

pathogen:[英 [ˈpæθədʒən] 美 [ˈpæθədʒən] ]



pathogen 基本解释



pathogen 网络解释

1. 病原体:相互作用和相互斗争的结果 (一)病原体:(pathogen)指能够引起宿主致病的各类微生物 病原体: 能够引起宿主致病的各类微生物,如细菌,病毒,支原体,衣原体,寄生虫等.病原体侵入宿主 病原体 能够引起宿主致病的各类微生物 机体后能否致病,

2. 病原:一、症状(symptom) 病斑以叶脉为界,呈多角形,多数愈合成不规则的大斑. 病斑赤褐色,周围往往有黄色晕圈,以后长出黑色霉状小粒点,这是病菌的分生孢子梗和分生孢子. 二、病原(pathogen)&...

3. 病菌:史密斯博士也指出,对老年人来说,药物治疗、消化失调、慢性疾病、身体失能和 精神沮丧等,都会导致胃口不佳,以致营养失调;而好的营养,是维持免疫系统强健的 重要因素;一旦营养失调,病菌(pathogen)就会趁虚而入,提高感染疾病(包括食

4. pathogen的反义词

4. 病原菌:而自身不能合成的化合物 如维生素、某些氨基酸、嘌呤、嘧啶等 流感嗜血杆...细菌的感染(bacterial infection)或传染 细菌侵入宿主机体后,进行生长繁殖、释放毒性物质等引起不同程度的病理过程致病菌或病原菌(pathogen):能使宿主致病的细菌非致病菌或非病原菌(nonpathogenic bacterium,

pathogen 双语例句

1. To develop new drugs against the pathogen, an easily-mutated virus, much more efforts have been putting on fully understanding the viral entry and leave the cell, especially on neuraminidases and hemagglutinins.


2. By RT-PCR amplification, we found that PnV exists in uninfected LY16 cells, therefore LY16 cells are persistent infection with PnV. In conclusions, (1) LY16 cells are PnV-persistent infection cells; (2) PnV can infect both LY cells and silkworm larvae; (3) and the origin pathogen of silkworm may either PnV contaminated from lab during rearing or viral pathogens of silkworm origin which can`t propagate in LY16 cells.

因此本研究的结论是(1) LY16是PnV持续感染的细胞株系;(2) PnV 亦可以感染黑角舞蛾细胞株及家蚕;(3)最起初罹病之家蚕疑是在实验室饲养时被PnV感染,抑或是罹病家蚕的病原体未能在LY16细胞内增殖。

3. Results For 1356 cases of moderate to severe lower respiratory tract infection, their sex, age, degree of fever, white blood cells and neutrophils, the type and composition of the pathogen showed no significant difference.

结果 1356例不同下呼吸道中重度感染患者,其性别、年龄、发热程度、血白细胞与中性粒细胞、病原体种类和构成,均无明显差异。

4. These results indicated that vaginal DCs were the antigen presenting cells which present brucella antigen to naive T lymphocytes, leading to the release of IFN-γ. Brucella spp. is an intracellular pathogen that preferentially infects macrophages. The macrophages in vaginal mucosa of BALB/cmice are deleted by intravaginally administration of clodronate liposome in order to test our hypothesis that DCs is better to capture the brucella antigen upon the depletion of macrophage. Mice injected with the same volume of empty liposomes as a control.


5. While on a diplomatic mission to Monor II, Mara was secretly infected with a coomb spore, a deadly bio-engineered pathogen crafted by the Yuuzhan Vong.



6. Investigation proved that the cleansing liquid destroyed the vaginal pH value, the pathogen is bound to the rapid growth, so increased rates of sexually transmitted diseases.



7. Objective: To search for the pathogen of a food-borne disease from the perspective of microbiology.


8. pathogen的意思

8. Strains could inhibit conidium germination, 5 strains made the pathogen grow vegetably and 9 strains inhibited its tube growth. M. grisea produce several swollen cells on the sites of the appressorium differentation and lost the ability to infect onion epidermis treated with the culture supernatant of h23 strain.


9. The PCR based method developed here could be used for early and rapid molecular detection of pathogen of apple scab.


10. Apple scab is one of most important apple diseases in apple growing areas in China. Through screening a pair of specific PCR primers for pathogen of apple scab, the method of early and rapid detection of pathogen of apple scab was developed in the study.


11. Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of peptic ulceration, distal gastric adenocarcinoma, and gastric lymphoma. 50% of the world population is colonized by this pathogen, and 15% of them develop relevant diseases. Thus, searching for treatment of Hp infection has become the hotspot of gastroenterology.


