

nominal:[英 [ˈnɒmɪnl] 美 [ˈnɑ:mɪnl] ]



nominal 基本解释

形容词名义上的; 微不足道的; 票面上的; 名字的,列名的



nominal 反义词



nominal 相关例句


1. Everything was nominal during the test.



2. The old man is only the nominal head of the business.


3. They pay a nominal fee.


4. Food is supplied at a nominal cost.


nominal 网络解释

1. 名义上的:平时国家公布的GDP是名义上的(nominal)还是实际的(real)平时国家公布的GDP是名义上的(nominal)还是实际的(real)平时国家公布的GDP是名义上的(nominal)还是实际的(real)?

2. 名义:这个分类方法克服了传统分类方法的那种徒具形式的缺陷,为宪法分类本身带来了实质性的意义. [6]根据这种分类理论,宪法可分为规范(normative)宪法、名义(nominal)宪法和语义(semantic)宪法三种. [7]

3. 标称:如同上海当地口音将黄王、曹赵不分一般,把标称 (nominal) 当成额定 (rated) 的事儿就不少见. 譬如, ( 德 ) Heinrich Bezner 编,林绳宗等译,机械工业出版社 2003.6 出版,德国西门子公司专门为这本词典写了前言,

4. 名义的:GNP和GDP可分成名义的(nominal)和实质的(real)两类. 名义的以当时的市值计算,实质的则固定地利用某一年的价格计算,其数据已对通胀及该年度物价变动作出调整,因此数字更具参考价值.

nominal 双语例句

1. Open-ended loans often have variable interest rates, which are normally the prime interest rate plus a nominal profit margin.


2. There were roughly 29m house sales in the United States between 2004 and 2007, compared with 115m households, and anyone who bought before then is probably sitting on a nominal profit.


3. nominal在线翻译

3. Under the given allocative system, the left profit of enterprise has the following characters: Level of left profit increases year after year; The level of actual left profit obviously is lower than that of nominal left profit and so on.


4. nominal的意思

4. At present the market two big contrary are market nominal and each country government, government the economic stability for the country, inevitable meeting enacts corresponding measure, nominal for the biggest turn profit, it is to borrow all sorts of opportunities to hit necessarily control the market, the wave motion of the market can be increased quickly.


5. Fisher Model put forward the theory that assets nominal profit rate move in the same direction with anticipate inflation rate, namely anticipate inflation rate raises 1% will lead to 1% in stock profit rate.



6. Fisher Model put forward the theory that assets nominal profit rate move in the same direction with anticipate inflation rate, namely anticipate inflation rate raises 1% will lead to 1% in stock profit rate. As this model interprets stock profit rate and inflation rate in the United States, in experiment a conclusion is drawn that stock actual profit rate has no reaction with inflation rate in short term, but a relation of direct proportion exists in long term.


7. Test results indicated that all five specimens can develop strengths based on the interaction between bending and shear when the specimens just underwent the inelastic behavior, and all specimens can achieve the nominal plastic flexural strength of the steel beams at ultimate states.


8. Of shares Amount shares Amount HK$`000 HK$`000 Authorised: Ordinary shares of HK$1.00 each 600, 000, 000600, 000600, 000, 000600, 000 Ordinary shares, issued and fully paid: At 1 July 128, 356, 537128, 3571, 330, 309, 375133, 031 Consolidation of every ten shares of nominal value of HK$0.10 each into one share of nominal value of HK$1.00 each note (i ––(1, 166, 678, 438)– Repurchase of shares note (ii (1, 603, 000)(1, 603)(35, 274, 400)(4, 674) Share option exercised note (iii 1, 975, 0001, 975 –– Conversion of convertible notes note (iv 40, 909, 09040, 909 –– At 30 June 169, 637, 627169, 638128, 356, 537128, 357 Notes: Consolidation of share capital Pursuant to an ordinary resolution passed on 9 May 2007, the issued and unissued ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each of the Company were consolidated on the basis of every ten shares into one share of HK$1.00 each.

