

wand:[英 [wɒnd] 美 [wɑ:nd] ]



wand 基本解释


名词魔杖; 指挥棒; 嫩枝; (做箭靶的)狭长木板

wand 相关例句



1. Birds were singing on the green wands outside my window.


2. The soldiers need new wands for practice.


3. The conductor raised his wand.


4. wand的解释

4. Do you know what this copper wand is used for?



5. The general always carried his wand with him.


wand 网络解释

1. wand的意思

1. 魔杖:魔杖:魔杖 所谓魔杖 魔杖(wand)是魔法师施法的工具,但并不是说你想要什么就可以实现的. 一把正义的魔杖,可以保护自己,救许多条人命;一把邪恶的魔杖,也可以保护自己,但会杀死很多的生命. 所以魔杖有时候是有生命的,有时候只是一些魔咒的载体,

2. (法杖):除了女巫单手杖(Orb)外,全部武器归入两大类:近战(Melee)和远程(Missile)远程武器包括两类:弓(Bow)和弩(Crossbow)木棒(Club), 锤(Hammer), 钉头棒(Mace), 杖(Rod)权杖(Scepter), 法杖(Wand), 棍(Staff)矛除了包含各种长矛外,

3. 棒:大多数人都认识那三项与秘艺相关的最为普遍的工具:法珠(orb),法杖(staff)和法棒(wand). 法珠被钢铁印记(Iron Sigil)和毒蛇之眼(Serpent Eye)传统所喜爱. 毒蛇之眼的秘法家使用法珠专攻附魔,欺骗和诱捕的力量.

4. wand:world access network direct; 世界通路网络命令

wand 双语例句

1. With the help of Mariposa, Sunburst, Lumina, Glee, Rayla, Rayna, Dandelion, Nori, and many more friends Elina had the courage to defeat the evil Laverna and to find the Gold Wand.



2. He sways his magic wand and creates a unique and immense world for his friends.


3. Some wand models extend to as long as 50 feet.


4. Charms and DADA.(I think Fred got the new wand, if Bill gave his to one of them), while George got his OWLs in Herbology, Potions and DADA.(he's got more patiece and consideration, so I think these would be more his style).


5. wand的翻译

5. Don't get me wrong; I'm not criticizing Wand either. He's an enormously seri


6. At this time, Venessa has sensors to the wand changes color as the ball like a siren sound.


7. wand的反义词

7. Can it be waved around like a magician's wand?


8. Love bubble baths--so we make them safe and of course a bubble wand is included for frolicking and extra fun!


9. But Ruanliang sea beyond that, the North Sea companies from the North Sea is the last frenzied real estate bubble wand.


10. In the 1940`s a chemical company began bottling the sudsy solution, paving the way for our modern day toy bubbles complete with bubble wand.



11. Insulation properties - the use of air-filled cavity bubble wand, weather caulking sealant, so that Uf box up to the heat transfer coefficient


12. Using a good wet-vac, you need to extract all the liquid in the carpet and the pad, this can be accomplished by applying lots of pressure with the wand or hose and do a small spot at a time.


13. Wave your Wand three times in the air, in front of the tablet, and then raise it.


14. wand什么意思

14. There is no magical wand to transform your future life and career.


15. If you could wave your magic wand, what would your life look like?


16. Who's wand I'd want to touch!


17. There is no magical wand to tra form your future life and career.


18. As at the waving of a magician's wand, uprose a grisly phantom- uprose a thousand phantoms- in many shapes, of death, or more awful shame, all flocking round about tie clergyman, and pointing with their fingers at his breast!


19. In your opinion, did wand legislation contribute to, or lead to better control of, goblin riots of the eighteenth century?


20. wand在线翻译

20. We provide cutting edge technologies on: neutral pH cleaners and iron phosphate replacements; Galaxy LAZR X laser oxide and scale removal; environmentally green alkaline cleaners; energy saving, low temperature cleaners; spray wand cleaning and phosphatizing.

明河化工提供的尖端科技:中性pH值的清洗剂和铁磷化剂的替代产品、Galaxy LAZR X 激光氧化物和污垢清除;环保绿色的碱性清洗剂、节省能源的低温清洗剂、手持喷枪清洗和磷化。

wand 词典解释

1. 同magic wand

A wand is the same as a magic wand .


e.g. You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.


wand 单语例句

1. By the way, he was also right to say that he didn't have a magic wand.

2. A step up from the first film, this is also evidence that the directorial wand should be passed on.

3. Anyone who imagines the present situation can be remedied with a policy conjured with the wave of a magic wand is not being realistic.

4. Wave a wand and a ladle across the room turns in a cauldron.

5. He is sporting a simple suit rather than the clothes and the wand of a magician.

6. A tree branch or stick can be your magic wand after wrapping it with black ape.

7. Harry Potter may use a wand to cast magic spells, but David Waxman considers his microscope his special weapon.

8. But developing an arts culture is not just a matter of waving the proverbial wand.

9. " There is no magic wand to wave right now, " Bush said.

10. There is no magic wand that can be waved whereby incomes in China can immediately catch up with the US.

wand 英英释义



1. a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir

Synonym: baton

2. a rod used by a magician or water diviner

3. a ceremonial or emblematic staff

Synonym: sceptersceptreverge

4. a thin supple twig or rod

e.g. stems bearing slender wands of flowers