

introduce:[英 [ˌɪntrəˈdju:s] 美 [ˌɪntrəˈdu:s] ]


过去式:introduced;   过去分词:introduced;   现在分词:introducing;

introduce 基本解释

及物动词介绍; 引进; 提出; 作为…的开头

introduce 相关例句


1. Allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you.


2. The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.


3. He introduced his friend to me.


4. introduce是什么意思

4. The vice chairman of the committee introduced a topic for discussion.


5. It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.


introduce 情景对话


A:Is that the office manager over there?



B:Yes, it is,



A:I haven‘t met him yet.



B:I‘ll introduce him to you .



A:May I introduce myself? I am Mr. Smith.


B:Glad to meet you, Mr. Smith. My name is Mr. Green.



A:Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent?



B:Haven‘t you met yet?


A:No, we haven‘t.



B:I‘ll be glad to do it.


introduce 网络解释

1. 介绍:) Part I : 介绍(Introduce) 互联网行业产品经理的一项重要工作,就是进行产品原型设计(Prototype Design). 而产品原型设计最基础的工作,就是结合批注、大量的说明以及流程图画框架图wireframe,将自己的产品原型完整而准确的表述给UI、UE、程序工程师,

2. 简介:类型(Type) 爱情 分级(Class) 普遍级语言(language) 英语发音 字幕(subtitle) 中英韩泰文字幕演员(cast) 茱莉蝶儿 Julie Delpy 伊森霍克 Ethan Hawke 简介(introduce) 年轻人杰西到欧洲旅游在火车上和一名法国女子偶遇男子杰

3. 引入:有些鸟类被认为引入(introduce)到某些地区,作为猎鸟(game bird)使用. ...

introduce 双语例句

1. Now is not the time to introduce new routines.


2. introduce的解释

2. A lavage is a liquid that doctors introduce into the lung to wash out unwanted material.


3. One of frist things your superior can do is introduce you to your workmates.


4. To describe why one needs to introduce the concept of static-fluid pressure: it is spherically isotropic.


5. Let me introduce our director, Peter.


6. Let me introduce Mr. Wu. He is director of a building firm.


7. introduce

7. Abstract] Objective To introduce a new design apparatus of salvaged autotransfusion.

目的 介绍一种回收式自身输血的自制回收装置。

8. I was able to introduce him to a literary agent.


9. Let me first introduce myself. I`m currently working as an English teacher at Shanghai Onlytoya College.


10. Objective To introduce a new operative technique of the sphincter saving in low rectal cancer.

目的 介绍 1种低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌的手术方法。

11. This paper introduce surface modification method of calcium carbonate mineral and its application in oil production.

无机物表面改性研究概况碳酸钙作为一种原料易得、价格低、加工性能好,已成为橡胶工业中用量最大的填充剂,随着研磨技术、设备、界面科学的发展和进步,CaCO3 开始向粒径趋微细化、颗粒表面活性化、产品功能化发展,因而提高了它在橡胶、塑料、造纸、涂料、油墨、牙膏、陶瓷等领域中的使用效果,降低了产品成本。

12. Part B. introduce the types of the financial under letter of credit: pacing loan, export negotiation, draft discount under export letter of credit; quota of issuing letter of credit, , trust receipt, import trust receipt loan, guarantee for picking up goods under import letter of credit; the finance under standby letter of credit.


13. At the same time at home and abroad to introduce the most advanced dental restoration techniques.


14. OBJECTIVE: To introduce several key image processing techniques in dental restoration, and discuss the necessity and practicability of image processing technology in dental restoration.


15. introduce的近义词

15. Objective To introduce a method in reconstruction of alae nasi.


16. His plan was to introduce poison gas into ventilation system in the bunker in Berlin during a full-dress military conference.


17. Objective To introduce a surgical procedure for treatment of chronic mallet finger deformity with reliable results.


18. We already talked in previous news about Intel Nehalem, now we can introduce the appearance of Bloomfield processors.

我们已经讲过,在上次记者关于英特尔nehalem ,现在,我们就可以引进的外观菲尔德处理器。

19. We can also introduce the concept of an interest coverage ratio, with monthly income divided by interest expense.


20. This chapter gives a deeply and completely introduce ofdual-linear polarization weather Doppler radar system in this fields.

对EVM6701 的外部存储器接口和DSPLINK2 接口作了详细的介绍,并结合该接口和EVM6701 评估板设计了一个高速的接口转换电路,完成信号处理系统的设计。

introduce 词典解释

1. 引进;首次引入;推行

To introduce something means to cause it to enter a place or exist in a system for the first time.

e.g. The Government has introduced a number of other money-saving moves...


e.g. I kept the birds indoors all winter and introduced them into an aviary the following June...



He is best remembered for the introduction of the moving assembly-line.


...the introduction of a privacy bill to prevent press intrusions into private lives.


2. 介绍;使了解;使初次接触

If you introduce someone to something, you cause them to learn about it or experience it for the first time.

e.g. He introduced us to the delights of natural food.



His introduction to League football would have been gentler if he had started at a smaller club...


It was Sergeant Miller's introduction to a crime which has occupied him for nearly nine years.


3. 介绍;引荐;使相互认识

If you introduce one person to another, or you introduce two people, you tell them each other's names, so that they can get to know each other. If you introduce yourself to someone, you tell them your name.

e.g. Tim, may I introduce you to my uncle's secretary, Mary Waller?...


e.g. Someone introduced us and I sat next to him...



With considerable shyness, Elaine performed the introductions.


4. 为(电视或广播节目)做开场白;主持

The person who introduces a television or radio programme speaks at the beginning of it, and often between the different items in it, in order to explain what the programme or the items are about.


e.g. 'Health Matters' is introduced by Dick Oliver on BBC World Service.


introduce 单语例句

1. The company also plans to introduce 15 new models to China by the end of 2015 in order to tap the growing auto market.

2. This free exhibition will introduce the 16 districts and counties of Beijing until next May, by providing a panoramic view of each area.

3. The CAAC began to introduce aviation police late last year when it was feared that several Chinese flights risked being hijacked.

4. GM will introduce the Cadillac CTS and CRX limousines in its factories in Shanghai later this year.

5. The bureau warmed that if publishers fail to comply, it will call in tenders " to introduce more competition into the monopolized textbook market ".

6. Some politicians and social activists have been calling for the government to introduce massive social program to address this thorny issue.

7. We shall introduce scale exploitation, raise the level of intensiveness and eliminate backward and scattered mining capacity.

8. It used the loan to produce The Lion King, reducing its capital pressure to introduce other productions to the Shanghai market.

9. The government will introduce the market mechanism into the operation of hospitals, allowing social capital to bolster existing medical services.

10. Britain was the first capitalist country to introduce industry, whose development cannot be separated from its patent system.

introduce 英英释义


1. introduce

e.g. Insert your ticket here

Synonym: insertencloseinclosestick input in

2. be a precursor of

e.g. The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period

Synonym: inaugurateusher in

3. put before (a body)

e.g. introduce legislation

4. cause to come to know personally

e.g. permit me to acquaint you with my son

introduce the new neighbors to the community

Synonym: presentacquaint

5. furnish with a preface or introduction

e.g. She always precedes her lectures with a joke

He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution

Synonym: precedeprefacepremise

6. bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.

Synonym: bring out

7. put or introduce into something

e.g. insert a picture into the text

Synonym: insertinfixenter

8. bring in or establish in a new place or environment

e.g. introduce a rule

introduce exotic fruits

9. bring something new to an environment

e.g. A new word processor was introduced

Synonym: innovate

10. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment

e.g. He brought in a new judge

The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor

Synonym: bring in