

parody:[英 [ˈpærədi] 美 [ˈpærədi] ]


过去式:parodied;   过去分词:parodied;   现在分词:parodying;   复数形式:parodies;

parody 基本解释

名词恶搞; 拙劣的模仿; 滑稽的模仿诗文

及物动词滑稽地拙劣地模仿; 把(他人诗文)模仿成滑稽体裁


parody 网络解释

1. 嘲仿:实在是颇不怎麼样的嘲仿(parody)作品. 虽然加入了僵尸,但对原作几无更动,大概就是在原先的情节里插入一些僵尸桥段、或女角们跟中国师父学武的一些片段. 没什麼主题,也看不出加了僵尸情节,傲慢与偏见有什麼不同. 像这样的添加,

parody 双语例句

1. parody什么意思

1. A parody was immediately put in circulation in the galleries of the court-house, in verses that limped a little


2. 1St Week: A general introduction to the nature and contents of the course; an investigation of students'acquired knowledge of literature in general; a brief introduction to African-American literature 2nd and 3rd Weeks: Rediscovering an Invisible Culture (Why Black culture had been unknown and unobserved for several decades; how it came to be rediscovered) 4th to 6th Weeks: Double Consciousness (the marginal perspective in Language, Oral Culture, Folklore and Religion Reading representative works by three Black writers of racial consciousness: Douglass, Washington and Bu Bois 7th to 9th Weeks: Minstrelsy (Imitation, Parody and Travesty in Black-White interaction rituals 1830--1920 Reading the novel about the Black life: Uncle Tom's Cabin 10th to 12th Weeks: Social Mobility and Cultural Stigma: The case of Chicago Jazz 1920--1930; Reading poems by Hughes and novels by Wright 13th to 15th Weeks: Oral Tradition and the Quest for Literacy: The crisis of Black writers from Philips Wheatley to Ralph Ellison; Reading the masterpiece of Ellison 16th to 18th Weeks: Contemporary Afro-American Culture: the sixties and seventies (efforts on reconstructing the Black identiy and Black history Reading novels by Morrison



3. A young, unemployed film-maker's 20-minute internet parody of Chen Kaige's latest movie The Promise has delighted China's online audiences and raised the hackles of the country's most prestigious - and pompous - film director.


4. I utilize Bakhtin`s poetics of carnival to explore the structural meanings of the episode of Granny Liu` trip to Prospect Garden. First, through Granny Liu`s trip, an extraordinary festival space is built for the women and girls who live in the inner quarters of the Jia`s Family. Second, by playing a cheerful clown, Granny Liu creates an atmosphere of collective, public-square carnival. Third, Granny Liu emphasizes the material aspect and the lower part of body, bringing them to focus and center. Fourth, the words play in jiou-ling games act as parody of the authority discourse. And with Granny Liu`s vernacular and vulgar colloquialism, a scene appears where art-language is confronted and deconstructed by life-language. Fifth, this episode is full of unpleasing or even dirty visions of grotesque animal figures and excrement. All these anti-sublime forces are against the idealized spiritual orientation of Prospect Garden, arousing Lin Dai-Yu`s abjection. Besides the contrasts and disturbances brought forth by Granny Liu, there is energetic and real force embodied in the spirit of carnival.


5. Based onthe achievements of others, this essay summarizes two ways of which the main piece of DON QUIXOTE constructs modern novels: structural principle of parody and introduction and organization of heteroglossia, and makes a detailed analysis.


6. Through this translation, English, Rhetoric parody and alliterative converted into the Chinese language Rhetoric Oshio rhyme, that is, we usually say the rhyme.


7. parody什么意思

7. According to Tony Bianchi, the owner of Halloween Adventure, the most popular political costumes depict people who are easy to parody.


8. It can be used as a pause or a colon: very handy for spinning out a mere anecdote into a playlet that`s full of parody and speculation.


