

contact:[英 [ˈkɒntækt] 美 [ˈkɑ:ntækt] ]


过去式:contacted;   过去分词:contacted;   现在分词:contacting;

contact 基本解释

名词接触; 触点; [医](传染病)接触人; 门路

及物动词使接触; 与…联系; 与…通讯(或通话)


contact 相关词组

1. lose contact with : 与...失去联系;

2. be in contact with : 与...在接触中;

contact 相关例句


1. Contact with realities indisposed him to any more idle speculations.




1. He made many useful social contacts while he was in Canada.


2. contact的意思

2. Do you have any contacts in Rangoon?


3. We can learn much by being brought into contact with opposing opinions.


contact 情景对话


A:May I speak with Mr. Chen, please?


B:Sorry, but he is out at the moment.


A:Then, please tell him that Zhao Li called.


B:Yes. Im sorry, but how do you spell your last name, sir?


A:Its Zhao, Z-H-A-O.Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him.

姓赵,Z-H-A-O。 请你转告他陆明正设法跟他联系。

B:Yes. I will.


Resumes and Interviews-(履历表和面试)


A:Hey Ted, I saw this ad in the paper. You should take a look.


B:What is it?



A:It’s for a job. It looks perfect for you.


B:Let’s see … “Wanted: manager for up-and-coming fimp3. Must have good organizational skills. Experience a plus. Please contact Betty Sue.” Oh, I don’t know …



A:Come on, what have you got to lose?


B:What about my resume?


A:Here, I’ll help you type one up.


B:Thanks, Mary. You’re a real pal. I’ll call now to set up an interview.


Holidays and Benefits-(假期和福利)

A:Anything else?


B:Yes, one last thing. How much holiday time do you give your employees every year?


A:Our employees receive fifteen days of paid vacation every year. If you don’t use the full fifteen days, they carry over to the following year.


B:How about sick days?


A:You get five paid sick days.


B:Any other benefits?


A:Yes, we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well.


B:Great. Thanks so much for your time.


A:We’ll contact you soon, Ted. Thanks for coming in.


contact 网络解释

1. 联络:一般来讲用户的email是不公开的,添加此模块后,查看用户资料时将出现联络(contact)表单,可用于用户间发email联系. 用户也可以自己设置不接受这种联络的email. * drupal: 可以通过XML-RPC将自己的站点登记在中心服务器,

contact 双语例句

1. contact

1. If you have any inquiry, please contact us.


2. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us for any inquiry.


3. If you have any inquiry, please contact us for detailed information.


4. contact的近义词

4. If you have any inquiry, please contact us, we will provide you more information.


5. If you need to advertise, please Contact us.


6. This product cure illness the mechanism of the health care is:The jade can lower a, stabilizing the brain to press, the jade implies beneficial and various chemical elements of human body, person's brain connect the Cape jade and will produce the static electricity magnetic field, can dredge the axis veins and arteries of the brain; A behavior of each jade brain of the jade pillow orders contact more, have the function of stimulate the massage to the brain nerve acupuncture points, and can promote cerebral blood circulation, thus rise the town to calm down to tranquilize the nerves, dredge the veins and arteries, annoy the blood flowing freely, internal organs Anne and of function.


7. A solid-state area illumination lighting apparatus, including a plurality of light sources, each light source having, a substrate; an organic light emitting diode layer deposited upon the substrate, the organic light emitting diode layer including first and second electrodes for providing electrical power to the OLED layer; an encapsulating cover covering the OLED layer; and first and second conductors located on the substrate and electrically connected to the first and second electrodes, and extending beyond the encapsulating cover for making electrical contact to the first and second electrodes by an external power source; and a lighting fixture for removably receiving and holding the plurality of light sources and having a plurality of first electrical contacts for making electrical connection to the first and second conductors of the light sources, and second electrical contacts for making electrical connection to an external power source.



8. The preparation of SiO2 colloids by alkali-catalyze method was reported. The single film of SiO2 was prepared by dip coating method on K9 glass. After the films being treated in different ways, including heat, UV irradiation, ammonia and hexamethyl disilazane, and acid film coating treatments, the properties of the films were analyzed by spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning probe microscope, contact angle measuring apparatus and spectroscopic ellipsometer, et al. The contamination resist capabilities of the single film before and after accelerated contamination in vacuum were compared.


9. Basic formulation of contact thermal resistance is presented in this paper, Contact thermal deformation of vertical column and spindle box of machine|tools is researched in FEAM.


10. If your password was expired or can not login the system, please contact our customer service center..


11. Therefore, non-contact temperature measurement technique becomes the development trend of high temperature measurement and will be used more and more widely in measuring the temperature field of weld arc and pool.


12. NTOURS GLOBAL】works at offer useful information to the members of DCN CLUB. Design and promote new international travel routes and products, . Train the agents and contact wholesalers, we also offer quotations and service to groups and individuals travelers

驾游天下-NTOURS GLOBAL】发布的所有内容和所提供的资讯,旨在为DCN CLUB会员提供详实有用的资讯,针对国际市场的出境线路产品进行设计和推广,负责与各批发商联络并提供新线路培训,同时也提供对团散客的报价和跟踪协调服务。

13. In particular, the Fano factor for the asymmetric contact structures is more than double that of symmetric ones due to increased backscattering, and is within the experimental range.

