

stellar:[英 [ˈstelə(r)] 美 [ˈstɛlɚ] ]


stellar 基本解释


形容词星的; 星球的; 主要的; 主角的

stellar 网络解释

1. 恒星:迄今,她已拥有5台苹果 (Apple) 电脑、...恒星(Stellar)数据恢复已发布Stellar Phoenix Macintosh数据恢复3.0版,支持LaCie硬盘驱动器和iPod,也就是说,可以恢复iPod中丢失的文件哦!

2. 星的:黑洞 (black holes) 是宇宙中充满物质的地方,由於密度很高,它非常大的引力 (gravity) 令光线也不可以通过;科学家相信,宇宙有两类黑洞,非常巨大的黑洞和似星的 (stellar) 黑洞,巨大的黑洞比太阳重十亿倍以上,可能是在宇宙初期由巨型的星云形式;


3. 似星的:黑洞 (black holes) 是宇宙中充满物质的地方,由於密度很高,它非常大的引力 (gravity) 令光线也不可以通过;科学家相信,宇宙有两类黑洞,非常巨大的黑洞和似星的 (stellar) 黑洞,巨大的黑洞比太阳重十亿倍以上,可能是在宇宙初期由巨型的星云形式;

4. stellar是什么意思

4. 斯太勒:Statesman 政治家 | Stellar 斯太勒 | Sterling 斯特林

stellar 双语例句

1. For each group stars, both the surface gravity and the stellar mass increase with increasing effective temperature.


2. VUV emission lines of neutral atomic oxygen so appear in solar and stellar spectra and provide one of the primary diagnostics of physical conditions in the chromospheres and tra- nsition...


3. China Film Stellar Theater Chain has owned allied cinemas from 23to 107 which possess advanced equipment, geographical


4. stellar的近义词

4. Itis the fate of the spiral galaxy to be pulled like taffy and thenswallowed by the pair of elliptical galaxies, which will trigger afirestorm of new stellar creation.


5. stellar是什么意思

5. For example, the stellar mass-to-light ratio could be anomalously large; equilibrium demands more velocity for more mass.



6. There is a potential time bomb ticking away on the shelves of the stellar evolutionists.


7. stellar的近义词

7. This is a strong hint that a close encounter between members of a stellar system may have triggered an explosive outflow with motions on the order of 100 kilometers per second.


8. Ever since 2002, PCI has successfully provided 2 sets of master systems and 38 sets of digital servers, as well as relevant service, for China Film Group Corp., Stellar-Mega Media Co and Shanghai Media Group.


9. Is living the black hole late period reachs the quasi-stellar object particular period, Gravitational force inner place the galaxy egg even to the extent that vanishs through the impairment and until resumes, The ether room was hence the intense phase transition happenned, Come into being the powerful light of quasi-stellar object, Spouting runs, The galaxy is intersected shuing, The fresh galaxy is born.


10. Whether we need to do this calibration or not in the future precise measurement of some stellar images?


11. Another UAV, the Snark, was supposed to have intercontinental range and used a stellar guidance system that weighed one ton.


12. The rising red dwarf star shows expected stellar magnetic activity which includes dramatic and violent prominences.


13. stellar是什么意思

13. But for commercial property without an onerous debt burden, 2010 looks set to be a stellar year.


14. Another is that it has a stellar long-term record.


15. But even if you add together the budgets of the ministries of defence, development and foreign affairs, Germany's record is not stellar.


16. The only real difference is that as a borrower with a less than stellar credit record, you will have to pay a slightly higher rate for the lender s increased risk.



17. Mr Kohut points out that pollsters have a stellar record of forecasting presidential races.



18. And let`s not forget that Wall Street — which somehow failed to recognize the biggest housing bubble in history — has a less than stellar record at predicting market behavior.


19. Yet, many speculate that with little dirt on Roberts'stellar legal record, he will be tricky to bring down③.


20. The rear end of the fin essentially takes on their entire bodyweight, since all moving motion cannot be done without it. Sharks possess a stellar sense of smell, relying heavily on it to recognize the direction of water current and to locate the prey.


stellar 词典解释

1. 星的;星球的

Stellar is used to describe anything connected with stars.

e.g. A stellar wind streams outward from the star.


2. 杰出的;优秀的;出色的

A stellar person or thing is considered to be very good.

e.g. ...a stellar education at Eton and Oxford...


e.g. The French companies are registering stellar profits.


stellar 单语例句stellar

1. No matter how stellar their performance, there are always reviewers who will carp at them.

2. Renowned TV host Ma Ke and Shen Ling are among the stellar anchor cast.

3. The Children's Chorus of Washington has achieved world class standing through its stellar performances both here at home and on its national and international tours.

4. Despite using advanced computer models to simulate how such a stellar rocket could form, astronomers have no concrete explanation.

5. Contrary to popular belief, it is reasons like these that are behind Starbucks'massive popularity - not stellar coffee.

6. The Middle Kingdom's stellar list of engineering achievements has earned it many doting admirers, though perhaps Mother Nature is not foremost among them.

7. But I still feel for Song and her fellow performers who had worked so hard to put on a stellar performance.

8. Because planets are so dim compared to stars, technology has not been able to spot them amid stellar glare.

9. Chinese women's golfer Zhang Na is enjoying life now that she's broken into the millionaires'club after a stellar first season in the JLPGA.

10. The stellar gain of the mainland's largest producer of steel hardener bodes well for mainland companies that are going to list in the coming days.

stellar 英英释义


1. being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars

e.g. an astral body

stellar light

Synonym: astral