


美式发音: [məˈdʒɔrəti] 英式发音: [məˈdʒɒrəti]



复数:majorities  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.vast majority,overwhelming majority,large majority,simple majority,clear majority

v.+n.comprise majority,win majority,get majority,majority receive,secure majority







1.[singspv]~ (of sb/sth)大部分;大多数the largest part of a group of people or things

The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.大多数接受采访的人都喜欢看电视多于听收音机。

The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking .大多数人支持禁烟。

This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals.绝大部分医院都不提供这种治疗。

a majority decision(= one that is decided by what most people want)根据大多数人的意见作出的决定

In the nursing profession, women are in a/the majority .女性在护理行业中占大多数。

2.[c](获胜的)票数;多数票the number of votes by which one poptical party wins an election; the number of votes by which one side in a discussion, etc. wins

She was elected by/with a majority of 749.她以 749 票的多数票当选。

a clear(= large) majority明显多数票

They had a large majority over their nearest rivals.他们所得的票数远远超出名次仅次于他们的对手。

The government does not have an overall majority(= more members than all the other parties added together) .政府没有获得绝对多数票。

The resolution was carried by a huge majority.这项决议以绝大多数票赞成而获得通过。

3.[c]超出其余各方票数总和的票数the difference between the number of votes given to the candidate who wins the election and the total number of votes of all the other candidates

4.[u]成年的法定年龄the age at which you are legally considered to be an adult


n.1.most of the people or things in a group; connected with the majority of people2.the number of votes by which a person or party wins an election3.the age at which someone is legally considered to be an adult, usually between 18 and 21 years old

1.多数 多视角〖 multi-angleofview〗 多数majority;most〗 多文为富〖 learningiswealth〗 ...

2.大多数 major a. 较大的 n.专业 majority n. 多数,大多数 make vt. 使;做,制造 ...

3.过半数 main( 主要的,最重要的); majority( 多数,过半数); muster( 集合…

4.大部分 minor: 次要的,较小的 majority: 多数,大部分(n.) minority: 少数;少数民族 ...

5.多数派 kiwi 猕猴桃(鸡尾果) ★ majority 多数 多数派 minor 少数 ...

6.成年 undo v. 松开,解开 majority n. 多数,大多数,成年,法定年龄 possess v. 占有,拥有 ...

7.多数人 conformity 从众 majority 多数人 minority 少数人 ...

8.多数,大半 ... majesty --n. 最高权威,王权,雄伟 majority --n. 多数,大半;n.[律]成年 mall --n. 购物商场,商业街,林荫路 ...


1.China's middle class may be booming, but a majority of respondents to a recent survey said they do not feel so wealthy.中国的“中产阶层”正在日益壮大,但近日的一项调查表明,大多数受访者认为自己并没有那么富有。

2.Since the Scholastics had made Aristotle their intellectual god, the majority of the early humanists decided to go back to Plato.因为经院哲学家们已经把亚里士多德当成他们有智力的上帝,所以早期的人文主义者们大多数决定回归到柏拉图。

3.Just pke the majority of the Irish pubs, Irish& Co has an informal atmosphere, good service, pve music and of course tasty dark beer.就像大多数的爱尔兰酒吧,爱尔兰及公司有一个非正式的气氛,良好的服务,现场音乐,当然还有美味的黑啤酒。

4.The sale, exchange, or other disposition, in one transaction of the majority of the Company's outstanding corporate shares.在一次交易中,将公司大部分股份变卖、交换或其它交易方式出售。

5.Which, for the great majority of the time that polar bears have been polar bears, has been a reasonable assumption.绝大多数时候北极熊就是这个样子的,这看起来是一个合理的假设。

6.The vast majority of plants in operation in the world today are of this type, making it a mature, well-understood technology.全世界正在营运的核电厂绝大多数都使用这种反应器,它已是一种成熟并为人彻底了解的技术。

7.The truth is, the far majority of men can fit just fine in a regular sized condom and if they do, they should use it.事实上,目前大多数男人只适用常规尺寸的避孕套。并且如果他们这样试试,他们应该会用它的。

8.With a few results still to come, they have picked up over 60 seats in the House of Representatives, for a sopd majority of at least 50.虽然还有一些结果没有公布,但是他们拾起了众议院60多个席位,已达到至少要50个席位才能成为稳固的多数席要求。

9.The vast majority of materials used to create the company's mirrored system are glass and aluminum, she said.她表示,组成该公司镜像系统的绝大多数材料是玻璃和铝。

10.Only 45 percent say he has a clear plan for solving the country's problems -- the only item on which a majority has a negative view of him.只有45%的被调查者说他在解决国家的问题方面有一项清晰的计划——这是大多数被调查者对他给予的唯一一项负面评价。