特别的,Al(001)面的非对称结构的单原子接触的Fano Factor是对称结构的两倍多,并且其计算数值在实验范围之内。

14. The addition of SiO2 can suppress the grain growth of TiO2 crystal, increase the hydroxyl content of TiO2 film, decrease the contact angle for water of TiO2 films and enhance the hydrophilic property of TiO2 films.

在 TiO2薄膜中添加 SiO2,可以抑制薄膜中 TiO2晶粒的长大,同时薄膜表面的羟基含量增加,水在复合薄膜表面的润湿角下降,亲水能力增强。

15. Information acquired by reading a tag on an asset or an individual, as well as those of other objects or individuals with which that asset or person may come into contact, and information from sensors situated in the area being monitored, are fed into the engine.


16. Contact problems; finite element method; numerical simulation; conical roller bearings; automotive rear bridge; ANSYS

接触问题;有限元;数值模拟;圆锥滚子轴承;汽车后桥; ANSYS

17. In the direction perpendicular to the rolling plane convex curve was continuous basic cylindrical or conical roller to prevent roller and raceway contact points to the stress concentration.


18. I'm so sorry to tell you that the contract we signed with exibit booth 834 was terminated and there is no need for the contact examined and approved again.


19. Operation Support: contact, coordinate, communicate and organize the whole operation support IT, HR, finance, admin, purchase


20. contact

20. Records sincerely with the customer contact in does. 2nd, thought win-win the customer thought that seeks the benefit sincerely and honestly for the customer, at the same time enables us to have the progress enhancement.


contact 词典解释

1. (尤指经常性的)联系,联络

Contact involves meeting or communicating with someone, especially regularly.

e.g. Opposition leaders are denying any contact with the government in Kabul...


e.g. He forbade contacts between directors and executives outside his presence.


2. 保持联系;有联系

If you are in contact with someone, you regularly meet them or communicate with them.

e.g. He was in direct contact with the kidnappers...


e.g. We do keep in contact.


3. 联系;联络

If you contact someone, you telephone them, write to them, or go to see them in order to tell or ask them something.


e.g. Contact the Tourist Information Bureau for further details...


e.g. When she first contacted me Frances was upset.


4. (信息、电话号码等)供联系的,供联络的

Your contact details or number are information such as a telephone number where you can be contacted.

e.g. You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone.


5. 接触;遇见

If you come into contact with someone or something, you meet that person or thing in the course of your work or other activities.

e.g. Doctors I came into contact with voiced their concern...


e.g. The college has brought me into contact with western ideas.


6. 与…联络;和…取得联系

If you make contact with someone, you find out where they are and talk or write to them.

e.g. Then, after she had become famous, he tried to make contact with her.


7. 与…失去联系;与…断了联系

If you lose contact with someone who you have been friendly with, you no longer see them, speak to them, or write to them.

e.g. Though they all live nearby, I lost contact with them really quickly...


e.g. Mother and son lost contact when Nicholas was in his early twenties.


8. 触碰;接触

When people or things are in contact, they are touching each other.

e.g. They compared how these organisms behaved when left in contact with different materials...


e.g. The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx...


9. (无线电)联络,通信

Radio contact is communication by means of radio.

e.g. He failed to make radio contact.


e.g. ...a technical problem reported by the pilot moments before he lost contact with the control tower.


10. 熟人;有用的社会关系

A contact is someone you know in an organization or profession who helps you or gives you information.

e.g. Their contact in the United States Embassy was called Phil.


11. to make eye contact -> see eye

contact 单语例句

1. While Li said he had not had contact with Wu in the past, police discovered they had done business together when Wu operated a television media company.

2. Insiders said Li is a businesswoman from a rich family and keeps close contact with people in the industry.

3. A few scenarios like contact and schedule sharing are already possible in Butler.

4. Most Iraqis are conservative Muslims who believe physical contact is forbidden between women and men not related by blood or marriage.

5. They kept in close contact by letter and gradually became good friends.

6. Liu said they usually contact applicants through an online messaging service or by telephone, and then the two parts will sign an agreement if everything goes as planned.

7. Hepatitis C is viral and is mainly transmitted through contact with contaminated blood, although it can also spread through sexual contact and from mother to child during delivery.

8. Chavez reportedly has kept in contact with the members of his cabinet and instructed them on various government issues in Havana.

9. You can see the others through the cage but physical contact is limited to a few fingers wiggled through the holes.

10. Except for a call right after his arrival, he was out of contact with his family.

contact 英英释义


1. close interaction

e.g. they kept in daily contact

they claimed that they had been in contact with extraterrestrial beings

2. the act of touching physically

e.g. her fingers came in contact with the light switch

Synonym: physical contact

3. (electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact

e.g. they forget to solder the contacts

Synonym: tangency

4. a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication

Synonym: contact lens

5. a channel for communication between groups

e.g. he provided a liaison with the guerrillas

Synonym: liaisonlinkinter-group communication

6. a communicative interaction

e.g. the pilot made contact with the base

he got in touch with his colleagues

Synonym: touch

7. the physical coming together of two or more things

e.g. contact with the pier scraped paint from the hull

Synonym: impingingstriking

8. a person who is in a position to give you special assistance

e.g. he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor

Synonym: middleman

9. the state or condition of touching or of being in immediate proximity

e.g. litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid


1. be in or establish communication with

e.g. Our advertisements reach millions

He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia

Synonym: reachget throughget hold of

2. be in direct physical contact with

make contact

e.g. The two buildings touch

Their hands touched

The wire must not contact the metal cover

The surfaces contact at this point

Synonym: touchadjoinmeet