different.

e.g. I need to see you, right away if possible.


e.g. ...the moral duty to uphold peace if at all possible.


7. 可能当选的

If you describe someone as, for example, a possible Prime Minister, you mean that they may become Prime Minister.

e.g. Government sources are now openly speculating about a possible successor for Dr Lawrence...


e.g. Bradley has been considered a possible presidential contender himself.


8. 可能;可能(做)的事

The possible is everything that can be done in a situation.

e.g. He is a democrat with the skill, nerve, and ingenuity to push the limits of the possible.


possible 单语例句

1. Zhang outlines three possible perspectives, in which domestic and overseas business schools form a pyramid.

2. Fiat said it is evaluating the possible spinoff of its auto business to form the core of the new company.

3. They are retained in the SAR political establishment because the business interests want certain form of safeguards against possible encroachment.

4. It is therefore fully possible for our business relations to enter a new stage of growth.

5. Israel TV reported Thursday that Sharon said it was possible that Israel would act against Arafat in the future.

6. A few scenarios like contact and schedule sharing are already possible in Butler.

7. Butt was charged with possession and trafficking of class A drugs, which carries a possible death sentence in Thailand.

8. Roll out a piece of dough as thinly as possible and brush with softened butter or oil.

9. Desperate to save as much as possible, she has started buying tuna canned in China because they cost less.

10. Beijingers and expats are buying up properties this month before the possible end of a citywide stimulus housing policy.

possible 英英释义


1. something that can be done

e.g. politics is the art of the possible

2. an applicant who might be suitable



1. existing in possibility

e.g. a potential problem

possible uses of nuclear power

Synonym: potential

2. capable of happening or existing

e.g. a breakthrough may be possible next year

anything is possible

warned of possible consequences