9. Sharon-far more sensitive than Noel Lee on his set of complete music-manages to capture its innocent intimacy especially in its light hearted parody without condescension; and he gives us so joyously eventful a reading that we are rarely reminded that we have only a keyboard approximation of Debussy's ideas.


10. He was a celebrity, sometimes a self-parody, a hearty friend, an implacable foe, a man of large faith and large flaws, a melancholy character who persevered, drank deeply and sang loudly.


11. Only because most of the people who are big enough fans to parody it are too impatient to make a decent flash movie.


12. parody在线翻译

12. Sang Shil`s parody was met with some skepticism by the writers, but I just shot that without telling the writers… That only took about 30 minutes to shoot.



13. Traditional study of parody was mainly focused on its formation and rhetorical effects.


14. Artful and flexible parody is one kind of characteristic rh etoric modes in Internet language.


15. Both in English and in Chinese parody is widely used to strengthen the artistic appeal of the language and enhance the communicative effect of the utterance.


16. A: Well, to begin with, this is a parody of a known Campari ad.


17. Hu plays an anchor in his new parody, reading news happening in co-renting apartments and quipping about current hot issues like the global economic crisis and job crunch for fresh graduates.


18. Hence, it is high time to be free from fetter of logical senses; stereotype viewpoints and gender masks and explode with parody/prank/buffoon/stunt and whatsoever, turning the debate to be a humour-spree mini-carnival.


19. In 2005 again, Ichikawa was in Ringu parody film The Jurei.



20. But you know, things are so bad now that parody gets difficult. It's hard to think of things that are worse than what actually happens.


parody 词典解释

1. 戏仿作品

A parody is a humorous piece of writing, drama, or music which imitates the style of a well-known person or represents a familiar situation in an exaggerated way.


e.g. 'The Scarlet Capsule' was a parody of the popular 1959 TV series 'The Quatermass Experiment'...


e.g. Throughout the Twenties, Lardner tried in vain to write a hit song, so at last he turned to parody.


2. 戏仿;滑稽(或夸张)地模仿

When someone parodies a particular work, thing, or person, they imitate it in an amusing or exaggerated way.

e.g. ...a sketch parodying the views of Jean-Marie Le Pen...


e.g. Any style can be parodied.


3. (对特定事物的)拙劣模仿

When you say that something is a parody of a particular thing, you are criticizing it because you think it is a very poor example or bad imitation of that thing.

e.g. The first trial was a parody of justice.


parody 单语例句parody的翻译

1. But the infamous play also quickly became the butt of Internet jokes, online games and parody videos.

2. Victor Koo is ready to cash in on the instant success of Hu's parody.

3. Netizens have already come up with a parody in which Zhang Yimou is cast as the principal for a breast enlargement school.

4. In the 1978 George Romero film " Dawn of the Dead, " zombies swarm a shopping mall in a grim parody of mindless consumerism.

5. " Parody videos run the risk of degrading into vulgarity, " admitted Zhou.

6. If every joke or parody on Saturday Night Live was accompanied by a disclaimer, it would be unthinkable.

7. The shanzhai culture as a celebration of the DIY spirit or as a parody to mainstream culture can add fun to our daily lives.

8. The Beijing 2008 Olympics emblem suffers parody and has been transformed to washroom signs by mischievous netizens Beijing Legal Evening reports Friday.

9. Hu Ge unexpectedly reaped a fame after posting online his parody of famed Chinese director Chen Kaige's latest epic " The Promise " earlier this year.

10. The name is bit of a parody itself, but the group can generally be described as fashionably classical.

parody 英英释义


1. humorous or satirical mimicry

Synonym: mockerytakeoff

2. a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way

Synonym: lampoonspoofsendupmockerytakeoffburlesquetravestycharadepasquinadeput-on


1. make a parody of

e.g. The students spoofed the teachers

Synonym: spoofburlesque

2. make a spoof of or make fun of