

catastrophe:[英 [kəˈtæstrəfi] 美 [kəˈtæstrəfi] ]



catastrophe 基本解释

名词大灾难; 惨败; 悲剧的结局; 地表突然而猛烈的变动,灾变


catastrophe 相关例句


1. The catastrophe of a tragedy usually brings death or ruin to the leading character.


2. Their English party turned out to be a catastrophe.


3. The flood in Venice was a major catastrophe.


catastrophe 网络解释

1. catastrophe什么意思

1. 大灾难:>>的拍摄,2000年拍摄(Catastrophe),从事电影表演前后跨度77年. 1904年4月14日生于伦敦,毕业于英国皇家戏剧艺术学院,以擅长扮演莎士比亚戏剧闻名于世. 1924年初登银幕,26岁第一次扮演哈姆雷特,创下了40岁以下英国演员扮演哈姆雷特的戏剧史纪录,

2. (灾难):1982年,他把自己的剧本(Catastrophe)献给了捷克持不同政见者、作家瓦茨拉夫.哈维尔. 有人说,他这么做只是事后心血来潮而已. 但是,事实上,这个剧本是专门为哈维尔而写的,是为了证明他和哈维尔是团结一致的. 当时哈维尔已经遭到了软禁,

catastrophe 双语例句

1. A catastrophe such as an earthquake, hurricane, tornado, fire, flood, or violent acts is frightening to children and adults alike.



2. Yearend Float (in $ millions)YearGEICOGeneral ReOtherReinsuranceOtherPrimaryTotal1967202019774013117119877018071, 50819972, 9174, 0144557, 38619983, 12514, 9094, 30541522, 75419993, 44415, 1666, 28540325, 29820003, 94315, 5257, 80559827, 871 We`re pleased by the growth in our float during 2000 but nothappywith its cost. Over the years, our cost of float has been very close tozero, with the underwriting profits realized in most years offsetting theoccasional terrible year such as 1984, when our cost was a staggering19%. In 2000, however, we had an underwriting loss of $1.6 billion, which gave us a float cost of 6%. Absent a mega-catastrophe, we expectour float cost to fall in 2001 - perhaps substantially - in large partbecause of corrections in pricing at General Re that should increasinglybe felt as the year progresses. On a smaller scale, GEICO mayexperience the same improving trend.

对於2000年的浮存金成长我们感到相当欣慰,但却对其成本不甚满意,一直以来,我们浮存金成本通常都维持在接近於零的低水准,有时好的时候,还能享有可观的承保利益,来弥补像1984年那样糟糕的年度,当年的资金成本高达19%,不过2000年我们的承保损失却高达16亿美金,这使得我们的浮存金成本飙高至6%,除非再发生什麼重大的灾难,否则我们预期2001年的浮存金成本将会大幅下降,主要的原因是General RE已经逐渐开始反映调整价格,至於GEICO虽然规模较小,但也应该会有同样的情形。

3. catastrophe的反义词

3. If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in catastrophe, then someone will do it


4. If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.


5. In 2000, however, we had an underwriting loss of $1.6 billion, which gave us a float cost of 6%. Absent a mega-catastrophe, we expect our float cost to fall in 2001 - perhaps substantially - in large part because of corrections in pricing at General Re that should increasingly be felt as the year progresses. On a smaller scale, GEICO may experience the same improving trend.

可观的承保利益,来弥补像1984年那样糟糕的年度,当年的资金成本高达19%,不过2000年我们的承保损失却高达16亿美金,这使得我们的浮存金成本飙高至6%,除非再发生什麼重大的灾难,否则我们预期2001年的浮存金成本将会大幅下降,主要的原因是General RE已经逐渐开始反映调整价格,至於GEICO虽然规模较小,但也应该会有同样的情形。

6. catastrophe的翻译

6. I had in mind natural catastrophes when I said that, but instead we were hit by a man-made catastrophe on September 11th - an event that delivered the insurance industry its largest loss in history. Our float cost therefore came in at a staggering 12.8%. It was our worst year in float cost since 1984, and a result that to a significant degree, as I will explain in the next section, we brought upon ourselves. If no mega-catastrophe occurs, I - once again expect the cost of our float to be low in the coming year. We will indeed need a low cost, as will all insurers.

去年我曾告诉各位,除非发生什么重大的灾难,否则我们浮存金的成本将可由 2000 年 6%的高档往下降,当时我心里想到的是自然天灾之类的意外,但任谁也想不到发生的竟是 911 恐怖份子攻击事件这样的人祸,它造成保险业有史以来最重大的损失,也让我们的浮存金成本大举飙高到 12.8%,这是自 1984 年以来最惨的记录,而且大部分的责任,在后段我还会再详加解释,要归咎于我们自己。

7. catastrophe的翻译

7. Yearend Float (in $ millions) Year GEICO General Re Other Reinsurance Other Primary Total 1967202019774013117119877018071, 50819972, 9174, 0144557, 38619983, 12514, 9094, 30541522, 75419993, 44415, 1666, 28540325, 29820003, 94315, 5257, 80559827, 87120014, 25119, 31011, 26268535, 508 Last year I told you that, barring a mega-catastrophe, our cost of float would probably drop from its 2000 level of 6%. I had in mind natural catastrophes when I said that, but instead we were hit by a man-made catastrophe on September 11th - an event that delivered the insurance industry its largest loss in history. Our float cost therefore came in at a staggering 12.8%. It was our worst year in float cost since 1984, and a result that to a significant degree, as I will explain in the next section, we brought upon ourselves.

