

slim:[英 [slɪm] 美 [slɪm] ]


过去式:slimmed;   过去分词:slimmed;   现在分词:slimming;

slim 基本解释

形容词细长的; 苗条的,纤细的; 微小的; 无价值的

不及物动词使苗条; 减肥

slim 同义词




slim 反义词


slim 相关例句


1. slim的解释

1. His chances for getting the scholarship were very slim.


2. A rigid diet will make you slimmer.


3. He lived on a slim income.




1. The girl slimmed her figure with a rigid diet.



1. I don't want any cake; I'm slimming.


slim 网络解释


1. 苗条的:28.nourishingfood有营养的食物 | 29.slim苗条的 | 30.alcohol酒精

2. slim在线翻译

2. 小型化:USB:通用串形总线架构 | Slim:小型化 | COM:串型通讯端口


3. 修身款:DENIM:单宁布 | SLIM:修身款 | LOOSE:宽松款

4. slim:surface launched interceptor missile; 面射拦截飞弹

5. slim:special language interpreting matrix; 特殊语言翻译矩阵

6. slim:singal level integrated module; 单级集成模块

7. slim:single linear induction motor; 单边直线感应电机

slim 双语例句

1. slim

1. Don't get hung up on your weight! Actually you look so slim.


2. Stand gracefully erect; slim and graceful; tall and straight


3. slim是什么意思

3. Then he reached into his gown, took out her shoes to play and couldn`t help kissing them when recollecting her slim ankles and pretty face.



4. The bandwidth is unbelieable slim..


5. It means rotund Chuang Chuang may again have to slim down. Prasertsak said the ideal panda weight is about 120 kilograms -- 17 kilograms less than Chuang Chuang weighs now.


6. slim

6. Improvements in LED and laser technology enable the Green Slim Projector to deliver high-impact color.


7. slim的解释

7. She went across the fields toward the house as though there werer nothing to come, and after he had watched her he went to the edge of the pond in the outer field and chose a slim green reed and peeled it carefully and slit it on the edge of his scythe.


8. Wow! Long blond hair like a waterfall on her shoulder, a shining necklace around her white neck, a golden bracelet on her slim wrist, a neatly cut fringe over a pair of big, bright, beautiful eyes, surrounded by long eyelashes painted in black, a little mouth under an impressive but not aggressive nose, a svelte and graceful body timidly hidden in a shining gold skirt, small feet well fitted into a pair of black high-heeled shoes decorated with gold ornaments, a sunny smile on her face, she looked elegant, graceful, but a little bit shy.


9. With mop and mow, we saw them go, Slim shadows hand in hand: About, about, in ghostly rout They trod a saraband: And the damned grotesques made arabesques, Like the wind upon the sand!


10. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.


11. slim的反义词

11. For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry.


12. He will have to slim if he wants to wear the trousers.


13. So one might have thought that companies would have had less room to slash payroll s, since they were already relatively slim.



14. In the swimming pool, he likes to stare at the slim girls with bedroom eyes.


15. She lost the young woman's skin and slim body figure, the change is great, and the life and death cycle is a struggle.


16. Nearly 6 feet tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering.


17. slim的反义词

17. Nearly 6 feet tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering


18. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies─ they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words─ opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success─ just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.



19. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies― they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words― opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success― just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.


20. These young, slim, stately things a thousand houses high (or so it seemed to me, coming from an architecture that had never defied the earth), a tower of Babel each one, not one tower of Babel but many, a city of Babel towers, casually, easily strewn end up against the skies- they stood at the brink, close-crowded, the brink of America, these Giantesses, these Fates, which were not built for a king nor a ghost nor any man's religion, but were materialized by those hard, cold, magic words- opportunity, enterprise, prosperity, success- just business words out of world-wide commerce from a land rich in natural resource.


slim 词典解释

1. 苗条的;纤细的;修长的

A slim person has an attractively thin and well-shaped body.

e.g. The young woman was tall and slim...


e.g. Jean is pretty, of slim build, with blue eyes.


2. (通过节食)减肥,变苗条

If you are slimming, you are trying to make yourself thinner and lighter by eating less food.


e.g. Some people will gain weight, no matter how hard they try to slim...


e.g. It makes sense to eat a reasonably balanced diet when slimming.



...meals for slimmers.


We live in a society which is obsessed with slimming.


3. (书、钱包等)薄的

A slim book, wallet, or other object is thinner than usual.

e.g. The slim booklets describe a range of services and facilities...


e.g. He published only three slim volumes of verse in his short life.

在他短暂的一生里,他只出版过 3 卷薄薄的诗集。

4. (可能性)不大的,微乎其微的

A slim chance or possibility is a very small one.

e.g. There's still a slim chance that he may become Prime Minister.


5. 减少(产品);缩减(人员)

If an organization slims its products or workers, it reduces the number of them that it has.

e.g. The company recently slimmed its product line.


相关词组:slim down

slim 单语例句

1. The town is offering cash rewards to overweight residents who slim down and more money if they keep the weight off.

2. Shocked by the diagnosis of cerebral palsy resulting from inborn hypoplasia, the couple was informed that there was slim hope that Tianyi would ever recover.

3. " I regret to say she only has a slim chance of winning a medal, " she said.

4. He Libo said she was aware that there was only a slim chance of a review from the regulator.

5. People who focus on failures of selling or take them too personally have a slim chance to make it to the top.

6. Knight hit two key baskets to help Charlotte maintain its slim lead and Wallace stuffed James'attempt inside with 42 seconds to play.

7. Light said the chances of Jackson making a licensing killing were slim given his limited recent chart successes.

8. The picture is looking less bright for Chela, whose own slim hopes of a Masters Cup place all but disappeared on Tuesday.

9. Economists are divided on whether Kerry's numbers add up, because details still are slim.

10. Rescuers said Sunday that chances of survival for the trapped miners were very slim, and they could be buried in coal dust.