

cattle:[英 [ˈkætl] 美 [ˈkætl] ]


cattle 基本解释

名词(总称)牛,牲口; 畜生; 无价值的人; 〈美俚〉女学生

cattle 相关例句


1. He has 80 cattle on the farm.


2. The cattle are in the shed.


cattle 网络解释

1. cattle的解释

1. 牛群:如提供化肥,生产效率提高50% 果园(Produce Orchard):2农产品(Produce)/年,如提供化肥,生产效率提高25% 牧场(Cattle Yard):3牛群(Cattle)/年,如提供谷类,生产效率提高50% 奶品农场(Dairy Farm):2牛奶(Milk)/年,

2. cattle的解释

2. 家牛:牛亚科动物主要有家牛 (cattle) 、水牛 (buffalo) 、牦牛 (yak) 、瘤牛 (zebu) 等. 该学科是以家畜生理学、家畜解剖学、生物化学、生物统计学、家畜繁殖学、动物遗传学、家畜育种学、家畜营养学、饲养学、家畜卫生学、畜牧经营管理学、畜产品市场学等为基础学科,

3. 黄牛:真皮沙发分为全皮沙发和半皮沙发,每套全皮沙发要耗(cost)相当于10头黄牛(cattle)的牛皮,价值(value)很高,透气(breathe freely)和环保(environment-friendly)性能好,欧美等发达国家普遍使用全皮沙发.

cattle 双语例句

1. The first time, I come from there, she looks at the cattle, I saw her carrying a child, 搭着head with a towel, I see a small child, and her son has grown up.


2. cattle

2. Based on calving records(1984-1995)of Holstein-Friesian maintained at one of dairy cattle places in XiNing, used the method of statistieal analysis sex of calf of different breeding age, parity and breeding month.


3. Alberta, the home of oil, gas and cattle, has become the bedrock of Canadian conservatism.


4. cattle

4. We keep 1, 000 head of cattle.


5. cattle

5. Animals eat it fowl, cattle and sheep liver, turtle, dark meat fish, sea cucumber.


6. cattle

6. Women do not rely on force, but rather rely on tricks, which they rely on instinct and Jiaxia hypocritical nature, like a lion Lichi sharp claws, like a wild boar with fangs, cattle have Kok, a smoke-like squid ink, naturally God gives women a defensive weapon is the perplexing changes in disguise.


7. The life of the buckaroo has changed a lot over the years, but the main focus is still the cattle.


8. One of the main tasks of the buckaroo is the roundup--locating the cattle on the range and driving them back to the ranch.


9. One of the main tasks of the buckaroo is the ro u ndup--locating the cattle on the range and driving them back to the ranch.


10. Cattle are one cause of the problem. In good years, famers increase the numbers of their cattle.


11. And called 0120 the man 8034 names 3605 to all 0929 the cattle 5775 and to the birds of 8064 the heavens, 3605 and to every 2416 animal of 7704 the field; 0120 but for a man 3808 not 4172 was found 5823 a helper 5048 suited to him.

f D1 F! l 2:20 [cbb5] 那人便給一切牲畜、和空中飛鳥、野地走獸都起了名。

12. In addition, we have invested in the construction of a small sculpture pieces, such as the pioneering cattle Huizhong in Area B, Kwong Hi Gate North Lane young sculptures were well received by local residents as a small new landscape.


13. Conclusion] The technological process of the isolation and purification of natural glycididazole acid and taurocholic acid from the bile of cattle and sheep was established, which laid the foundation for industrial production of glycididazole acid and taurocholic acid.


14. Cattle wore collars of rowan wood to protect them from spells and curses.



15. Since then, we can see the wind turf see cattle and sheep, horses running below the clouds that picture?


16. You can see many sheep and cattle when the winds blow and the grass low.


17. cattle的翻译

17. Cangcang days, the vast field, wind and low grass see cattle and sheep.


18. cattle的意思

18. Because it can influences the persistent development of beef cattle industry and the economic benefit.


19. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of micro-ecological feed additives on beef cattle weight.


20. I wanted to find a willing to China to invest Angus Beef cooperative partnership for common development cattle cause!


cattle 词典解释


Cattle are cows and bulls.


e.g. ...the finest herd of beef cattle for two hundred miles.


cattle 单语例句

1. The three survived newborn calves were all originated from ear cells of one head of cloned cattle.

2. In a menu likely to please the US cattle industry, cheeseburgers will be served at the Camp David luncheon.

3. Indonesia accounts for about 60 percent of the Australia's cattle market.

4. Usually Li and her neighbors herd their cattle to a nearby milking station, where tankers collect the fresh milk and carry it to the plants.

5. The cutting of trees for logging and to clear land for plantations or cattle ranches is blamed for about 20 percent of global emissions.

6. Foot and mouth disease has spread to a second herd of cattle in southern Britain, as experts narrow down the possible source and step up efforts at containment.

7. The research team noted that in very windy conditions cattle tend to face the wind, and have been known to seek out the sun on cold days.

8. State officials blamed this year's increased hunting in part on heavy snow, which kept wolf packs at lower elevations where sheep and cattle range.

9. The business has been so prosperous that former funeral wreath sellers and cattle dealers have reportedly switched over and become " reporters ".

10. The government reserves cattle at livestock farms or meat in cold storage plants across the country at a specified quota every year.