GOLDEN HARVEST ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED 180 Annual Report 2008 搜索公告牛即可看到网络上最快的个股公告财务报表附注截至二零零八年六月三十日止年度 28 股本及储备二零零八年二零零七年股份数目金额股份数目金额千港元千港元法定:每股面值1.00港元之普通股 600,000,000 600,000 600,000,000 600,000 已发行及缴足之普通股:于七月一日 128,356,537 128,357 1,330,309,375 133,031 每十股面值为0.10港元之股份合并为一股面值1.00港元之股份––(1,166,678,438)–购回股份(1,603,000)(1,603)(35,274,400)(4,674)已使行购股权 1,975,000 1,975 ––兑换可换股票据 40,909,090 40,909 ––于六月三十日 169,637,627 169,638 128,356,537 128,357 附注:合并股本根据于二零零七年五月九日通过之普通决议案,本公司每股面值0.10港元之已发行及未发行普通股按每十股合并为一股面值1.00港元股份之基准合并。

9. 6 Welding procedures of single-side welding and both sides forming or sealing run at root of inner side of seam may be adopted for pipeline whose nominal diameter is ≥500mm. Base coat of weld joint on SHA and SHD level pipeline whose nominal diameter is less than 500mm shall be welded with argon arc.

7.3.6 公称直径等于或大于 500 mm 的管道,宜采用单面焊接双面成形的焊接工艺或在焊缝内侧根部进行封底焊;公称直径小于 500 mm 的 SHA 和 SHD 级管道的焊缝底层应采用氩弧焊。

10. According to DN Categories (1) Small diameter valves: Nominal diameter DN ≤ 40mm valve.


11. Diameter Valve: Nominal diameter DN of 50~300mm valve.


12. Chase Drive Valve: Nominal valve DN is 350~1200mm valve.


13. The nominal power output of 147 kW (200 bhp) is delivered between 5, 100 and 6, 000 rpm.


14. Nominal diameter of the so-called national standards are provided for calculating the diameter, with symbols that DN.


15. Therefore, the nominal diameter of the valve that is the nominal pipe diameter.


16. It may also mean legal means for adjusting nominal wages, on a one-off basis.


17. nominal的翻译

17. Check every site personnel`s personal protection, check whether nominal quotations of suspension setting are locked or not.


18. Therefore, when it comes to analyzing the impact on import and export of currency appreciation or depreciation, we shouldn`t merely take the nominal exchange rate into account.


19. If your money is in cash, you'll have to wait 19 years for the nominal value of your account to double, assuming the cash earns the historical 3.7 percent annual return.


20. While nominal GDP rose by 15.8% in 1995-2004 due to the expansion of the current account, nominal income per capita remained constant.


nominal 词典解释

1. 名义上的;有名无实的

You use nominal to indicate that someone or something is supposed to have a particular identity or status, but in reality does not have it.

e.g. As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head...


e.g. I was brought up a nominal Christian.



The Sultan was still nominally the Chief of Staff.


...South Africa's nominally independent homeland of Transkei...


Nominally she is the king's prisoner.


2. (价格或款项)微不足道的,象征性的

A nominal price or sum of money is very small in comparison with the real cost or value of the thing that is being bought or sold.


e.g. I am prepared to sell my shares at a nominal price...


e.g. All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.


3. (价值、比率或水平)名义的

In economics, the nominal value, rate, or level of something is the one expressed in terms of current prices or figures, without taking into account general changes in prices that take place over time.

e.g. Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be rather more attractive in real terms...


e.g. In 1990 personal incomes grew a nominal 6.8 per cent.


nominal 单语例句

1. One can argue that actual tax rates are lower than nominal ones in our country and give examples.

2. The government will charge organizations nominal rent for use of the lands for purposes deemed by the government to be worthy.

3. Goodyear officials chipped in three months'use of office space in city hall for a nominal $ 10 fee.

4. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II the nominal head of state represented by a Governor General.

5. Although in nominal existence for years, paid vacations require accelerated and effective efforts of the nation to guarantee the practice.

6. The satellite would orbit the Near Equator Orbit at a nominal altitude of 685 kilometers, the New Straits Times newspaper reported.

7. The pitfall is that the US thinks the imbalance can be corrected by adjusting nominal parameters such as exchange rates and interest rates.

8. As long as a country's total factor productivity is growing, changes in the nominal exchange rate should stably adjust to reflect such changes.

9. They would come from all sectors of South Africa and be paid a nominal fee.

10. And if they are still in office, they just have to take some nominal responsibility for the fiasco.

nominal 英英释义


1. a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb

Synonym: noun phrasenominal phrase


1. existing in name only

e.g. the nominal (or titular) head of his party

Synonym: titular

2. named

bearing the name of a specific person

e.g. nominative shares of stock

Synonym: nominative

3. insignificantly small

a matter of form only (`tokenish' is informal)

e.g. the fee was nominal

a token gesture of resistance

a toknenish gesture

Synonym: token(a)tokenish

4. of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation

e.g. the nominal GDP

nominal interest rates

5. pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun

e.g. nominal phrase

noun phrase

6. relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name

e.g. the Russian system of nominal brevity

a nominal lists of priests

taxable males as revealed by the nominal rolls