
across from是什么意思_across from用法和例句

across from:[英 [əˈkrɔs frɔm] 美 [əˈkrɔs frʌm] ]

across from是什么意思

across from 基本解释


across from在线翻译

across from 相关例句


1. The post office is just across from the club.


across from 网络解释

1. 在...对面:across 横过 在对面 | across from 在......对面 | next 紧靠......的旁边 贴近

2. 隔着.....与....正对面:ahead of 在....前面 | across.....from.... 隔着.....与....正对面 | in the middle 在中间

3. 面对:across country 越过田野 | across from 面对 | across the tracks 在贫民区

4. 在......对过:according to 根据......;按照 | across from 在......对过 | add ... to ... 把......加到......上

across from 双语例句

1. across from的翻译

1. One of the major reasons why so many travelers fly across Dubai's airspace is the duty free goods they can buy from its international airport.



2. From the development trend and characteristics of the intergrated curriculum, it incline toward to accept the new contents provide of science and technology development and social needs, especially various contents that across knowledge.



3. Antarctica—Not far from its Franklin Island colony, a lone Adélie punctuates the looping scrawl of penguin tracks across plates of Ross Sea pack ice.


4. across from的翻译

4. The CIA allegedly flew Nasr from Aviano air base in Italy across Switzerland to Ramstein air base, Germany, and then on to Cairo, Egypt, on Feb.


5. It is easier to understand everything when I am not by your side; I stayed beneath the big tree in the meadow across from your home, as you turned the house lights off and passed from room to room. I stayed as the roads grew invisible and silent and wide.


6. The internet gets information from everywhere and the rumour mill is spread across the globe.


7. The increasing trend of GWD from north to south across the county was caused by the change of topography and land use types in this region.


8. across from在线翻译

8. Impulses are conducted by neurotransmitter chemicals released by the axon's synaptic knobs across the synapses (junctions between neurons or between a neuron and an effector cell, such as a muscle cell) or, in some cases, pass directly from one neuron to the next.


9. across from是什么意思

9. Impulses are conducted by neurotransmitter chemicals released by the axon's synaptic knob s across the synapses (junctions between neurons or between a neuron and an effector cell, such as a muscle cell) or, in some cases, pass directly from one neuron to the next.


10. across from的翻译

10. In 2004 druba, 15 minutes as printed on the three live, each of which live India 2000 per living across the Board for not more than 400 of Commerce shows everybody Chinese commerce operators from infinite.


11. across from的近义词

11. Just a few days before the attempted robbery of Miss owners Hu told reporters: October 23, a small percentage of security that this road occurred in the bushes in Tibet who suddenly swarm to the attack, looting single woman thing, I think this terrible thing was I came across. On the evening of 8 November 30:50%, I went to work, a person out to the station from home, land adjacent to areas west suddenly darting two tall men, one escape my neck holding my mouth, another person grab my bags.


12. Kyakhta located in the Russian-Mongolian border is now border the north and the south bank of Mongolia altan Prague across the river from.


13. Few people who actually work in companies trading across borders will pay heed to the empty pieties emanating from Pittsburgh.


14. While most artists stand to profit more from high-margin CD sales, being embedded across the Web can pay dividends in exposure and the loyalty of fans.


15. across from的近义词

15. Year-old Felix Baumgartner leaped from a plane at 30, 000ft above Dover and used his parachute to glide 22 miles across the Channel.


16. across from的解释

16. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair.


17. I believe we can provide jobs for the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair.


18. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from vi olence and despair.


19. I believe we can give our middle class relief and provide working families with a road to opportunity. I believe we can provide jobs to the jobless, homes to the homeless, and reclaim young people in cities across America from violence and despair.


20. Tiger Leaping Gorge, 17 kilometers in length, up and down between 200 meters above the river cross-strait xuefeng more than 3000 meters, and its potential thriller, intake soul, in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River at the entrance to Tiger Leaping Gorge, a recumbent stone river, in the white water from only 30 meters wide on both sides of the boulder and had to wear flow, loudly, rolling whitecaps, Tigers legend often rely on huge leap across the river, named Tiger Leaping Gorge.


across from 单语例句across from的意思

1. A recent rally in the Chinese stock market has fueled passions across the board, from individual investors to large institutions.

2. It delivers mountains of commercial letters every year to seek business from across the country.

3. Away from the obvious problems caused across the country by the sheer numbers, the Golden Holiday concept is flawed on another front too.

4. Millions of people across the capital were hit by the deluge and thousands were evacuated from their homes.

5. More than 240 ink paintings and calligraphic works by more than 100 artists from across the country are on display.

6. Thaksin's earlier visit to Cambodia led to allegations he was trying to ignite a new political crisis from across the border.

7. Barclays Capital interviewed 129 respondents from 104 firms in the asset management industry across nine Asian countries to gauge the latest developments.

8. China Southern Airlines will be the first mainland carrier to carry cargo across the Straits, from Guangzhou to Taipei.

9. Last year the company initiated a brand campaign across the country with the catchword Yue, a translation from the company's global slogan " Joy is BMW ".

10. Will Mariah Carey be the next celeb to adopt from across the border?