12. pathogen

12. Summer heat is a yang pathogen, so is wind, and so is fire-heat.


13. pathogen什么意思

13. In preventive effect, Tachigaren Solution and Mon Emulsion were similar in effectiveness of controlling the disease. But in case of therapeutic action, fungicides of Mebenil W. P., Tachigaren Sol, and Mon Emul, showed that the later the application after inoculation of pathogen, the less control effect to the disease.



14. The progress levels of symptoms after pathogen infection showed that interaction of gray leaf spot pathogen and host has differentiation or polymorphism. The progress levels of symptoms is different. The aggressively has polymorphism. The pathogenicity of different isolates in same cultivar has polymorphism, or the host reaction type of same isolate in different cultivars has polymorphism. The host reaction type has differentiation. There are seven types of host reaction in cultivar and inbred after infected by GLS pathogen:Rectangular lesion without chlorotic halo, Rectangular lesion with chlorotic halo, Irregular lesion without chlorotic halo, Irregular lesion with chlorotic halo, Spot lesion with chlorotic halo, Rectangular and irregular lesionand Rectangular and spot lesion. The host reaction type is coalesced lesion when disease severely. Frequency of each reaction types is different.


15. The pathogen causing lily blights was isolated from diseased lily with typical symptoms on basal stem. The pathogen was identified as Phytophthora nicotianae van Brede de Haan according to the characteristics of mycelium, chlamydospore, zoosporangium, oospore and the test of pathogenicity of the pathogen.

从具典型症状的新鲜百合疫病植株茎基部病组织中分离到百合疫霉菌,根据其病原菌菌丝的形态、菌落特征,厚垣孢子、游动孢子囊和卵孢子的形态和大小,以及病原菌致病性测定,该病原菌鉴定为烟草疫霉 Phytophthora nicotianae van Brede de Haan。

16. Are not intended for destruction or slaughter for the eradication of the following diseases:ISA; VHS; IHN; EHN; spring viraemia of carp; Furunculosis; Enteric redmouth disease; Gyrodactylus salaries; or due to diseases caused by any other pathogen


17. The optimum carbon source of the pathogen for the hypha growth and conidiophore bearing was amylomaltose, the optimum nitrogen source was yeast extract and the alternation of light and darkness could promote the hypha growth.


18. Our results demonstrated that SLF genes are organized in a manner extremely similar to R locus, a pathogen recognition locus in plants.


19. pathogen

19. This paper summarizes the research in elucidating the structure of acid invertase genes and proteins, regulation of gene expression by organ and developmental specificity, sugar, wounding, pathogen infe...


20. The results showed that 8 different pig farms not used the vaccine all existed the positive antibodies to Pseudorabies virus of an average ratio up to 34.4%. 16 pig farms which used the vaccine existed the positive antibodies. These results suggest that PRV is one of the major pathogen of porcine reproductive disease.

结果2001 年前未使用疫苗的八个猪场全部有阳性存在,猪场野毒感染抗体阳性率平均34.4%,使用猪伪狂犬病基因缺失疫苗免疫后仍有16 个规模化猪场出现野毒感染抗体阳性,表明猪伪狂犬病是造成新疆规模化猪场猪繁殖障碍病的主要病因。

pathogen 词典解释

1. 病原体

A pathogen is any organism which can cause disease in a person, animal, or plant.

pathogen 单语例句pathogen的反义词

1. They can contract the disease from adults who often carry the pathogen.

2. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is a common human pathogen that causes cold sores.

3. The risk that a child can fall sick or die from a dangerous pathogen is significantly larger.

4. Pathogen detection is now one of the most important strategies scientists are using to prevent the introduction of bacteria into the food chain.

5. This suggests few changes are needed to make any bird influenza virus into a easily passed human pathogen.

6. Health officials in Quanzhou blamed the pathogen variation and poor medical facilities for the deaths.

7. Group A Streptococcus is a common human pathogen that causes skin and soft tissue infection, sore throat and other forms of sepsis.

8. " Streptococcus suis " is the name of the pig pathogen that infected humans in Sichuan Province this year.

9. The officers said they had destroyed the soybeans to avoid spread of the pathogen.

10. " Streptococcus suis " is the name of the pig pathogen affecting human health in China's Sichuan Province earlier this year.

pathogen的解释pathogen 英英释义



1. any disease-producing agent (especially a virus or bacterium or other microorganism)