

forked:[英 [fɔ:kt] 美 [fɔ:rkt] ]


  现在分词:forking;   复数形式:forks;

forked 基本解释



forked 网络解释

1. forked

1. 叉的:fork 叉 | forked 叉的 | forkful 一叉的量

2. 二叉的:forestry 森林学 | forked 二叉的 | forked vein 二叉叶脉

3. 有分叉的:forked tube 叉形管 | forked 有分叉的 | forklift truck 叉式装卸车

4. 叉状的:long-pointed尖尖的,尖的 | forked叉状的 | northern北方的,北部的

forked 双语例句

1. Trichomes stellate, stalked or sessile, with 2-6 minute basal branches from which originate up to 30, simple or branched rays, sometimes trichomes lepidote, rarely mixed with simple and forked.


2. Sunday brunch-I ordered egg benedict with Salmon. HKD88.2 eggs on 2 pieces of too well cooked salmon and oily white muffin. When I forked up the salmon, they broke into small pieces. No greens on the side. Why is everything so oily? This egg benedict is so sub standard, comparing to the one I tried in an ordinary cafe in Sydney. At least it's not oily! Did I order the wrong food? The cup of cappuccino was small.


3. Short channels, rectangular elbows, forked channel, chamber of additional holes, are analyzed using the effective approach-Power Bond Graph. Thus the PBG model of lineweb with the sectionalized lumped parameter method i:; IIIestablished.


4. Temporary out of bed on here before, do not forget the mouth with his yellow forked abuse, Qinliaoyikou small white chickens.



5. Forked or divided into two parts or branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers.


6. It slithered around, and sweat rolled down his forehead as it poked its forked tongue towards him.


7. I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion, put one end on a fork, and then place the forked end into an empty jar, placing the jar next to the sick patient at night.


8. forked

8. The genus Bifidobacterium contains irregular, nonsporing, gram-positive rods that may be club-shaped or forked at the end.


9. I made my way through a shower of petals to the great trunk and for one minute stood irresolute; then, putting my foot in the broad space between the forked branches, I pulled myself up into the tree.



10. A long forked stick for holding a match, formerly used to fire cannon.


11. forked什么意思

11. His fiance has forked out $2, 000 (13, 652 yuan) for hers.


12. When the larva is disturbed, it can protrude the forked scent gland, or osmeterium, and release a disagreeable odor.


13. forked的意思

13. Turning along the reservoir and passing the bridge, you have to take the right in the forked road.


14. forked的解释

14. Coming upstream from India along the Cophen, the traveler's road forked some fifty kilometers east of modern Kabul.

今后上游从印度沿Cophen ,旅客的道路分叉大约50公里的现代喀布尔。

15. I have not replied that, the Ping Ping already both hands forked the waist as monster are angry to say: Is not good, does not have to go.


16. forked是什么意思

16. A narrow forked flag or streamer attached to a staff or''.


17. Caged so I will grow angular and holy past pain, keeping his heart such company as will make me forget in a small space the fall into forked dark, into python needs heaving to hips and breasts and lips and heat and sweat and fat and greed.


18. Bracts tomentose, with faint ribs, divided into triangular-lanceolate lobes, usually not forked at apex

被绒毛的苞片,具微弱棱,分为三角状披针形裂片,分叉在先端的不的通常 6 Corylus fargesii 披针叶榛

19. Leaves green, with simple and forked, crisped, flattened trichomes, oldest leaves (7-)10-25 mm wide; fruit straight, replum not constricted between seeds

叶绿色,具单和分叉,皱波状,扁平,老叶(7-)宽10-25毫米;直接的果,假隔膜在种子之间不缢缩 4 P。jafrii 杰氏藏芥

20. forked

20. Some Keepers of Secrets have haunting, androgynous face pierced with rings, with fanged mouths from which forked tongues flicker.


forked 词典解释

1. 有叉的;叉状的;分岔的

Something that divides into two parts and forms a 'Y' shape can be described as forked .

e.g. Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails.


forked 单语例句

1. " Nobody wants to see a standing cobra with its forked tongue on their presents, " she said.

2. With her tiny feet splayed in a'V', the impression of a mermaid's forked tail is complete.

3. " The Egyptians are speaking with a forked tongue, " Public Security Minister Avi Dichter told the radio.

4. Media reports said they would pay around 15 of the 20 million pounds Liverpool forked out for the Ireland forward six months ago.

5. He helped take Xu to the hospital and forked over 200 yuan so that Xu could get immediate medical treatment.

6. I made my final choice of the day and forked over 5020 yuan for the camera.

7. The city has forked out budgetary support for the introduction of facilities and technology to turn straws into fuel.

forked 英英释义


1. having two meanings with intent to deceive

e.g. a sly double meaning

spoke with forked tongue

Synonym: double

2. resembling a fork

divided or separated into two branches

e.g. the biramous appendages of an arthropod

long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects

a forked river

a forked tail

forked lightning

horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots

Synonym: bifurcatebiramousbranchedfork-likeforficateprongedprongy