

equate:[英 [iˈkweɪt] 美 [ɪˈkwet] ]


过去式:equated;   过去分词:equated;   现在分词:equating;

equate 基本解释


及物动词等同; 使相等; 相当于

equate 相关例句


1. You can't equate his poems with his plays.


2. Politics cannot be equated with art.


equate 网络解释

1. equate的翻译

1. 相等:Environment环境外界 | Equate相等 | Event事变 结果

2. 使乡等:equanimity 平静,镇定 | equate 使乡等 | equilibrate 使平衡,使相称

3. 使...相等:equally possible event 相等可能事件 | equate 使...相等 | equation 方程

4. 等于:equals sign 等号 | equate 等于 | equation 等式


5. equate:equ; 等值伪指令

equate 双语例句

1. equate在线翻译

1. Firstly, they focus too much on the impact of ideology and neglect consumers`fight and rebellion against it. Secondly, they regard consumers as a disorderly band of atoms, overlooking the complex ability initiative of consumers. Finally, they equate cultural texts with simplified, standard cultural production without individuality, excluding the complex ability of cultural text and the receivers`explaining ability.


2. Unexpectedly, after three days in advance notice to the next day on the people queuing to equate the two days and nights straight row, opened the morning all the sold out house.


3. equate的翻译

3. Equate mistakes made by economists with a failure of economic liberalism.


4. The filter is obtained by making the amplitude for filter function equate to 1 and only encoding the phase.


5. One can equate this with the nature of the persona and old astrology; red and magenta folk tend to be ambitious, creative, dynamic and energetic in nature much like the fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius; orange folk tend to be grounded and centered such as the earth sign of Capricorn and Taurus; blue and green folk are emotional or healing in nature, much like Pisces and Cancer water signs; violet folk tend to be spiritual in nature along with inward focused much like Scorpio and Aquarius sun signs.


6. Do my qualifications equate to any in your country?


7. First, it assumes that I equate my identity with subjective reality, meaning that I don`t also perceive reality through the objective lens.


8. equate的近义词

8. That is why some equate carry trading with holding equities both are great investments until they blow up.


9. Guan Yu in history is that one has loyal and righteous morality, the legend of star of brave daring and just proud natural disposition, it is the only military officer that can equate with the gentle sage Confucius, in Chinese culture is especially the linguistic context of folk culture, its image has already been foundinged Cheng ZhongYis model, brave incarnation, the representativ, finding sustenance the masses of peoples spiritual faith and ideal are worshipping.


10. People equate success in life with the ability of operatingcomputer.


11. equate

11. On a global scale, that would equate to 50 million tons a year, and an increasingly vocal band of environmentalists is expressing concerns about the impact that will have on land.


12. equate

12. Chaoyang District, affordable housing projects in prime locations, prices cheaper, so one was snapped up by the launch, the new city has emerged Chui queuing overnight to equate the scenes, just a few days out of time.


13. I do not equate repairing cars with repairing people, but the concepts are the same.


14. equate的反义词

14. And in fact, that decay-time lengthened, it equate to meson- decay physical course velocity change.


15. Many vacuum elcectron components, for example stud pin and anode button for CPT CDT, all haveto clean with ODS solvent because the compositions of oil stain are complex, In order to gain the clean surface of component, this paper introduce the non-ODS aqueous cleaning technique. The cleaning agent non-toxic to humans, non-toxic to environment, non-ozone depleting, can be discharged to drain with minimal waste teatment required and does not contain phosphates or nonyl phenolethoxylates. The EDAX results show that the cleaning capacity and rinsing performance of non-ODS aqueous cleaning technique are equate or better than the TCA cleaning technique.


16. In fact, it is possible to equate this to the problem of finding the minimum cost flow on a network, for the solution of which there exist very efficient techniques.


17. But it`s a mistake to equate peer production with anticapitalism.


18. Whe people equate childlessness to happiness, when they care more about freedom, money and themselves, few incentives will be good enough to make them change their mind.


19. 3 P6 Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation.75 It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticsm of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.

give rise to 产生,引起在将来像过去一样新的思维方式和新的思维对象必然会出现,产生一个新的完美的标准。

20. 3 P6 Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation.75) It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticsm of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.

it 指代前文中的fallacy 谬论、谬误常考单词:fallacy谬论、谬误,paradox自相矛盾、悖论,axiomatic不言自明,毋需证明 apply to 存在于这种谬误同样存在于传统历史学家和社会科学历史学家上,前者把历史看作仅仅是外部和内部对资料来源的评论,后者把他们的研究活动和具体方法等同起来。

equate 词典解释

1. 把…相提并论;与…等同

If you equate one thing with another, or if you say that one thing equates with another, you believe that they are strongly connected.


e.g. I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority...


e.g. The author doesn't equate liberalism and conservatism...



...the equation of gangsterism with business in Coppola's film.

科波拉电影中黑帮与商界的紧密勾结equate 单语例句equate的近义词

1. If sharing the costs of private cars by car pooling is deemed illegal, it would equate to an outright ban on car pools.

2. So there is no doubt that China is intentionally holding the value of its currency below the rate that would equate supply and demand.

3. Cheap agricultural products don't equate to cheap food on the dining table because there are many intermediaries between farm and bowl.

4. I don't equate education with intelligence because it doesn't add up.

5. " That would equate to seven fewer blue sky days than last year, " Wang said noting he was not optimistic about this year's air quality.

6. To equate the feelings toward one group of writers with the love - or the lack of it - for Chinese culture is preposterous.

7. Lu said women wearing revealing dresses may want to attract the attention of others, but that doesn't equate to an invitation for harassment.

8. Nobel laureate Mohammad Yunus said at the forum that it is a shame for humankind to equate enterprises with making profits.

9. Legislative Council security panel deputy chairman James To said threats to media figures equate to threats to public safety.

10. It would be wrong to equate it with sex as they imply that sex is dirty or inappropriate for the occasion.

equate 英英释义



1. make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching

e.g. let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office

The company matched the discount policy of its competitors

Synonym: equalmatchequalizeequalise

2. consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous

e.g. We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans

You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed

Synonym: compareliken

3. be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics

Synonym: correspond