

aegis:[英 [ˈi:dʒɪs] 美 [ˈidʒɪs] ]


aegis 基本解释

名词保护; 支持; 由…主办; 在…的支持下

aegis 网络解释

1. aegis的反义词

1. 羊皮盾:雅典娜是处女神,具有威力与聪慧,为宙斯最宠爱的女儿,她带有雷的云为标帜,身穿镶有闪电花边的山羊皮,胸前装有妖怪(Gorgon)的头,手拿天下无敌的长矛与巨盾;羊皮盾(Aegis),由雅典娜所持的盾牌、防卫武器,她的战袍名艾基斯,

2. 庇护:身体、心智、与灵性各自包含母体、赋能者、形意者;并在这三个原型的庇护(aegis)下运作.心智、身体、与灵性的形意者并不等同于心智、身体、与灵性复合体的形意者.很难描述灵性的母体(MatrixoftheSpirit)之特性,

aegis 双语例句

1. Aggro Generation of Aegis/Shields - I am concerned about this, and will make sure it's not too much of a problem.



2. This online laboratory has been developed as part of the iLab project, under the aegis of iCampus (the MIT-Microsoft Alliance).

线上实验室是 iLab专案发展的一部分,由 iCampus所赞助。

3. aegis

3. In the meantime, the client must choose explain the medium that collarband makes get stuck or U aegis regards safe attestation as.


4. AEGiS nanoweb - Nanoweb is a modular HTTP server written in PHP.

aEGiS nanoweb是一个用PHP语言编写的模块化的HTTP服务器。


5. The United States, under the aegis of the United Nations, responded.


6. aegis的意思

6. I'll succed under the aegis of gov.


7. An international force under the aegis of the United Nations has been dispatched to the troubled area.


8. Government of India Departments under the aegis of Ministry of Communications are as under.


9. aegis是什么意思

9. A conference under the aegis of the United Nations.


10. A child whose welfare is now under the aegis of the courts.


11. Under the aegis of the United Nations, nations allied with the United States intervened on behalf of South Korea.


12. As long as our Government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth defending; and so long as it is worth defending a patriotic militia will cover it with an impenetrable aegis.


13. I`m glad to see the government and people give the greatest aegis to the handicapped athlete who named Jingjin.


14. The reasons that the logistic parks are extended and developed rapidly are the recognition, advocacy and aegis of our government.


15. The ability to hack the Aegis and turn it into one big, giant, pain field!


16. aegis

16. I was seeing America God, my son has been doing Qiubite and Aegis type your hearts, it is precisely here that you brought to Aegis type I.


17. In addition to the U. S. and Korea, Aegis is the maritime weapon system of choice for Australia, Japan, Norway and Spain.


18. The calculator software is, used as a kind of intelligence result, and should get the aegis of the law of related knowledge power.


19. New communities and States are seeking protection under its aegis, and multitudes from the Old World are flocking to our shores to participate in its blessings


20. Under the aegis of the NEP, incompetent people are given promotions while capable people are being deprived of the opportunity to lead.


aegis 词典解释

1. 在…的支持下;在…的保护下;以…作后盾

Something that is done under the aegis of a person or organization is done with their official support and backing.

e.g. The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces...


e.g. She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford.


aegis 单语例句

1. Advertising communications group Aegis Media has appointed Michael Chang as chief digital officer for Aegis Media China.

2. The United Nations should provide the best aegis for such an effort.

3. The data involved technology for the Aegis radar systems used on Japanese and US warships carrying missile interceptors.

4. A team of engineers and combat officers launched the project last year under the aegis of the Ground Forces Command's Weapons Development Division.

5. A special fund for the AIDS victims was set up by Libya and Bulgaria in 2005 under the aegis of the EU.

6. The latest liberalization measures are to be affected under the aegis of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Hong Kong and the mainland.

7. Statue of Athena from the Parthenon, wearing an elaborate decorative helm and aegis breastplate.

8. This will mark the beginning of bubbling serie of Champagne nights under the aegis of Mumm.

9. Sources say the location the Aegis to be stationed has never been disclosed before.

10. All cities and counties will come under the system's aegis by the end of 2008.

aegis什么意思aegis 英英释义


1. kindly endorsement and guidance

e.g. the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council

Synonym: auspicesprotection

2. armor plate that protects the chest

the front part of a cuirass

Synonym: breastplateegis