去年我曾告诉各位,除非发生什么重大的灾难,否则我们浮存金的成本将可由 2000 年 6%的高档往下降,当时我心里想到的是自然天灾之类的意外,但任谁也想不到发生的竟是 911 恐怖份子攻击事件这样的人祸,它造成保险业有史以来最重大的损失,也让我们的浮存金成本大举飙高到 12.8%,这是自 1984 年以来最惨的记录,而且大部分的责任,在后段我还会再详加解释,要归咎于我们自己。

8. catastrophe的近义词

8. Yearend Float (in $ millions) Year GEICO General Re Other Reinsurance Other Primary Total 1967202019774013117119877018071, 50819972, 9174, 0144557, 38619983, 12514, 9094, 30541522, 75419993, 44415, 1666, 28540325, 29820003, 94315, 5257, 80559827, 871 We`re pleased by the growth in our float during 2000 but not happy with its cost. Over the years, our cost of float has been very close to zero, with the underwriting profits realized in most years offsetting the occasional terrible year such as 1984, when our cost was a staggering 19%. In 2000, however, we had an underwriting loss of $1.6 billion, which gave us a float cost of 6%. Absent a mega-catastrophe, we expect our float cost to fall in 2001 - perhaps substantially - in large part because of corrections in pricing at General Re that should increasingly be felt as the year progresses. On a smaller scale, GEICO may experience the same improving trend.

对於2000年的浮存金成长我们感到相当欣慰,但却对其成本不甚满意,一直以来,我们浮存金成本通常都维持在接近於零的低水准,有时好的时候,还能享有可观的承保利益,来弥补像1984年那样糟糕的年度,当年的资金成本高达 19%,不过2000年我们的承保损失却高达16亿美金,这使得我们的浮存金成本飙高至6%,除非再发生什麼重大的灾难,否则我们预期2001年的浮存金成本将会大幅下降,主要的原因是General RE已经逐渐开始反映调整价格,至於 GEICO虽然规模较小,但也应该会有同样的情形。

9. The Haitian government's Mars and Kline Psychiatric Center was founded in 1958, which might be when its wards received their last coat of paint, and was in a desperate situation even before the January 12 catastrophe.


10. Top and Jupshowed signs of the greatest alarm, as if their instinct warned them of animpending catastrophe.


11. catastrophe的近义词

11. Using catastrophe theory, we explain the pattern of traffic flow and the non-continuous of flow speed in freeway.


12. catastrophe

12. The boys went back to camp, a good deal awed; but they found there was still something to be thankful for, because the great sycamore, the shelter of their beds, was a ruin, now, blasted by the lightnings, and they were not under it when the catastrophe happened.


13. But the range of possible outcomes is huge, with catastrophe one possibility, and the costs of averting climate change are comparatively small.


14. And finally, complete an empirical study on the pricing of payment guaranteed typhoon catastrophe bond in China.


15. In the winter of 1556 AD, an earthquake catastrophe occurred in the Shaanxi and Shanxi Provinces.


16. catastrophe在线翻译

16. In this part, the catastrophe behavior of backdraft was deduced mathematically from energy balance equation of compartment fire.


17. catastrophe的近义词

17. We must not stopped attacking each other, do not hate each other, we need the cooperation is the cooperation is cooperation - cooperation only way out is to know the real solution to the problem is the hero will fight alone and dazui zhang's, so that dragged us even greater catastrophe is a hero who will not.


18. When someday, the once riproarious TV programs turn into one voice with plain color; and not until we stand tall and upright, grieved and broken-hearted, have we the chance to ponder over the matters that are heavier than the catastrophe.


19. The world`s most spectacular saline catastrophe is Central Asia`s Aral Sea.


20. For a feast for your eyes to see An explosion of catastrophe Like nothing you`ve ever seen before Watch closely as I open this door Your jaws will be on the floor After this you`ll be begging for more woa Do you want it?

为了让你们眼睛看到一场庆典一个灾难的爆发并不像你们之前所看到的一切当我打开门时请靠近点你的喉咙将贴近地面然后你们将会请求更多 woa 你想要这个吗?

catastrophe 词典解释

1. 重大灾难;灾祸;横祸

A catastrophe is an unexpected event that causes great suffering or damage.

e.g. From all points of view, war would be a catastrophe...


e.g. If the world is to avoid environmental catastrophe, advanced economies must undergo a profound transition.


catastrophe 单语例句catastrophe什么意思

1. The Bhopal gas disaster was an industrial catastrophe which occurred at the Union Carbide's pesticide plant in Bhopal.

2. " We could have had a catastrophe here, " he added.

3. A global conference on the tsunami catastrophe opened Tuesday amid calls for direct world action to prevent such natural events from becoming mass killers.

4. He based his judgment on evidence and reasoning and rejected the notion that recent earthquakes were a premonition to imminent human catastrophe.

5. As our leaders and soldiers risked their own lives to go to the quake forefront, the merciless catastrophe continued to take away thousands of lives.

6. The minister vowed to implement measures to prevent a repeat of the summer catastrophe once conclusions were made by parliamentary and other investigations.

7. Scores of factories known to have discharged harmful effluence are to be closely watched by environmental authorities in an effort to prevent a catastrophe.

8. If physically abusing the authority figure is the way to go, the Cultural Revolution would have been a cultural nirvana instead of the catastrophe it was.

9. The way and speed with which the Chinese leadership has responded to the catastrophe in rapid mobilization of men and material is world class.

10. The catastrophe also sparked a nuclear leak crisis at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which the Japanese government is still trying to contain.

catastrophe 英英释义



1. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

e.g. the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity

the earthquake was a disaster

Synonym: calamitydisastertragedycataclysm

2. a sudden violent change in the earth's surface

Synonym: cataclysm

3. a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune

e.g. lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system

his policies were a disaster

Synonym: disaster