

remuneration:[英 [rɪˌmju:nəˈreɪʃn] 美 [rɪˌmjunəˈreʃən] ]



remuneration 基本解释


名词酬金; 酬报; 偿还; 工资

remuneration 相关例句



1. He received a generous remuneration for his services.


remuneration 网络解释

1. 报酬;酬劳:16.overdue 过期未付的 | 17.remuneration 报酬;酬劳 | 18.shareholder 股东

2. 丰厚的酬金:Rally: 跌停回升 The market staged a modest rally. | Remuneration: 丰厚的酬金 | Small profits and quick returns: 薄利多销

remuneration 双语例句

1. The wage and salary remuneration he gained during the period of work in China belonged to income originated in the territory of China, but his working time in China in a tax-paying year calculated continuously did not exceed 90 days, whether or not he can enjoy the preferential treatment of exemption of individual income tax shall be determined in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulation on the Implementation of China's Individual Income Tax Law as well as the stipulations of Clause 1 of Article 2 of this Circular.


2. We may receive remuneration for directing orders to a particular broker or dealer or market center for execution.


3. To qualified individuals; our company provides excellent career prospects, competitive remuneration package and excellent working environment.


4. The successful candidates will be provided with superior career development opportunities and a competitive remuneration package.


5. Her accomplishments were so brilliant and numerous, that it seemed strange that she should have answered an advertisement offering such very moderate terms of remuneration as those named by Mr. Dawson: but Miss Graham seemed perfectly well satisfied with her situation, and she taught the girls to play sonatas by Beethoven, and to paint from Nature after Creswick, and walked through the dull, out-of-the-way village to the humble little church three times on Sunday, as contentedly as if she had no higher aspiration in the world than to do so all the rest of her life.


6. Article 13 The employment, dismissal, remuneration, welfare, labour protection and labour insurance, etc.


7. A director may hold any other office or place of profit under the Company(other than the office of Auditor), and he or any firm of which he is a member may act in a professional capacity for the Company in conjunction with his office of Director, for such period and on such terms(as to remuneration and otherwise)as the Directors may determine. No Dector or intended Director shall be disqulified by his office from contracting with the Company, nor shall any contract or arrangement entered into by or on behalf of the Company with any Director or any firm or company in which any director in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company for any profit, remuneration or other benefits realised by any such contact or arrangement by reason only of such Director holding that office, or of any fiduciary relationship thereby established.



8. Treatment mainly refers to the remuneration package of material, such as job wages, floating wages, benefits, etc.; the spirit of the treatment refers to the work of a sense of achievement, responsibility, and by the degree of attention to personal influence and the contribution of valuable.

物质待遇主要指薪酬待遇,如岗位工资、浮动工资、福利等;精神待遇是指工作的成就感、责任感、受重视程度、个人影响力和富有价值的贡献等。2.1.1 物质待遇

9. Against persons with disabilities pay the wages of individual income from labor remuneration, remuneration derived from the royalties derived from the tax liability can reduce 50 percent of personal income tax.


10. The remuneration of one part play can take an actor 2289 yuan, but the remuneration that why cannot let a playwrite achieves one billion two hundred thousand yuan?


11. Tax official: The director's fees are regarded as remuneration and taxed in the way remuneration is taxed.


12. remuneration是什么意思

12. There was no promise of an unrealistically high remuneration, but a minimum guaranteed wage, including two meals per day. Why not try?


13. In recent three years, the copyright administrative departments at all levels have repeatedly held large-scale publicity and consultation activities including the forum of copyright protection etc., warmly providing quality services to all sectors of the community. They have successively protected rights for more than ten authors inside and outside the province, urging publishing units to pay the remuneration; they have come to squares and streets for more than 40 times, and appeared in Hebei Radio program of Sunshine Hotline for 4 times, explaining and publicizing the Copyright Act, and answering copyright issued concerned by the masses; they have numerously penetrated into enterprises including publishing houses, newspaper offices, animation, ceramics, and paper cutting etc. to provide the copyright legal services; they have mediated more than 10 copyright disputes of software, written works, and video etc.; they have voluntarily helped publishing units and individuals to draft or amend more than 20 publishing contracts, and completed the approval, registration, and filing of 29 copyright contracts on foreign, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan books, audio-video, and electronic publications published by publishing houses in the province.



14. Labor remuneration is the basis of survival for the labor as well as their family members.


15. remuneration什么意思

15. Price, remuneration or royalties and method of payment


16. It refers to the unit in a certain period of time direct payments to the employees of all units of the total amount of remuneration.


17. remuneration

17. Refers to remuneration payment to workers for extra work and for increasing earnings and practicing economy.


18. remuneration的翻译

18. The Bill referred to the total wage bill is paid directly to the employing units and units of all the total remuneration of workers.


19. It violates seriously the labor theory of value. The paper begins with the labor theory of value, and then analyzes the current situation of the labor value level. Secondly, it points out the problems in the management to labor costs, studies the two basic elements of direct engineering costs in the project cost, quota consumption and unit labour cost. Thirdly, it establishes a dynamic management mechanism about the labor costs in project cost mainly through the analysis on the quota consumption and unit labour cost. At last, the paper puts forward suggestions to solve the labor problems of labor payment management from the determination, distribution, motivation and supervision to the remuneration and so on.


20. Salary and remuneration refer to the income of unreduced expense (RMB1, 600 per month) and additional reduced expense (RMB3, 200 per month), i. e.


remuneration 词典解释

1. 酬劳;薪酬

Someone's remuneration is the amount of money that they are paid for the work that they do.

e.g. ...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors...


e.g. $31,000 is a generous remuneration.


remuneration 单语例句

1. We must also build stronger supervisory frameworks to provide incentives for more responsible corporate conduct, including executive remuneration.

2. His words have made literary circles and publishing industry insiders worry that poor remuneration could cost contemporary Chinese literature sustainable originality.

3. This is vindicated by the country's own experience in the past 30 years since the household contract system with remuneration linked to output was introduced.

4. Doctors play an important role in the medical system and the core issue is to ensure they can get proper remuneration.

5. The company advertisement said the recruitment is to " cope with the immediate needs of the business " and remuneration is also close to market standard.

6. We will gradually raise the share of personal income in national income distribution and the share of labor remuneration in primary distribution.

7. Third, the current SOE remuneration mechanism lacks an effective and practical performance evaluation system.

8. Article 325 The method of payment of price, remuneration or royalties in the technology contract shall be agreed upon by the parties.

9. Fringe benefits can be another driving force for employees in addition to monetary remuneration and leaves.

10. The FSB has drawn up principles on remuneration for national regulators to apply.

remuneration的反义词remuneration 英英释义


1. the act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses

e.g. adequate remuneration for his work

2. something that remunerates

e.g. wages were paid by check

he wasted his pay on drink

they saved a quarter of all their earnings

Synonym: wagepayearningssalary