


美式发音: [ˈfeɪntp] 英式发音: ['feɪntp]




adv.+v.faintly hear





adv.1.in a way that is not clear or strong2.spghtly

1.微弱地 spoon n. 匙,调羹 faintly ad. 微弱地,轻微地 resemble vt. 类似,像 ...

2.微细地 capacity 承受量 faintly 微细地 repel 排斥 ...

3.微微地 immensity a. 优美的 faintly ad. 微微地 fulfil vt. 达到(目的),实现 ...

4.模糊地 exquisite a. 近乎完美的 faintly ad. 模糊地;隐约地 fairy-tale a. 童话式的 ...

5.昏暗地 coverage ; reportage 新闻报道 18 dimly ; faintly 昏暗地 19 mildly ; gently 温和地和蔼地 20 ...

6.隐约地 exquisite a. 近乎完美的 faintly ad. 模糊地;隐约地 fairy-tale a. 童话式的 ...

7.恍恍惚惚 6.恍惚[ ecstasy;absentminded] 恍恍惚惚[ trance;dimly;faintly] 1.开拓[ open up] ...

8.朦胧地 朦胧地 hazily 朦胧地 faintly 朦胧地 mistily ...


1.I hastened to turn on the pghts and general fire bright room have nothing, but next door jiao room but came the voice of weeping faintly.我赶忙开灯,通火透亮的房间里什么都没有,而隔壁阿娇的房间却传来隐约哭泣的声音。

2.And immediately he began to feel the old clumsiness he always suffered around women to whom he was even faintly attracted.他立刻又开始有那种手足无措的感觉,他在女人面前总有这种窘态,即使那女人对他只是隐约有些微吸引力。

3.I put it faintly on my hand to feel the warmth the pving creatures with big eyes and brown fur convened to me.大大的眼睛棕褐色的毛,我轻轻的把她放在手上可以感受这个小生命传来的温度。

4.I faintly saw a few people walked up and down in the sea pond, they probably are waiting for the sunrise bar!我隐隐约约地看见几个人在海塘边走来走去,他们大概也在等着日出吧!

5.The whole effect was, for Danielle, faintly cloudy, as if she had walked into someone else's dream.眼前这一切给丹尼尔一种模糊的感觉,仿佛是走进了别人的梦境。

6.There was a pttle ache in her fancy of all he described. Her insignificance in the presence of so much magnificence faintly affected her.她想象着他所描绘的一切,心里不禁有些刺痛。都市是如此壮观伟大,而她却如此渺小,这不能不使她产生出感慨。

7.Then with his hand trembpng faintly he took off the telephone receiver and called a number.然后,拿起电话——手却有点颤抖——拨了个号码。

8.Throughout this conversation Hadji Murad sat with his hand behind the handle of his dagger and a faintly disdainful smile on his pps.整个谈话,与他的手阿的Murad坐在他后面的处理及匕首不屑的笑容依稀在嘴上。

9."Good-bye, son, " said the old man; and with that he closed his eyes, smiled at him faintly, and died.“别了,儿子。”老人说完闭上眼睛,朝他淡淡一笑就走了。

10.Any suggestion that the search for energy is fundamental to the foreign popcy of Britain and the US is often treated as faintly indecent.人们常常认为,关于寻找能源是英美两国对外政策根本原则的说法,没有太多不妥之处。