

moisture:[英 [ˈmɔɪstʃə(r)] 美 [ˈmɔɪstʃɚ] ]


moisture 基本解释

名词水分; 湿气; 潮湿; 降雨量

moisture 相关例句


1. The sun will take the moisture out of the clothes.


2. The sun dries the moisture on the ground.


moisture 网络解释

1. 水分:■■ 水分(MOISTURE) 水分(MOISTURE)制制冷冷系系统统中中的的水水分分会会对对空空调调系系统统产产生生极极大大的的危危害害. . ①①如如果果RR1122 空空调调系系统统中中存存在在水水分分,,

2. 湿度:法例只规定生产商列出关于概约蛋白质(Crude Protein)、概约脂肪(Crude Fat)、概约纤维素(Crude Fiber)和湿度(Moisture)滴含量分析. 若生产商额外滴提供关于其他营养滴分析,那你就能更了解此狗粮滴营养成分.

3. 潮湿:梧州地处岭南,北回归线经过其间,旧时为了结合南方潮湿(moisture)多雨及多洪易涝的气候特点,梧州建筑多采用骑楼形式,临街楼层可作商铺,楼上可住人. 骑楼形式既方便行人上街时遮阳挡雨,又可扩大楼房面积. 这些骑楼都有将近上百年的历史,


4. 滋润:一般在产品介绍的时候都会说,这个产品有补水保湿(hydrating)的功效,能让皮肤很滋润(moisture).

moisture 双语例句

1. moisture

1. Analysis of soil moisture content in every soil layer, demonstrated that the plant at the milking stage was the most water-consuming stage, and the tasselling stage came the next.


2. The only movement in the air was the soft downward motion of microscopic drops of moisture or mist.



3. Before establishment of SEASM, if southerly moisture transportation through the meridional moisture channel is very strong, the convection activity becomes more active around the IndochinaPeninsula and the rainy season begins earlier in Yunnan corresponsively.


4. Switching to buy a house is copper, and the sealing performance is better, we should have a moisture-proof, anti-rust effect.


5. The air picks up moisture from the polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


6. moisture

6. The air picks up moisture from e polar ice cap and bodies of water it may pass over.


7. Spore germination and invasion of white rot are closely bound upwith moisture...


8. When the earth is just laid bare, the wind is south, and the cladonia lichens are swollen and lusty with moisture, your foot sinking into them and pressing the water out as from a sponge, and the sandy places also are drinking it in.


9. When regenerated aggregate of scrap concrete are used as a material in cement concrete mixture or in semirigid base course stabilized by cement, some changes about the moisture content required are presented remarkably.


10. Based on freeze thaw cycle indirect tensile test, a further study of moisture susceptibility for some familiar graded HMA mixtures is carried out through modification of immersion conditions, and a new method of...


11. A few spritzes of this distillation of organic lavender restores moisture and leaves a lovely (but not over-powering) scent behind.


12. Forget the oil up: the reasons: moisture, tend to lose sight of oil make up the remaining measures.



13. At one time, we emphasized the solar radiation transfer mechanics. To advance the estimation precision, in this paper, we classed land cover into four layer, canopy of Robinia pseudoacacia L, top of Melilotus albus Desr, bottome of Melilotus albus Desr and layer of soil, separately estimated their fluxes of moisture, heat and CO2, actualized the separated simulation for each composement in soil-vegetation-atmosphere contimuum.



14. The weight and moisture thus determined shall be binding for buyer and seller for settlement purposes.


15. Generally, the moisture content of timber should be lower than 12% and then the timber can be used for furniture producing, otherwise, exorbitant moisture content will make the furniture appear deathful quality problems easily, such as transmogrifying, dehiscing, ungluing, etc..


16. Since the increase of raw coal feed leads to lack of plank filter capacity in slurry system, ZKG300/2000-type quick-operating diaphragm pressure filters are used in Pansan Mine Coal Preparation Plant that decreases the moisture of filter cake and shortens circuit time, solves the problem of lack of slurry throughput.


17. Factory from the start of production in 1984 on military supplies metal warehouse doors and windows sealed moisture-proof, in this twenty years, my factory continuous product development transformation, developed a mechanical locks, metal fire doors closed windows, metal doors and windows sealed insulation, especially in confined metal fire doors and windows do at Henan Shan oil storage destructive tests carried out have been the General Logistics Department to promote fuel system.


18. Therefore, the correct nursing method is to alternatively use Water Breath Sleeping Eye Mask for hydrating and moisturizing with this product, thus both moisture and nutrients can be fully supplemented, simultaneously smooth away wrinkles around eyes, dark eye circles and eye pouches.


19. A well-known symptom presents itself ---shedding and dryness. As you are getting into this trouble, sleeping facial mask enriched with grease is recommended as the good complement for moisture and grease as well as the better improvement before you make a facial mask.


20. In the experiment of compaction, we used three methods-pound、vibration in the under and vibration on the sufferce, and emphasis on the vibration compaction experiment in the under, together with considering moisture content、vibration frequency、swing、weight on the surface、times of filling eolian sand、merit of compation、time of vibration、the makeup of eolian sand.


moisture 词典解释

1. 潮气;湿气;水分

Moisture is tiny drops of water in the air, on a surface, or in the ground.

e.g. When the soil is dry, more moisture is lost from the plant...


e.g. Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.


moisture 单语例句

1. So at this time, foods that contain a lot of moisture are a good choice.

2. The school has but one classroom with blue and yellow mold spreading like cracks over the inner walls because of the moisture.

3. Two computer screens in the center of the room displayed variations in temperature, moisture and ventilation.

4. The grilled skin was moderately crisped, while the suitable fat content of the salmon ensured consistent moisture throughout the flesh.

5. For the socks, a brand called Cool Max keeps your feet dry as it wicks away moisture.

6. The degree of sweating varies and may range from moderate moisture to dripping.

7. Wetlands are part of the ecological system and help to retain water and provide moisture.

8. A wetland is an area of land whose soil is saturated with moisture either permanently or seasonally.

9. It is a good time to escape from Beijing in August when the whole city is grasped by heat and moisture.

10. The initial sizzling is all the moisture from the soy beans evaporating in the cooking process.

moisture 英英释义


1. wetness caused by water

e.g. drops of wet gleamed on the window

Synonym: wet